To begin with, PTSD is mistakenly classified as a wartime psychological trauma. In fact, it can occur in anyone, even in a dog that the owner scares with a stick every day, whichwill hurtit, or in a child who needs to remove a tooth and hears screams from the office of other patients. The degree of PTSD differs and the reason that caused it.
What does official medicine say about the definition of PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe mental condition that occurs as a result of a single or repeated event that has a super – strong negative impact on the individual's psyche.
The inability to stop the negative impact on the psyche worsens the situation. That is, PTSD develops according to the most negative scenario when the factor causing this condition cannot be stopped. The feeling of helplessness emasculates the human psyche.
If you do not treat it or do not accept the appropriate conclusions, then the problem may worsen and go from psychological to criminal, that is, criminal.
This is what we will do so that PTSD remains just a nuisance and no longer poses a threat to you and your loved ones
The very realization of this important point is half the solution to the problem.
For example, a very unpleasant example, but very strongly characterizing.
When a person who drinks alcohol considers himself normal, the problem will not be solved
Recognizing the problem is already a good thing
Looking ahead, I can say to those who are in a hurry and can't read the book completely.
The main rule is that you accept yourself as a new person after the ordeal.
Being determines consciousness, so it is impossible not to change in a crazy environment full of trials and pain. From this point on, you need to accept the new self, get to know the new self, learn to talk to the new self, negotiate with it. That is, with you, but with your alter ego, who has become different.