О чем меня будут спрашивать?

Я решила поместить примеры вопросов из реальных интервью в самом начале, чтобы снизить тревогу по поводу “а что же именно там будет? о чем меня будут спрашивать?”.

Итак, если вы механик, то реальные вопросы о вашей специальности могут звучать так (взято из реальных интервью):

What do you do during bunkering operations?

What do you do during watches?

What do you need to do before taking a watch?

How often do you need to blow the boiler, do water tests and check water level in the boiler?

What do you need to do with the boiler every watch?

What does it mean if there is fuel oil in the hot box?

What are your duties (responsibilities)?

What are to check in the works of the sewage system?

How do you do boiler water tests?

What components of the hydraulic system do you know?

What are the principles of work of the lubricating oil system?

What problems might you have with compressors?

What is the maximum chloride limit in a boiler?

What to do if chloride is high in the boiler water? What might be the reason?

What is 15 ppm in an oily water separator?

What chemistry did you use on the board?

What problems did you have during port state control?

Which marpol conventions do you know?

Если вы подготовитесь к ним, это уже будет хорошая база.

В основном спрашивают про бойлеры, тесты воды, гидравлическую систему, фекальную систему. Как работает; какие могут быть проблемы; что делать, если возникли те или иные проблемы. Знать все вопросы наверняка невозможно. Но примеры реальных вопросов позволяют подготовиться по рабочей части, хотя, конечно, это еще не все интервью.

Если вы палубник, то отвечать на вопросы начинаем с опыта, полученного в последнем контракте. Если не хватает информации, можно обратиться к контрактам, которые были раньше.

What were your duties during the last contract?

Where did the ship operate? (Where was the ship operated?)

Which dangerous areas did the ship operate in? (Which hazardous areas was the ship operated in?)

Did you take the guard?

Which cargo did the vessel carry?

Have you worked on a chemical tanker?

Which cargo systems have you worked with? (Which cargo systems did you work with?)

или Which cargo system have you worked with?(Which cargo system did you work with?) – и это будет относиться к последнему контракту.

Did you have trainings and drills on your vessel? (Were there trainings and drills on the vessel?)

How often did you have trainings on board?

Who provided trainings? (Who conducted trainings?)

Did you have shell trainings? (Were there shell trainings?)

Which types of lifeboats do you know and how to work with them?

How often did you maneuver?

Have you watched videos? (Did you watch videos?) – это к вопросам про тренинги.

What was the most difficult area for navigation?

How many officers were there on the watch? (How many officers did you have on the watch?)

Также возможны вопросы про общий опыт:

Which digital cartography have you worked with? (Which electronic cartography did you work with?)

Have you worked with paper maps? (Do you have any experience of working with paper maps?)

Can you name annexes of marpol?

What are discharge criteria for annex 1 and annex 2?

Can you tell me about colreg rules number 5 and number 19?

What to do if you see a man overboard?
