Пособие по подготовке к ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть. Задания 2 и 3 раздела «Говорение» - читать онлайн
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of teenage magazine online
Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of teenage magazine online
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Задание 2 (35) устной части раздела говорения. Условный диалог-расспрос
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of the education council
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of the film centre
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of the city library
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of the shopping centre
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of the free time club
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of the teenagers’ travel club
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of the magazine «Green future»
Hello, it ’s the electronic assistant of teenage magazine online