Сирил Д. Тайсон умер в возрасте 89 лет. Joseph P. Fried, «Cyril D. Tyson Dies at 89: Fought Poverty in a Turbulent Era», New York Times, December 30, 2016, accessed January 19, 2022, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/30/nyregion/cyril-degrasse-tyson – dead.html.
Michael Shermer, The Believing Brain (New York: Times Books, 2011).
A. I. Sabra, ed., The Optics of Ibn al-Haytham, Books I–III: On Direct Vision, Arabic text, edited and with introduction, Arabic-Latin glossaries, and concordance tables (Kuwait: National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, 1983).
The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, vol. 2, trans. John Paul Richter, chapter XIX: Philosophical Maxims. Morals. Polemics and Speculations. II. Morals; On Foolishness and Ignorance. Maxim no. 1180 (New York: Dover, 1970), 283–311, accessed March 19, 2022, https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Notebooks_of_Leonardo_Da_Vinci/XIX.
John Keats, «Ode on a Grecian Urn», accessed March 1, 2022, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44477/ode-on-a-grecian-urn.
Пер. с англ. В. А. Комаровского.
Евангелие от Иоанна 14:6.
Даты и время вычислены автором по фазам Луны, ее ориентации и восхождению на небосклоне по отношению к Венере.
Clifford M. Yeary, «God Speaks to Us on Tops of Mountains», Catholic Diocese of Little Rock (website), April 26, 2014, accessed October 30, 2021, https://www.dolr.org/article/god-speaks-us-tops-mountains.
Dave Roos, «Human Sacri ce: Why the Aztecs Practiced This Gory Ritual», History, October 11, 2018, accessed October 30, 2021, https://www.history.com/news/aztec-human-sacrifice-religion.
Paul Simons, «The Origin of Cloud 9», The Times (London), September 6, 2016, accessed October 30, 2021, https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/weather-eye-7ftq5tvd2.
Или на седьмом небе. – Прим. перев.
В области астрофизики существует великое множество каталогов всевозможных вещей. Здесь мы ссылаемся на: PSR: Pulsating Source of Radio (pulsars); NGC: New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars; IC: Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars – an extension of the NGC.
StarTalk Radio, «Decoding Science and Politics with Bill Clinton», November 6, 2015, accessed October 30, 2021, https://www.startalkradio.net/show/decoding-science-and-politics-with-bill-clinton/.
National Geographic Society Resource Library, «Biodiversity», accessed October 30, 2021, https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/biodiversity/.
Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser, «Extinctions», Our World in Data, accessed October 30, 2021, https://ourworldindata.org/extinctions.
Это не ошибка. Мало кому известно, что шаровая молния в момент разряда направлена от земли к тучам, а не наоборот.
Joyce Kilmer, «Trees», Oatridge, accessed November 2, 2021, https://www.oatridge.co.uk/poems/j/joyce-kilmer-trees.php.
Simon Mundy, «India Critics Push Back Against Modi’s Space Programme Plans», Financial Times, August 27, 2018, accessed July 11, 2021, https://www.ft.com/content/edeb1846-a691–11e8–8ecf-a7ae1beff35b.
«Poverty in India: Facts and Figures on the Daily Struggle for Survival», SOS Children’s Villages, accessed July 11, 2021, https://www.soschildrensvillages.ca/news/poverty-in-india-602.