Чхэ Ёнсин Ночь пяти псов

개 다섯 마리의 밤 (FIVEDOG NIGHT)

by 채영신 (Chae Youngshin)

Печатается с разрешения EunHaeng NaMu Publishing Co., Ltd. Russian edition published by arrangement with EunHaeng NaMu Publishing Co., Ltd.

This books is published with the support of the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea)

Copyright © 2021 by Chae Youngshin

All rights reserved.

Originally published in Korean by EunHaeng NaMu Publishing Co., Ltd.

© Михэеску Л. А., перевод на русский язык, 2023

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», издание на русском языке, 2023
