Future – Apocalypse

Once it was said: "The time is near,"

now it can to say: "The time has come."

Nostradamus prophecies about the future are difficult to comment on, as everything is vague. Focusing on their content, 4 sections are highlighted by me: "World War III", "Flood", "Comet", "After the Comet". The belonging of quatrains to any event of the future is just an assumption. Some of the prophecies of Nostradamus correspond to the book of "Revelation" by John the Theologian and other prophets. Nostradamus was an educated person and, perhaps, read these books.

The golden age in which we now live will soon end and the gradual destruction of this civilization will begin. As the saying goes: "One misfortune goes, the other leads." In total there will be 7. This will begin with self-destruction – from the World War III, nuclear. After that the forces of the Earth and the Cosmos will begin all to destroy. Everything will end by a fiery comet. All stages will be accompanied by a great famine.

The fiery tail of a comet will destroy almost everything. Few survivors after it will put the beginning of a new civilization, the last in the Solar system. But they not be envied because the living will envy the dead. On Earth, devastated by fire, there will be nothing to eat, drink, shod, put on and even it will be difficult to breathe. Only after a hundred painful years, life will begin to rebuild, and there will be a thousand happy years of prosperity and welfare. There will be no of wars and diseases. Even there will be no breaks between lives, the day of death will be a birthday. After that humanity will breed, and again wars will begin. Only four thousand years will be given to last civilization (for comparison, our existed ~ 12 thousand years).

At the beginning of the seventh millennium AD. The sun will go out. Everyone who has ever lived will be present at the end of the world. And the dead will come out of their graves. Everything that has a beginning inevitably has an end. Without the beginning and without end only God.
