Феликс Ле Куппе Обучение игре на фортепиано. Советы ученикам и начинающим преподавателям

Перевод с французского О. Михнюк

Le Couppey F.

Piano Teaching. Advice to pupils and young teachers: textbook / F. Le Couppey ; translation from French and foreword by O. V. Mikhnyuk. – 4th edition, ster. – Saint-Petersburg : Lan : THE PLANET OF MUSIC, 2024. – 100 pages. – Text : direct.

Félix Le Couppey (1811 1887) was a French composer, pianist, teacher. For many years Le Couppey taught at the Paris Conservatoire piano, harmony, accompaniment.

In this book, the author reflected his vast experience of a teacher, touched upon many issues of teaching young pianists, such as revealing abilities, developing a good musical taste, working on technique, choosing a repertoire, participating in competitions and others; in conclusion, Le Couppey provides an extensive list of recommended works with his comments. The maestro’s reflections are of undoubted interest today, his advice contains many useful things.

The textbook is addressed to teachers and pupils of children’s music schools.

© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», 2024

© О. В. Михнюк, перевод, вступительная статья, 2024

© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», художественное оформление, 2024
