Виктор Никитин Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z


J – Z

KEY: Jabber.

SYN: Prate, mumble, [See GABBLE].


KEY: Jade.

SYN: Fatigue, tire, weary, oppress, wear, harass, exhaust, worry.

ANT: Refresh, recruit, bait, invigorate, inspirit.


KEY: Jangle \n.\

SYN: Jargon, babel, [See {[contemion ]?}], wrangle, bickering, squabble, quarrel.

ANT: Argument, debate, discourse.


KEY: Jangle \v.\

SYN: Bicker, wrangle, squabble, quarrel, dispute, nag, jar.

ANT: Agree, {[hunuouize]?}, accord, concur.


KEY: Jaunty, [(or jauty)].

SYN: Flighty, airy, fantastic, showy, flaunting.

ANT: Staid, sober, sedate, demure, dignified.


KEY: Jar.

SYN: Interfere, clash, quarrel, [See TANGLE].


KEY: Jargon.

SYN: Gibberish, jangle, slang, cant, lingo, patois, confused talk.

ANT: Speech, conversation, literature, discourse, oration, eloquence.


KEY: Jaundiced.

SYN: Biased, prejudiced, warped, prepossessed.

ANT: Unbiased, unprejudiced, unjaundiced.


KEY: Jealous.

SYN: Envious, self-anxious, covetous, invidious, suspicious.

ANT: Unenvious, liberal, genial, self-denying, indifferent, unjealous.


KEY: Jealousy.

SYN: Suspicion, envy, rivalry, solicitude.

ANT: Certainty, magnanimity, friendliness, generousness, without solicitude.


KEY: Jeer.

SYN: Sneer, taunt, scoff, deride, scout, flout, mock, rally, banter.

ANT: Flatter, annulate, fawn, cringe, compliment, eulogize.


KEY: Jejune.

SYN: Bare, scant, poor, thin, weak, barren, sterile, poverty-struck, bald.

ANT: Rich, exuberant, racy, abundant, interesting, overwrought, redundant.


KEY: Jeopardy.

SYN: Danger, peril, hazard, risk.

ANT: Safety, security, provision, insurance.


KEY: Jest.

SYN: Joke, raillery, fun, sport, quip, witticism.

ANT: Earnest, seriousness, gravity.


KEY: Jilt.

SYN: Flirt, coquette.


KEY: Jingle.

SYN: Rhyme, chime, tinkle, tingle.

ANT: Euphony, consonance, melody, harmony.


KEY: Jocose.

SYN: Humorous, funny, jocular, waggish, jolly, merry, facetious.

ANT: Melancholy, serious, earnest, grave, lugubrious, lackadaisical.


KEY: Jocular, [See JOCOSE].


KEY: Jocund.

SYN: Merry, joyous, jovial, gay, gleeful, blithesome, careless, mirthful, hilarious, sprightly, sportive, joyful, lively, vivacious.

ANT: Melancholy, dull, grave, mournful, sorrowful, darksome, cheerless, woful, rueful, doleful, careworn.


KEY: Join.

SYN: Unite, adhere, adjoin, add, couple, connect, associate, annex, append, combine, link, accompany, confederate.

ANT: Separate, disjoin, subtract, disconnect.


KEY: Joint.

SYN: Articulation, junction, flexure, elbow, knee.

ANT: Solution, disconnection, disjunction, uniformity, continuity.


KEY: Joke, [See JEST].


KEY: Jollification.

SYN: Revelry, festivity, conviviality, fun, carnival, merrymaking.

ANT: Weariness, tediousness, soberness, tedium, monotony.


KEY: Jolly.

SYN: Gay, joyful, gladsome, mirthful, genial, jovial, jubilant, robust, lively, plump, merry.

ANT: Sad, mournful, joyless, cheerless, unmirthful, lugubrious, morose, gloomy, lean.


KEY: Jollity, [See JOVIALITY].


KEY: Jostle.

SYN: Hustle, push, thrust, jog, jolt, incommode.

ANT: Clear, lead, extricate, convoy, escort, precede, pilot, attend.


KEY: Jot.

SYN: Tittle, cipher, trifle, rush, fig, particle, atom, thought, idea, bit, scrap, morsel, fraction, iota, whit.

ANT: Deal, power, world, mass, light, load, ocean.


KEY: Journey.

SYN: Travel, excursion, tour, voyage, trip.


KEY: Jovial.

SYN: Jolly, genial, convivial.

ANT: Ungenial, melancholy, unconvivial, saturnine, lugubrious, gloomy.


KEY: Joviality.

SYN: Merriment, jollity, mirth, hilarity.

ANT: Sadness, seriousness, soberness.


KEY: Joy.

SYN: Gladness, pleasure, delight, happiness, exultation, transport, felicity, ecstasy, rapture, bites, gaiety, mirth, merriment, festivity, hilarity.

ANT: Sorrow, pain, trouble, misery, melancholy, grief, affliction, tears, depression, despondency, despair.


KEY: Joyful.

SYN: Happy, joyous, gladsome, blissful, [See JOCUND].


KEY: Jubilant.

SYN: Joyous, triumphant, festive, congratulatory, exultant.

ANT: Doleful, mournful, sorrowful, wailing, penitent, penitential, lugubrious, remorseful.


KEY: Jubilee.

SYN: Holiday, feast, rejoicing, merriment, festivity, revel, paean, carnival, high-day.

ANT: Fast, humiliation, mourning, penitence, lent.


KEY: Judge.

SYN: Justice, magistrate, arbitrator, umpire, referee, critic, connoisseur, authority, arbiter.

ANT: Criminal, ignoramus, novice, tyro.


KEY: Judgment.

SYN: Decision, determination, adjudication, sagacity, penetration, judiciousness, sense, intellect, belief, estimation, opinion, verdict, sentence, discernment, discrimination, intelligence, prudence, award, condemnation.

ANT: Argument, consideration, inquiry, speculation, proposition, investigation, pleading, insagacity, injudiciousness, evidence, pronunciation.


KEY: Judicial.

SYN: Juridical, forensic.


KEY: Judicious.

SYN: Wise, sagacious, expedient, sensible, prudent, discreet, well-judged, well-advised, polite, discerning, thoughtful.

ANT: Foolish, unwise, silly, imprudent, indiscreet, ill-judged, ill-advised, impolitic, inexpedient, rash, blind, injurious.


KEY: Juggle.

SYN: Conjure, cheat, bamboozle, shuffle, trick, beguile, circumvent, swindle, overreach, mystify, mislead.

ANT: Expose, correct, enlighten, guide, lead, undeceive, disillusionize, detect.


KEY: Jugglery.

SYN: Trickery, imposture, cheating, [See DECEIT].


KEY: Jumble, [See ABRIDGMENT].


KEY: Jump.

SYN: Leap, bound, spring, skip, bounce.

ANT: Walk.


KEY: Junction.

SYN: Joining, connection, union, combination, coalition, attachment, fastening, annexation, alliance, confederacy.

ANT: Separation, disconnection, disunion, division, segregation, dispersion, loosening, unfastening, uniformity, continuity.


KEY: Juncture, [See CONJUNCTURE].


KEY: Jungle.

SYN: Thicket, brake, involution, ravelling, entanglement, labyrinth, wilderness.

ANT: Open place, order, arrangement, array, system.


KEY: Junior.

SYN: Younger.

ANT: Senior, elder.


KEY: Jurisdiction.

SYN: Administration, cognizance, government, control, sway, power, legalization, magistracy, liability.

ANT: Freedom, independence, Immunity, exemption.


KEY: Just.

SYN: Exact, fitting, true, fair, proportioned, harmonious, honest, reasonable, sound, honorable, normal, impartial, equitable, upright, regular, orderly, lawful, right, righteous, proper.

ANT: Inexact, misfitted, disproportioned, illproportioned, untrue, inharmonious, unfair, unreasonable, unsound, dishonorable, partial, unequitable, unjust, irregular, abnormal, disorderly.


KEY: justice.

SYN: {[Efluity]?}, impartiality, fairness, right, reasonableness, propriety, uprightness, desert, integrity.

ANT: Injustice, wrong, partiality, unfairness, unreasonableness, unlawfulness, inadequateness.


KEY: Justification.

SYN: Vindication, apology, defence, advocacy, maintenance, plea, exoneration, exculpation.

ANT: Condemnation, censure, conviction, protest, abandonment, inculpation, recrimination, implication, aggravation.


KEY: Justify.

SYN: Clear, vindicate, exonerate, defend, absolve, excuse.

ANT: Condemn, censure, convict, criminate.


KEY: Justness.

SYN: Exactness, correctness, propriety, [See ACCURACY].


KEY: Justle, [See JOSTLE].


KEY: Juvenile.

SYN: Youthful, young, infantine, boyish, girlish, early, immature, adolescent, pubescent, childish, puerile,.

ANT: Mature, later, manly, womanly, elderly, aged, senile, anile, superannuated, adult.


KEY: Juxtaposition.

SYN: Proximity, contiguity, contact, [See CONTACT].


KEY: Keen.

SYN: Eager, vehement, sharp, piercing, penetrating, acute, cutting, biting, severe, sarcastic, satirical, ardent, prompt, shrewd.

ANT: Indifferent, languid, blunt, dull, blind.


KEY: Keep.

SYN: Hold, restrain, retain, detain, guard, preserve, suppress, repress, conceal, tend, support, maintain, conduct, continue, obey, haunt, observe, frequent, celebrate, protect, adhere to, practise, binder, sustain.

ANT: Release, acquit, liberate, send, dismiss, {[betrnj^]?}, neglect, divulge, discard, abandon, intermit, disobey, disregard, transgress, forsake, desert, {[oblivate]?}.


KEY: Keeper, [See KEEP].


KEY: Keeping.

SYN: Care, guardianship, maintenance, custody, [See CARE].


KEY: Keepsake.

SYN: Souvenir, remembrancer, a gift of affection.


KEY: Ken.

SYN: View, survey, knowledge, cognizance.

ANT: Oversight, ignorance, incognizance, inobservance, inexperience, discredulity.


KEY: Kernel, [See CORK].


KEY: Key.

SYN: Clew, guide, explanation, solution, [See EXPLANATION].


KEY: Kick.

SYN: {[Oaloitrate]?}, rebel, resist, spurn.

ANT: Caress, soothe, flatter, obey, yield.


KEY: Kill.

SYN: Slay, murder, assassinate, destroy, slaughter, butcher, immolate, massacre, deaden, put to death, despatch.

ANT: Resuscitate, revivify, vivify, reanimate.


KEY: Kin.

SYN: Race, kindred, offspring, kind, family, sort, ilk, genus, kidney, class, relationship, consanguinity, kinsfolk, blood.

ANT: Foreignership, strangership, disconnection, inaffinity, irrelation.


KEY: Kind \n.\

SYN: Style, character, {[laeriptkm]?}, designation, denomination, genus, species, sort, class, nature, set, breed.



KEY: Kind \a.\

SYN: Benevolent, benign, tender, indulgent, humane, clement, lenient, compassionate, gentle, good, gracious, forbearing, kind-hearted.

ANT: Unkind, harsh, severe, cruel, hard, illiberal.


KEY: Kindle.

SYN: Light, ignite, excite, inflame.

ANT: Extinguish, suppress, quench, allay, Kindness, [See KIND].


KEY: Kindred \n.\ [See KIN].


KEY: Kindred \a.\

SYN: Congenial, allied, cogitate, akin, related.

ANT: Uncongenial, unallied, unrelated.


KEY: Kingdom.

SYN: Empire, realm, dominion, sovereignty, monarchy.


KEY: Kingly.

SYN: Royal, regal, imperial, magnificent, noble.



KEY: Knave.

SYN: Hogue, cheat, rascal, villain, miscreant, scoundrel.

ANT: True-penny, gentleman, innocent, dupe, simpleton, gull, oaf.


KEY: Knavery, [See KNAVE].


KEY: Knavish.

SYN: Fraudulent, villainous, dishonest, [See HONEST].


KEY: Knit, [See JOIN and INTERLACE].


KEY: Knot.

SYN: Tie, bond, intricacy, difficulty, perplexity, cluster, collection, band, group, protuberance, joint.

ANT: Loosening, unfastening, dissolution, solution, explication, unravelling, dispersion, multitude, crowd, indentation, evenness, smoothness, cavity.


KEY: Knotty.

SYN: Tough, bard, difficult, complicated.

ANT: Plain, simple, easy, obvious.


KEY: Know.

SYN: Perceive, understand, comprehend, recognize, apprehend, distinguish, [See PERCEIVE].


KEY: Knowing.

SYN: Shrewd, {[-instate]?}, discerning, sharp, acute, sagacious, penetrating, proficient, skillful, intelligent, experienced, well-informed, accomplished.

ANT: Simple, dull, innocent, gullible, undiscerning, stolid, {[siuy]?}.


KEY: Knowledge.

SYN: Apprehension, comprehension, recognition, understanding, conversance, experience, acquaintance, familiarity, cognizance, notice, information, instruction, [See {le*i–'-ing]?} ]?}], enlightenment, scholarship, attainments, acquirements.

ANT: Misapprehension, inobservance, incomprehension, misunderstanding, misconception, inconversance, inexperience, ignorance, unfamiliarity, incognizance, misinformation, deception, misinstruction, uneducatedness, untutoredness, rudeness, illiterateness.


KEY: Labor.

SYN: Work, toil, burn, drudgery, exertion, effort, industry, task, duties.

ANT: Indolence, ease, inactivity, facility, skill, recreation, rest, refreshment.


KEY: Labored.

SYN: Elaborate, studied, carefully wrought.

ANT: Not elaborate, unstudied, easy, off hard.


KEY: Laborer.

SYN: Workman, workingman, employe, operative, breadwinner, hand.

ANT: Employer.


KEY: Laborious.

SYN: Assiduous, diligent, painstaking, indefatigable, arduous, burdensome, toilsome, wearisome, industrious, hard-working, active, difficult, tedious.

ANT: Idle, indiligent, lazy, indolent, easy, facile, light, feasible, simple.


KEY: Labyrinth.

SYN: Maze, complexity, bewilderment, involution, perplexity, inexplicable, difficulty.

ANT: Clue, explication, elimination, enucleation.


KEY: Lace, [See BIND].


KEY: Lacerate, [See TEAR].


KEY: Lack \n.\

SYN: Failure, scarcity, deficiency, want, need, demand, insufficiency.

ANT: Fulness, abundance, sufficiency, satisfaction, supply, competence.


KEY: Lack \v.\

SYN: Want, require, need, be destitute of.

ANT: Supply, have abundance of.


KEY: Laconic.

SYN: Terse, curt, epigrammatic.

ANT: Prolix, wordy, tedious, prosy, garrulous, circumlocutory, loquacious.


KEY: Lade, [See LOAD].


KEY: Laden, [See LOAD].


KEY: Lading, [See LOAD].


KEY: Lag.

SYN: Loiter, linger, saunter, dally, tarry, Idle.

ANT: Press, hasten, speedup, hurry, stir.


KEY: Laggard.

SYN: Loiterer, saunterer, dawdler, slow goer, sluggard.

ANT: One moving quickly.


KEY: laical.

SYN: Secular, non-libel, civil, temporal.

ANT: Clerical, legal, ministerial, ecclesiastical, sacerdotal, priestly, canonical, spiritual, Lull.


KEY: Laity, [See CLERGYMAN].


KEY: Lame.

SYN: Weak, faltering, hobbling, hesitating, ineffective, impotent, crippled, halt, defective, imperfect.

ANT: Robust, agile, potent, efficient, satisfactory, cogent, convincing, tolling, effective.


KEY: Lament.

SYN: Deplore, mourn, bewail, regret, grieve for, bemoan, wail for.

ANT: Welcome, hall.


KEY: Land.

SYN: Plant, place, fix.

ANT: Extricate, {[rt-iiiovu]?}, disestablish, upset.


KEY: Language.

SYN: Speech, talk, conversation, dialect, discourse, tongue, diction, phraseology, articulation, accents, vernacular, expression.

ANT: Jargon, jabber, gibberish, babel, gabble, cry, whine, bark, howl, roar, &c, obmutescence, dumbness, muteness, inarticulateness, speechless ness.


KEY: Languid.

SYN: Faint, weary, feeble, unnerved, unbraced, pining, drooping, enervated, exhausted, flagging, spiritless.

ANT: Strong, healthy, robust, rigorous, active, braced.


KEY: Languish.

SYN: Pine, droop, sink, faint, wither, sigh, decline.

ANT: Flourish, luxuriate, bloom, prosper, thrive.


KEY: Languor.

SYN: Lassitude, weariness, weakness.

ANT: Strength, vigor, freshness, energy, lithesomeness.


KEY: Lank.

SYN: Lean, loose, slender, slim, long, lax, rawboned.

ANT: Plump, short, full, rounded, crisp, curled.


KEY: Lapse.

SYN: Gliding, falling, flow, onflow, flux, progress, escheatment, devolution, reversion, elapsing.

ANT: Stability, uprightness, stationariness, fixture, arrestation, stoppage, retention, inheritance, possession.


KEY: Large.

SYN: Big, bulky, extensive, abundant, capacious, ample, liberal, comprehensive, enlightened, catholic, great, vast, wide.

ANT: Small, mean, narrow, circumscribed, contracted, scanty, illiberal, niggardly, bigoted, petty, sordid.


KEY: Lascivious.

SYN: Lustful, libidinous, lewd, lecherous, wanton.

ANT: Pure, chaste, continent.


KEY: Lash.

SYN: Censure, castigate, satirize, beat, tie, fasten, bind, flog, strike, whip, scourge.

ANT: Extol, compliment, eulogize.


KEY: Lassitude, [See LANGUOR].


KEY: Last \v.\

SYN: Continue, remain, hold, endure, abide, live.

ANT: Cease, fail, fade, fly, wane, depart, disappear, terminate.


KEY: Last \a.\

SYN: Latest, ending, final, concluding, hindmost, past, extreme, lowe? t, remotest, ultimate.

ANT: First, introductory, initiatory, opening, foremost, ensuing, highest, minor, next, nearest.


KEY: Lasting.

SYN: Enduring, abiding, permanent, perpetual, durable, [See PERPETUAL].


KEY: Late.

SYN: Slow, tardy, delayed, advanced, deceased, past, recent.

ANT: Early, present, existing, forthcoming, coming, future.


KEY: Lately.

SYN: Recently, of late.

ANT: Formerly, remotely.


KEY: Latent.

SYN: Invisible, inapparent, unobserved, hidden, concealed, undeveloped, implicit, potential, inherent, secret, occult.

ANT: Visible, apparent, manifest, conspicuous, exposed, unconcealed, attentive, developed, explicit.


KEY: Lateral.

SYN: Indirect, oblique, secondary, resultant, collateral, deviative, additive, parallel, adjunctive, incidental.

ANT: Lineal, direct, primary, immediate.


KEY: Latter, [See LAST], Laud, [See PRAISE].


KEY: Laudable, [See PRAISEWORTHY].


KEY: Laudation, [See PANEGYRIC].


KEY: Laughable, [See RIDICULOUS].


KEY: Laugh at.

SYN: Mock at, ridicule, deride, [See MOCK].


KEY: Laughter.

SYN: Merriment, glee, derision, ridicule, cachinnation, contempt.

ANT: Weeping, tears, mourning, sorrow, admiration, veneration, respect, whimper, whine.


KEY: Launch.

SYN: Propel, hurl, embark, expatiate, enlarge.

ANT: Repress, recall, ignore, avoid.


KEY: Lave, [See WASH].


KEY: Lavish.

SYN: Profuse, unsparing, extravagant, bountiful, wasteful, prodigal.

ANT: Chary, sparing, niggardly, economical, dainty, close, retentive.


KEY: Lavish \v.\

SYN: Pour, heap, squander, waste.

ANT: Husband, store, keep, retain, accumulate, hoard, treasure, spare.


KEY: Law.

SYN: Rule, edict, regulation, decree, command, order, statute, enactment, mode, method, sequence, principle, code, legislation, adjudication, jurisdiction, jurisprudence.

ANT: Misrule, disorder, anarchy, rebellion, insubordination, hazard, chance, irregularity, caprice, casualty, accident.


KEY: Lawful.

SYN: Legal, permissible, orderly, right, allowable, fair, constitutional, rightful, legitimate.

ANT: Illegal, impermissible, unlawful, wrong, lawless, unfair.


KEY: Lawless.

SYN: Wild, rebellious, disorderly, savage, marauding, violent.

ANT: Peaceful, loyal, orderly, civilized, honest, tractable, well-disposed.


KEY: Lawyer.

SYN: Counsellor, attorney, counsel, advocate.

ANT: Client.


KEY: Lax.

SYN: Loose, vague, incoherent, dissolute, licentious, unprincipled, remiss, flabby, slack.

ANT: Concise, coherent, compact, strict, rigid, severe, principled, conscientious, attentive.


KEY: Lay.

SYN: Place, establish, deposit, allay, prostrate, arrange, dispose, put, spread, set down.

ANT: Erect, raise, lift, excite, disarrange, disorder, scrape, abrade.


KEY: Layman, [See CLERGYMAN].




KEY: Lead \v.\

SYN: Conduct, guide, precede, induce, spend, pass, commence, inaugurate, convoy, persuade, direct, influence.

ANT: Misconduct, mislead, follow, dissuade, abandon, leave, misguide.


KEY: Lead \n.\

SYN: Priority, pre-eminence, initiative, guidance, control.

ANT: Subordination, inferiority, submission.


KEY: Leader.

SYN: Chief, director, guide, pioneer, head.

ANT: Follower.


KEY: Leading, [See LEAD].


KEY: League.

SYN: Bond, combination, alliance, compact, confederacy, union, coalition, confederation.

ANT: Dissolution, disconnection, neutrality, secession, disunion, disruption, alienation, divorce.


KEY: Leak, [See OOZE].


KEY: Lean \v.\

SYN: Incline, rest, support, tend, bend, depend, hang, repose, confide, slope.

ANT: Stabilitate, erect, re-erect, raise, rise, straighten.


KEY: Lean \a.\

SYN: Meagre, lank, tabid, emaciated, shrivelled, bony, thin, scraggy, skinny, slender, scanty.

ANT: Fat, brawny, plump, well-conditioned.


KEY: Leaning.

SYN: Tendency, inclination, proclivity, propensity, partiality, bias, liking.

ANT: Avoidance, aversion, repugnance, loathing.


KEY: Leap.

SYN: Jump, bound, bounce, spring, vault, hop.

ANT: Plunge, dip, dive, duck, walk.


KEY: Learn.

SYN: Acquire, attain, imbibe, collect, glean, understand, gather.

ANT: Lose, forget, teach, instruct.


KEY: Learned.

SYN: Conversant, erudite, read, skilled, scholarly, literary, knowing, well-informed, versed.

ANT: Inconversant, illiterate, ignorant, unlearned, unscholarly.


KEY: Learner.

SYN: Tyro, novice, pupil, student, beginner, scholar, disciple, catechumen.

ANT: Teacher, master, professor, adept, authority.


KEY: Learning.

SYN: Knowledge, erudition, literature, lore, letters, acquirements, attainments, scholarship, education, tuition, culture.

ANT: Ignorance, boorishness, it, literiteness, emptiness, sciolism, intuition, revelation, inspiration.


KEY: Least.

SYN: Smallest, lowest, meanest, last.

ANT: Greatest, highest, first, {[nuiin]?}, principal.


KEY: Leave \v.\ [See ABANDON and BEQUEATH].


KEY: Leave \n.\

SYN: Liberty, permission, license, concession.

ANT: Restriction, prohibition, prevention, inhibition, refusal.


KEY: Legal.

SYN: Legitimate, lawful, allowable, juridical, constitutional.

ANT: Illegal, illegitimate, unlawful, unallowable, lay, unconstitutional.


KEY: Legend.

SYN: Myth, fable, marvellous story, fiction.

ANT: History, fact, actual occurrence.


KEY: Legible.

SYN: Plain, decipherable, well-written, calligraphic.

ANT: Obscure, undecipherable, illwritten, illegible, cabalistic, cryptographic.


KEY: Legitimate.

SYN: Allowable, normal, fair, licit, real, genuine, fairly deduced, lawfully begotten.

ANT: Illegitimate, unallowable, unfair, illicit.


KEY: Leisure.

SYN: Freedom, vacation, opportunity, convenience, ease, quiet, retirement, spare time, unoccupied time.

ANT: Constraint, employment, occupation, distraction, labor, bustle, toil, business, absorption, engagement.


KEY: Leisurely.

SYN: Easy, deliberate, sauntering.

ANT: Eager, hurried, precipitate, rapid, expeditious.


KEY: Lend.

SYN: Advance, loan, grant, afford, present.

ANT: Resume, retract, appropriate, retain, withhold, refuse.


KEY: Lengthen.

SYN: Elongate, stretch out, prolong, [See EXTEND].


KEY: Lengthy.

SYN: Diffuse, prolix, tedious, long-drawn, verbose.

ANT: Concise, compendious, curt, short, brief, laconic, compact, condensed, succinct.


KEY: Lenient, [See MILD and KIND].


KEY: Lenitive.

SYN: Palliative, initiative, soothing.

ANT: Inflammatory, exaggerative, provocative, aggravating, Irritant, exasperating.


KEY: Lenity, [See KINDNESS].


KEY: Lentous, [See GELATINOUS].


KEY: Lessen, [See DIMINISH].


KEY: Lesson.

SYN: Precept, warning, instruction, lecture, homily, information.

ANT: misinstruction, misguidance, misinformation.


KEY: Let.

SYN: Permit, allow, suffer.

ANT: Prevent, hinder.


KEY: Let \v.\

SYN: Hinder, [See ABOVE].


KEY: Lethal, Deadly, mortal, fatal, poisonous, venomous.

ANT: Invigorative, remedial, sanative, wholesome, restorative, vivifying, vital, genial.


KEY: Lethargy.

SYN: Drowsiness, torpor, oblivion, stupor, swoon, trance.

ANT: Vigilance, alertness, liveness, mindfulness, wakefulness, alacrity, activity, life.


KEY: Letter.

SYN: Epistle, note, communication, message, missive.


KEY: Lettered, [See EAST].


KEY: Level \n.\

SYN: Plane, surface, floor, equality, aim, platform, ground, coordinateness, horizontally.

ANT: Unevenness, acclivity, declivity, inequality, inco-ordinateness, verticality.


KEY: Level \v.\

SYN: Plane, smooth, roll, flatten, equalize, raze.

ANT: Roughen, furrow, disequalize, graduate.


KEY: Level \a.\ Horizontal, plain, flat, even, smooth.

ANT: Rough, uneven, broken, rolling.


KEY: Levigate.

SYN: Comminute, triturate, pulverize, smooth, polish, plane.

ANT: Compound, amalgamate, indent, roughen, batter.


KEY: Levity.

SYN: Lightness, frivolity, inconstancy, flightiness, vanity, thoughtlessness.

ANT: Earnestness, gravity, seriousness.


KEY: Levy.

SYN: Raise, impose, muster, exact.

ANT: Forego, surrender, reimburse, repay, liquidate.


KEY: Liable, [See AMENABLE].


KEY: Libel.

SYN: Defamation, detraction, traducement, calumny, slander, defamatory publication, lampoon.

ANT: Retraction, vindication, apology, eulogy, panegyric, puff, advocacy, encomium.


KEY: Libellous.

SYN: Defamatory, calumnious.

ANT: Laudatory, eulogistic.


KEY: Liberal.

SYN: Free, gentle, refined, polished, generous, bountiful, catholic, enlarged, copious, ample, profuse, large, handsome, munificent, abundant, noble-minded, bounteous, tolerant, plentiful.

ANT: Churlish, low, mean, boorish, ungenerous, illiberal, grasping, niggardly, avaricious, greedy, gainful, narrow-minded, bigoted, prejudiced, contracted, scanty, inadequate.


KEY: Liberate, [See CONFINE].


KEY: Libertine.

SYN: Rake, debauchee.

ANT: Ascetic, anchorite, recluse, hermit, puritan, saint.


KEY: Liberty.

SYN: Freedom, leave, independence, permission, privilege, license, franchise, immunity, insult, impropriety, volition, voluntariness, exemption.

ANT: Slavery, servitude, restraint, constraint, submission, dependence, obligation, compulsion, deference, respect, considerateness, necessity, fatality, predestination.


KEY: Librate, [See BALANCE].


KEY: Licence \n.\ [See LIBERTY].


KEY: License \t.\.

SYN: Permit, allow, indulge.

ANT: Restraint, disallow, withhold, forbid, prohibit.


KEY: Licentious.

SYN: Voluptuous, dissolute, rakish, debauched, self-indulgent, lax, profligate, loose, unbridled.

ANT: Temperate, strict, sober, self-controlled, ascetic, self-denying, rigid.


KEY: Licit.

SYN: Lawful, legal, allowable, equitable.

ANT: Illegal, illicit, unfair.


KEY: Lie \n.\

SYN: Falsehood, untruth, fabrication, subterfuge, evasion, fib, fiction, falsity.

ANT: Truth, fact, veracity.


KEY: Lie \v.\

SYN: Rest, repose, be, remain.

ANT: Rise, move, stir.


KEY: Lief.

SYN: Gladly, willingly, readily.

ANT: Slowly, unwillingly, reluctantly, sloth.


KEY: Life.

SYN: Vitality, duration, existence, condition, conduct, animation, vivacity, personality, estate, society, morals, spirit, activity, history, career.

ANT: Mortality, decease, death, non-existence, dullness, torpor, portraiture, lethargy, lifelessness.


KEY: Lifeless, [See LIFE and DEAD].


KEY: Lift.

SYN: Raise, elevate, upraise, upheave, exalt, hoist, elate, erect.

ANT: Lower, sink, depress, crush, overwhelm, degrade, dash, cast, hurl.


KEY: Ligament.

SYN: Bond, band, bandage, ligature, brace, strap, girth.

ANT: Divulsion, discerption, disconnection, fracture, dislocation, severance, laceration, splinter, breach, disbandment, shield, fender, disconnector.


KEY: Light \n.\

SYN: Luminosity, radiance, beam, gleam, phosphorescence, scintillation, [See {[coru{[-cation]?} ]?}], flash, brightness, brilliancy, effulgence, splendor, blaze, candle, lamp, lantern, explanation, instruction, illumination, understanding, interpretation, day, life.

ANT: Darkness, dimness, obscurity, shade, duskiness, gloom, extinction, misinterpretation, ignorance, misunderstanding, night, death, confusion, mystification, tenebrosity.


KEY: Light \a.\

SYN: Imponderous, portable, unweighty, buoyant, volatile, easy, digestible, scanty, active, unencumbered, empty, slight, gentle, unsteady, capricious, vain, frivolous, characterless, thoughtless, unthoughtful, unconsidered, inadequate, incompact, unsubstantial, inconsiderable, not difficult, bright, whitish, trifling.

ANT: Heavy, ponderous, weighty, immovable, leaden, solid, hard, indigestible, full, lazy, encumbered, burdened, oppressed, weighed, loaded, laden, ballasted, grave, serious, important, violent, steady, firm, principled, cautious, reflective, reliable, liable, sensible, earnest, thoughtful, well-considered, well-weighed, adequate, stiff, compact, dark, dark-colored.


KEY: Lightsome, [See CHEERFUL].


KEY: Like \a.\

SYN: Equal, correspondent, similar, resembling.

ANT: Unequal, different, dissimilar.


KEY: Like \v.\

SYN: Love, approve, enjoy, relish, affect.

ANT: Hate, dislike, loathe, mislike, detest, abhor, abominate.


KEY: Likely, [See PROBABLE].


KEY: Likelihood, [See PROBABILITY].


KEY: Likeness.

SYN: Similarity, resemblance, correspondence, similitude, parity, copy, imitation, portrait, representation, image, effigy, carte de visite, picture.

ANT: Dissimilarity, dissimilitude, disparity, inequality, unlikeness, original.


KEY: Likewise.

SYN: So, also, too, as well, to boot, besides.

ANT: Not, otherwise.


KEY: Liking.

SYN: Love, approval, relish, infection, taste, inclination, partiality, fondness.

ANT: Hatred, dislike, disrelish, aversion, repugnance, loathing, disinclination, abhorrence.


KEY: Limit, [See BOUND].


KEY: Limitless, [See INFINITE].


KEY: Limpid.

SYN: Transparent, translucent, crystalline, pure, lucid, clear.

ANT: Opaque, turbid, luteous, foul, muddy.


KEY: Line.

SYN: Cord, thread, length, outline, row, direction, verse, course, method, succession, sequence, continuity.

ANT: Breadth, contents, space, divergency, deviation, fluctuation, variation, interruption, discontinuance, solution.


KEY: Lineage.

SYN: Descent, house, family, race, ancestry, progeny, breed, descendants.

ANT: Ancestor, founder, source, origin.


KEY: Lineament.

SYN: Line, mark, feature, form, profile.

ANT: Face, countenance, visage, aspect.


KEY: Linear.

SYN: Direct, straight, rectilinear.

ANT: Incurved, divergent, collateral, lateral, curvilinear, zigzag.


KEY: Linger.

SYN: Tarry, loiter, saunter, lag, hesitate, wait.

ANT: Haste, speed, press, push.




KEY: Liquefaction, [See MELT].


KEY: Liquescence, [See MELT].


KEY: Liquid.

SYN: Fluid, liquescent, melting, running, watery, fluent, soft, mellifluous, limpid, flowing, clear, smooth.

ANT: Solid, solidified, concrete, congealed, hard, dry, indissolvable, insoluble, harsh, discordant.


KEY: Liquidate, [See FAT].


KEY: List.

SYN: Catalogue, roll, register, inventory, schedule, [See {[KECOSD]?}].


KEY: Listen.

SYN: Hear, attend, hearken, incline, give ear, heed.

ANT: Disregard, ignore, refuse, repudiate.


KEY: Listless.

SYN: Indifferent, careless, uninterested, vacant, languid, indolent, supine, lackadaisical, torpid, heedless.

ANT: Eager, interested, curious, ardent, attentive, absorbed, active, engaged, earnest.


KEY: Literal.

SYN: Exact, grammatical, verbal, close, real, positive, actual, plain.

ANT: General, substantial, metaphorical, free, spiritual.


KEY: Literary.

SYN: Erudite, scholarly, studious.

ANT: Illiterate, unscholarly, unstudious.


KEY: Literature.

SYN: Lore, erudition, reading, study, learning, attainment, scholarship, literary works.

ANT: Genius, intuition, inspiration.


KEY: Lithe.

SYN: Pliant, flexible, limber, supple, elastic, agile, pliable.

ANT: Tough, inflexible, inelastic, stiff.


KEY: Litigious.

SYN: Quarrelsome, disputatious, contentious.

ANT: Complacent, contented, acquiescent, genial, facile.


KEY: Litter.

SYN: Scatter, mislay, discompose, disorder, derange.

ANT: Clear, clean, order, lay, methodize, arrange.


KEY: Little.

SYN: Small, tiny, pigmy, diminutive, short, brief, scanty, unimportant, insignificant, slight, weak, inconsiderable, trivial, illiberal, mean, petty, paltry, dirty, shabby, dwarf.

ANT: Big, bulky, large, enormous, huge, monstrous, full-sized, long, full, developed, much, important, grave, serious, momentous, liberal, generous, noble, high-minded, handsome.


KEY: Live \v.\

SYN: Vegetate, grow, survive, continue, abide, dwell, last, subsist, behave, act, breathe, exist.

ANT: Die, perish, wither, demise, migrate, vanish, fade, fail, languish, depart, drop, decease.


KEY: Live \a.\

SYN: Animate.

ANT: Inanimate, defunct.


KEY: Livelihood.

SYN: Maintenance, support, living, substance, sustenance.

ANT: Privation, starvation, want, inanition, beggary.


KEY: Lively.

SYN: Brisk, animated, keen, eager, blithe, alert, vivid, vivacious, quick, spirited, vigorous, sprightly, active.

ANT: Lifeless, torpid, dull, inanimate, indifferent, listless, insensate.


KEY: Livery.

SYN: Uniform, garb, badge, dependence, servitude, retainership, retinue, subservience.

ANT: Freedom, immunity, insubservience.


KEY: Living \a.\ [See LIVE, \a.\].


KEY: living, [See LIVELIHOOD].


KEY: Load \n.\

SYN: Weight, lading, cargo, oppression, incubus, drag, burden.

ANT: Refreshment, support, solace, alleviation, emptiness, lightness.


KEY: Load \v.\

SYN: Burden, charge, lade, cargo, cumber, oppress.

ANT: Disburden, unload, disencumber, lighten, alleviate, believe.


KEY: Loan.

SYN: Advance, mortgage, hypothecation.

ANT: Recall, resumption, foreclosure.


KEY: Loathe, [See ABOMINATE].


KEY: Loathsome, [See ABOMINABLE].


KEY: Locality, [See PLACE].


KEY: Locate.

SYN: Place, establish, settle, fix, dispose, lodge.

ANT: Displace, disestablish, dislodge, remove.


KEY: Location, [See LOCALITY].


KEY: Locomotion.

SYN: Movement, migration, travel, passage.

ANT: Stationariness, stoppage, rest, abode, remanence, fixture.


KEY: Locomotive.

SYN: Migratory.

ANT: Stationary.


KEY: Lodge, [See LOCATE].


KEY: Lofty.

SYN: Elevated, towering, high, dignified, eminent, stately, haughty, majestic, airy, tall.

ANT: Depressed, low, stunted, undignified, ordinary, unstately, mean, unimposing, unassuming, affable.


KEY: Logical.

SYN: Close, argumentative, sound.

ANT: Inconclusive, illogical, fallacious.


KEY: Logomachy.

SYN: Wrangle, strife, contention, debate.

ANT: Chat, colloquy, conversation, confabulation.


KEY: Loiter, [See LAD].


KEY: Loll.

SYN: Lounge, recline.

ANT: Rise, stir.


KEY: Lonely, [See LONESOME].


KEY: Lonesome.

SYN: Forlorn, dreary, forsaken, Wild, solitary, desolate, lonely.

ANT: Cheerful, befriended, festive, frequented, populous, gay, animated, bustling.


KEY: Long.

SYN: Protracted, produced, dilatory, lengthy, tedious, prolix, extensive, diffuse, far-reaching.

ANT: Short, curt, curtailed, brief, speedy, quick, concise, condensed.


KEY: Longing.

SYN: Eagerness, desire, aspiration, craving, yearning, wishing.

ANT: Indifference, repugnance, aversion.


KEY: Look \n.\ [See ASPECT].


KEY: Look \v.\

SYN: See, behold, contemplate, observe, seem, appear, face.

ANT: Overlook, miss, misobserve, misbeseem, lurk, smoulder.


KEY: Look at.

SYN: See, view, eye, gaze at, behold, witness, inspect.

ANT: [See LOOK].


KEY: Loom.

SYN: Glimmer, lower, gloam.

ANT: Dwindle, pale, recede, fade, vanish, disappear.


KEY: Loose \v.\

SYN: Untie, unfasten, let.

ANT: Tie, fasten, hold, retain.


KEY: Loose \a.\

SYN: Unbound, detached, flowing, scattered, sparse, incompact, vague, inexact, rambling, dissolute, licentious.

ANT: Bound, tied, fastened, tight, moored, lashed, secured, thick, close, dense, compact, pointed, accurate, exact, consecutive, strict, logical, scientific, conscientious.


KEY: Lop.

SYN: Prune, curtail, shorten, retrench, amputate, truncate.

ANT: Grow, trail, train, elongate, lead.


KEY: Loquacity.

SYN: Talkativeness.

ANT: Taciturnity.


KEY: Lordly.

SYN: Lofty, magnificent, majestic, noble, proud, imperious.

ANT: Mean, beggarly, ignoble, unimposing, humble, servile, lowly.


KEY: Lordship.

SYN: Rule, dominion, jurisdiction.

ANT: Homage, subjection, subservience.


KEY: Lore, [See LEARNING].


KEY: Lose.

SYN: Miss, drop, mislay, forfeit.

ANT: Keep, retain, find, recover, locate, earn, guard, treasure, economize, utilize, preserve, abandon, discard, reject.


KEY: Loss.

SYN: Mislaying, dropping, forfeiture, missing, privation, waste, detriment, damage.

ANT: Preservation, recovery, earning, satisfaction, restoration, economy, augmentation, advantage, gain.


KEY: Lot.

SYN: Chance, fortune, fate, hazard, ballot, doom.

ANT: Law, provision, arrangement, disposal, design, purpose, plan, portion, allotment.


KEY: Loth.

SYN: Reluctant, unwilling.

ANT: Ready, willing, lief.


KEY: Loud.

SYN: Sounding, sonorous, resonant, noisy, audible, vociferous, clamorous, obstreperous.

ANT: Soft, gentle, subdued, whispering, rustling, murmuring, babbling, pattering, tinkling, dulcet, inaudible, quiet.


KEY: Lounge, [See LOLL and LOITER].


KEY: Lout.

SYN: Clown, looby, clodhopper, clod.

ANT: Dandy, fop, cockney, prig.


KEY: Love.

SYN: Affection, attachment, passion, devotion, benevolence, charity, kindness.

ANT: Hatred, dislike, disaffection, alienation, estrangement, bitterness, coldness, Indifference, repugnance, infidelity, desertion, unkindness, malice, uncharitableness.


KEY: Lover.

SYN: Suitor, wooer, sweetheart, swain, beau.

ANT: Husband, wife, mate.


KEY: Lovely.

SYN: Amiable, lovable, enchanting, beautiful, pleasing, delightful, charming.

ANT: Unamiable, unlovable, hateful, hideous, plain, homely, unattractive, unlovely.


KEY: Low.

SYN: Abated, sunk, depressed, stunted, declining, deep, subsided, inaudible, cheap, gentle, dejected, degraded, mean, abject, base, unworthy, lowly, feeble, moderate, frugal, reprieved, subdued, reduced, poor, {[kwnUe]?}.

ANT: Elevated, lofty, tall, amending, rising, high, exorbitant, violent, loud, excited, elated, eminent, considerable, influential, high-minded, honorable, proud, strong, aggravated, intensified, raised, wealthy, rich.


KEY: Lower \v.\

SYN: Depress, decrease, reduce, bate, abate, drop, humiliate, sink, debase, humble, diminish.

ANT: Hoist, raise, heighten, exalt, increase, aggrandize, elevate.


KEY: Lower \a.\

SYN: Inferior.

ANT: Higher, superior.


KEY: Lowering.

SYN: Dark, threatening, gloomy, murky, lurid, overcast.



KEY: Lowly.

SYN: Mean, low, common, humble, meek.

ANT: Lofty, elevated, eminent, {[li>nlly]?}, proud.


KEY: Lowness, [See LOW].


KEY: Loyal.

SYN: Submissive, obedient, faithful, allegiant, true, constant.

ANT: Insubmissive, insurgent, mal, content, rebellious, disobedient, unfaithful, unallegiant, untrue, inconstant, disaffected.


KEY: Loyalty.

SYN: Fidelity, fealty, allegiance, faithfulness.

ANT: Disloyalty, unfaithfulness, treason.


KEY: Lubricate.

SYN: Oil, ease, grease, levigate, gloze, glaze.

ANT: Rust, clog, indent, roughen, corrugate.


KEY: Lucent, [See LIMPID and LUCID].


KEY: Lucid.

SYN: Shining, bright, resplendent, Incident, luminous, clear, trans parent, crystalline, pellucid, distinct, intelligible, rational, perspicuous, orderly, limpid, lucent, easily under, stood.

ANT: Dark, unlustrous, opaque, turbid, muddy, obscure, unintelligible, confused, unsolved, insane, mystified.


KEY: Luck, [See CHANCE].


KEY: luckiest, [See CHANCE and LUCKY].


KEY: Lucky.

SYN: Fortunate, auspicious, prosperous, successful, favorable.

ANT: Unlucky, unfortunate, inauspicious, unprosperous, adverse, illfated, disastrous, luckless.


KEY: Lucrative, [See PROFITABLE].


KEY: Lucre.

SYN: Gain, profit, greed, mmm, mon, wealth, money.

ANT: Loss, poverty, failure, privation, [See TOM], refuse.


KEY: Lucubration.

SYN: Study, meditation, work, cogitation.

ANT: Idleness, vacuity, incogitancy, torpor.


KEY: Luculent, [See LUCID].


KEY: Ludicrous.

SYN: Ridiculous, farcical, laughable, comic, droll, funny, comical.

ANT: Serious, momentous, grave, {[ead]?}, sorrowful, mournful, tragic, lugubrious, melancholy, sombre, doleful.


KEY: Lugubrious, [See LUDICROUS].


KEY: Lull \v.\

SYN: Calm, quiet, hush, still, tranquilize, [See ASSUAGE].


KEY: Lull \n.\

SYN: Quiet, assuagement, cessation, quiescence, subsidence.

ANT: Tumult, excitement, storm, tempest.


KEY: Lumber \n.\

SYN: Trash, rubbish, refuse.

ANT: Valuables, commodities, stock.


KEY: Lumber \v.\

SYN: Choke, crowd, obstruct, encumber.

ANT: Clear, disencumber, utilize, economize.


KEY: Luminary.

SYN: Sage, savant, celebrity, light, genius.

ANT: Fool, ignoramus, dunce, lout, blockhead.


KEY: Luminous, [See LUCID].


KEY: Lump.

SYN: Mass, hunk, hunch, slice.


KEY: Lumpish.

SYN: Heavy, cloddish, sluggish, clumsy.

ANT: Light, airy, agile, sylph-like, nimble, active.


KEY: Lunacy.

SYN: Madness, Insanity, derangement, craziness, mania, aberration, hallucination.

ANT: Sanity, reason, intellect, intelligence, rationality, lucidity.


KEY: Lunatic.

SYN: Madman, maniac, monomaniac.

ANT: Solon, philosopher, luminary, genius.


KEY: Lure \n.\

SYN: Allurement, [See ATTRACTION].


KEY: Litre \v.\ [See DECOY].


KEY: Lurid.

SYN: Murky, lowering, wan, dismal, gloomy.

ANT: Bright, luminous.


KEY: Lurk.

SYN: Hide, lie, skulk, abscond, lie hid, lie in wait.

ANT: Rise, spring, show, emerge, flash.


KEY: Luscious.

SYN: Sweet, delicious, sugary, honied, delightful, toothsome, delightsome.

ANT: Sour, sharp, tart, bitter.


KEY: Lustration.

SYN: Purification, expurgation, expiation.

ANT: Desecration, defilement, contamination.


KEY: Lustre.

SYN: Brightness, splendor, brilliancy, effulgence, glory, renown, [See EFFULGENCE].


KEY: Lusty.

SYN: Robust, vigorous, strong, stout, able-bodied, burly, brawny, muscular, healthy, corpulent.

ANT: Infirm, weak, disabled, ailing, effete, listless.


KEY: Lutose, [See LIMPID].


KEY: Luxuriant, [See EXUBERANT].


KEY: Luxuriate, [See BASK].


KEY: Luxurious.

SYN: Voluptuous, selfindulgent, pleasurable, sensual, pampered.

ANT: Hard, painful, self-denying, ascetic, hardy.


KEY: Luxury.

SYN: Effeminacy, epicurism, voluptuousness, wantonness, selfindulgence, softness, animalism, delicacy, dainty, profuseness.

ANT: Hardness, asceticism, stoicism, self-denial, hardship.


KEY: Lying.

SYN: Mendacious, false, untrue, untruthful.

ANT: true, veracious.


KEY: Macerate.

SYN: Attenuate, rot, waste, wither, steep, madefy.

ANT: Fatten, replenish, pamper, repair, swell.


KEY: Maceration, [See MACERATE].


KEY: Machination.

SYN: Contrivance, plot, intrigue, conspiracy, stratagem, artful scheme, design.

ANT: Detection, counteraction, overthrow, baffling defeat, exposure, defiance, challenge, conflict, competition.


KEY: Maculated.

SYN: Spotted, speckled, mottled, dotted.

ANT: Unspotted, spotless, speckless, immaculate.


KEY: Mad.

SYN: Insane, demented, furious, lunatic, infuriated, crazy, maniacal, frantic, rabid, wild, distracted.

ANT: Sane, sound, sensible, quiet, composed, unexcited, sober.


KEY: Madden.

SYN: Infuriate, enrage, exasperate, inflame.

ANT: Calm, pacify, assuage, mesmerize, lay.


KEY: madefaction.

SYN: Wetting, maceration, {[moUteniug]?}, moisture, humectation.

ANT: Exsiccation, drying, arefaction.


KEY: Madman, [See LUNATIC].


KEY: madness.

SYN: Insanity, frenzy, rage, fury.

ANT: Sanity, calmness, soberness, [See LUNACY].


KEY: magic.

SYN: Enchantment, sorcery.


KEY: magisterial.

SYN: Dictatorial, consequential, authoritative, imposing.

ANT: Submissive, docile, undignified, unimposing, unassuming, modest, magistrate, [See JUDGE].


KEY: magnanimous.

SYN: Noble, highminded, exalted, high-souled, great-souled, lofty, honorable.

ANT: Mean, little-souled, [See NOBLE].


KEY: Magnanimity.

SYN: High mindedness, generosity, forbearance, softness, clemency.

ANT: Meanness, pettiness, paltriness, spitefulness, spleen.


KEY: magnificent.

SYN: Grand, magnanimous, noble, splendid, superb, august, imposing, gorgeous, stately, majestic, dignified, sublime, pompous.

ANT: Petty, mean, little, paltry, flat, beggarly, small minded, ordinary, tawdry, uninposing, tame.


KEY: magnify.

SYN: Enlarge, amplify, increase, augment, exaggerate, laud, extol.

ANT: Diminish, contract, curtail, palliate, extenuate, decry.


KEY: magniloquent.

SYN: High-flown, altiloquent, bombastic, tumid, turgid, boastful.

ANT: Simple, unaffected, vernacular, plain-spoken, magnitude, [See SIZE].


KEY: maid.

SYN: Maiden, girl, damsel, lass, virgin.

ANT: Matron, married woman.


KEY: maim.

SYN: Disable, cripple, mar, mutilate, mangle, disfigure, lame.

ANT: Restore, reinvigorate, mend, strengthen.


KEY: Main.

SYN: Bulk, majority, body, principal, trunk, chief, leading, most important, first.

ANT: Portion, section, minority, branch, limb, tributary, member, subordinate, inferior.


KEY: mainly.

SYN: Principally, largely, chiefly, primarily.

ANT: Somewhat, partially, slightly, subordinately.


KEY: maintain, [See SUPPORT].


KEY: maintenance.

SYN: Livelihood, defence, subsistence, means of support.


KEY: majestic, [See MAGNIFICENT].


KEY: majesty.

SYN: Dignity, grandeur, augustness, stateliness, [See GRANDEUR].


KEY: majority.

SYN: Superiority, eldership, priority, bulk, preponderance, seniority.

ANT: Inferiority, juniority, minority.


KEY: make.

SYN: Create, produce, fashion, frame, fabricate, construct, effect, do, perform, execute, find, gain, compel, establish, constitute, reach, mould, shape, form, bring about.

ANT: Annihilate, unmake, undo, dismember, disintegrate, destroy, defeat, miss, lose, mar, disestablish.


KEY: maker.

SYN: Creator, manufacturer.

ANT: Destroyer.


KEY: maladministration.

SYN: Misrule, misgovernment, malversation.

ANT: Rule, government, administration.


KEY: malady.

SYN: Disorder, distemper, sickness, ailment, disease, complaint, illness.

ANT: Health, sanity, soundness, heartiness, vigor, bloom.


KEY: malcontent, [See INSURGENT].


KEY: malediction, [See BENEDICTION].


KEY: malefactor, [See CULPRIT].


KEY: Maleficent, [See BENEFICIENT].


KEY: malevolent, [See BENEFICIENT].


KEY: malformation, [See DEFORMITY].


KEY: Malice, [See SPITE].


KEY: malign, [See TRADUCE].


KEY: malignant, [See BENEFICIENT].


KEY: Malignity, [See SPITE].


KEY: Malleable, [See DUCTILE].


KEY: maltreat, [See INJURE].


KEY: malversation.

SYN: Malpractice, corruption.

ANT: Integrity, uncorruptness, upright.


KEY: Manacle.

SYN: Shackle, hand-cuff, fetter, chain.

ANT: Unbind, unfetter, unchain.


KEY: Manage.

SYN: Handle, manipulate, control, conduct, administer, mould, regulate, contrive, train, husband, direct, wield.

ANT: Mismanage, misconduct, upset, derange, misuse.


KEY: manageable.

SYN: Easy, feasible, possible, docile, tractable, practicable.

ANT: Difficult, impracticable, Impossible, unmanageable, intractable, refractory, untameable.


KEY: management.

SYN: Treatment, conduct, administration, government, address, skill, superintendence, skillful treatment.

ANT: Maltreatment, misconduct, maladministration, misgovernment, maladroitness.


KEY: manager.

SYN: Director, superintendent, overseer, supervisor.

ANT: Workman, follower, workingman.


KEY: mandate.

SYN: Command, edict, order, bidding, injunction, behest, rule, precept.

ANT: Suggestion, petition, request, entreaty, manful, [See MANLY].


KEY: Mangle, [See MAIM and LACERATE].


KEY: Manhood.

SYN: Humanity, virility, maturity, manfulness, manliness.

ANT: Divinity, womanhood, childhood, childishness.


KEY: Mania, [See LUNACY].


KEY: Maniac, [See LUNATIC].


KEY: manifest \a.\

SYN: Visible, obvious, distinct, conspicuous, indubitable, clear, evident, plain, patent, apparent, open.

ANT: Invisible, dubious, inconspicuous, indistinct.


KEY: Manifest \v.\ [See EXHIBIT].


KEY: manifold.

SYN: Numerous, multiplied, multigenous, multifarious, varied, various, multitudinous, sundry, divers.

ANT: Few, scant, rare, scarce, uniform, limited.


KEY: Manipulate, [See HANDLE and MANAGE].


KEY: mankind.

SYN: Humanity, society, man, men.

ANT: Divinity, Deity, God, Heaven, nature, earth, world, creation, cattle.


KEY: manlike.

SYN: [See MANLY, a corruption of manlike].


KEY: manly.

SYN: Bold, courageous, generous, open, chivalrous, frank, firm, noble, stately, fine, mature, masculine, brave, fearless, hardy, vigorous, manlike, manful, dignified.

ANT: Womanish, childish, timid, unmanly, dastardly, weak, puny, ungrown, boyish.


KEY: Manner.

SYN: Mode, method, style, form, fashion, carriage, behavior, deportment, habit, sort, kind.

ANT: Work, project, design, performance, life, action, proceeding, appearance, being.


KEY: Mannerism.

SYN: Self-repetition, affectation, euphuism, self-consciousness.

ANT: Naturalness, unaffectedness, character, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, genuineness, specialty.


KEY: mannerly.

SYN: Polite, well-behaved, well-bred, courteous, civil.

ANT: Unmannerly, rude, coarse, rough.


KEY: manners.

SYN: Deportment, behavior, carriage, courtesy, politeness, intercourse, demeanor.

ANT: Misdemeanor, misbehavior, unmannerliness.


KEY: manoeuvre.

SYN: Operation, tactics, contrivance, movement.

ANT: Counteraction, defeat, bafflement, detection, countermovement, neutralization, check.


KEY: mansuetude.

SYN: Docility, mildness, gentleness, tameness.

ANT: Ferocity, wildness, fierceness, savageness, untamableness.


KEY: manufacture.

SYN: Make, production, fabrication, composition, construction, manipulation, molding.

ANT: Use, employment, consumption, wear, manumit, [See ENSLAVE].


KEY: manumission.

SYN: Liberation, release, emancipation, enfranchisement, discharge, dismissal.

ANT: Restraint, coercion, slavery, cohibition, repression.


KEY: Manure \v.\

SYN: Fertilize, enrich.


KEY: many.

SYN: Numerous, abundant, frequent, manifold, divers, sundry, multifarious.

ANT: Few, scarce, rare, infrequent.


KEY: Mar.

SYN: Spoil, hurt, damage, injure, defeat, impair, maim, deform.

ANT: Make, restore, mend, improve, reinstate, promote, enhance, conserve.


KEY: marauder.

SYN: Plunderer, invader, rover, free-booter, moss-trooper, filibuster, pillager, guerilla, bushwhacker.

ANT: Ranger, guard, sentry, keeper, outpost, marcher.


KEY: Margin.

SYN: Edge, lip, boundary, latitude, room, loophole, brink, extremity.

ANT: Figure, space, centre, limitation, restriction, stringency.


KEY: Marine.

SYN: Oceanic, sea, neptunan, maritime, naval, salt-water, nautical.

ANT: Terrestrial, terrene, laud, fresh-water.


KEY: Marital.

SYN: Matrimonial, conjugal, connubial, nuptial, hymeneal.

ANT: Single, celibate, unwedded, non-connubial.


KEY: Maritime, [See MARINE].


KEY: Mark \n.\

SYN: Trace, token, sign, symptom, impression, vestige, indication, note.

ANT: Erasure, obliteration, effacement, unindicativeness, plainness.


KEY: Mark \v.\

SYN: Stamp, label, sign, indicate, decorate, brand, stigmatize, signalize, note, observe, regard, heed, specify, specialize.

ANT: Ignore, overlook, omit, mislabel, mismark, misindicate, misobserve, misspecify.


KEY: Marked.

SYN: Notable, remarkable, noticeable, conspicuous.



KEY: Marriage.

SYN: Nuptials, matrimony, espousals, wedding, wedlock.

ANT: Celibacy, virginity.


KEY: Marrow.

SYN: Pith, gist, substance, essence, life, cream, kernel.

ANT: Surplusage, redundancy, excrescence, superfluity, clothing, dressing, amplification, volume, mass, body.


KEY: Marsh.

SYN: Swamp, fen, quagmire, bog, slough, morass.

ANT: Solid ground.


KEY: Marshal, [See ORDER and ARRANGE].


KEY: Martial.

SYN: Military, brave, warlike.

ANT: Unmartial, unmilitary, peace, full.


KEY: Martyrdom.

SYN: Confession.

ANT: Renegation, abjuration.


KEY: Marvel.

SYN: Wonder, prodigy, admiration, portent, miracle, astonishment, amazement, phenomenon.

ANT: Incuriosity, unconcern, joke, trifle, farce, bagatelle, moonshine, cipher, drug, imposture, juggle.


KEY: Marvellous, [See SUCCUMB].


KEY: Masculine.

SYN: Male, manly, manful, hardy, courageous, virile.

ANT: Female, feminine, womanish, womanly, effeminate.


KEY: Mash.

SYN: Mix, knead, compound, amalgamate.

ANT: Discompound, sift, winnow, disamalgamate.


KEY: Mask \n.\

SYN: Pretext, screen, pretence, ruse, cover, hypocrisy.

ANT: Truth, nakedness, detection, exposure, unmasking, verity, openness, candor.


KEY: Mask \v.\

SYN: Hide, screen, blink, cloke, disguise.

ANT: Expose, unmask, detect.


KEY: Mass.

SYN: Lump, body, bulk, concretion, magnitude, majority, heap.

ANT: Fragment, bit, portion, morsel, section, minority.


KEY: Massacre, [See CARNAGE].


KEY: Massive.

SYN: Solid, huge, colossal, weighty, mighty, vast.

ANT: Slight, petty, stunted, frail, slender, airy.


KEY: Master \n.\

SYN: Lord, ruler, governor, owner, possessor, proprietor, teacher, professor, adept, chief.

ANT: Servant, slave, subject, property, learner, pupil, tyro.


KEY: Master.

SYN: Conquer, overcome, subdue, overpower.

ANT: Yield, fail, surrender, succumb.


KEY: Masterly.

SYN: Finished, artistic, consummate, skillful, clear, dexterous, expert.

ANT: Clumsy, rude, bungling, unskilled, botchy, maladroit.


KEY: Mastery.

SYN: Authority, leadership, headship, proficiency, success, superiority, victory, advantage.

ANT: Subservience, tutelage, submission, guidance, obedience, inexpertness, ignorance, failure, defeat, surrender.


KEY: Masticate.

SYN: Manducate, chew.

ANT: Bolt, gobble.


KEY: Match \n.\

SYN: Equal, mate, companion, contest, competition, tally, equality, pair.

ANT: Superior, inferior, mismatch, oddity, disparity, inequality.


KEY: Match \v.\ Equal, compare, oppose, pit, adapt, sort, suit, mate.

ANT: Fail, exceed, preponderate, surpass, mismatch, dissociate, separate, {[tuisflt]?}, misadapt, missort.


KEY: Matchless.

SYN: Consummate, incomparable, peerless, surpassing, inimitable.

ANT: Common, ordinary, everyday, commonplace.


KEY: Mate, [See MATCH].


KEY: material \n.\

SYN: Substance, stuff.

ANT: Work, production, design.


KEY: Material \a.\ [See ESSENTIAL].


KEY: Matrimony, [See WEDLOCK].


KEY: matron.

SYN: Mother, woman, dowager, dame.

ANT: Girl, lass, damsel, spinster, miss, virgin, maid, maiden.


KEY: Matter.

SYN: Substance, stuff, subject.

body, importance, the visible, tangible, substantial, corporal, physical, ponderable.

ANT: Immateriality, spirituality, mind, intellect, spirit, the invisible, unseen, spiritual, moral, mental, intellectual.


KEY: Mature, [See RIPE].


KEY: Matutinal.

SYN: Early, morning, waking, dawning.

ANT: Vespertinal, late, slumbering, evening, waning.


KEY: Maudlin.

SYN: Intoxicated, temulent, sentimental, mawkish, mellow.

ANT: Sensible, unromantic, unsentimental, dry, sober.


KEY: Mawkish.

SYN: Sickly, sentimental, maudlin, insipid, loathsome, nauseous, flat.

ANT: Savory, sensible, sound, fine, pungent, palatable.


KEY: Maxim.

SYN: Adage, rule, axiom, apothegm, proverb, precept, saying.

ANT: Absurdity, sophism, quibble, paradox, enigma.


KEY: Maximum.

SYN: Ultimatum, climax, zenith, apex, completion, utmost, consummation, culmination, acme.

ANT: Initiative, commencement, indication, incompletion, abortion, decrease, wane, minimum, morsel, fragment.


KEY: Maybe.

SYN: Perhaps, possibly, mayhap, perchance.




KEY: Meagre.

SYN: Thin, lean, lank, scanty, barren, dry, tame.

ANT: Stout, fat, brawny, abundant, fertile, copious.


KEY: Mean \a.\

SYN: Common, low, base, spiritless, dishonorable, contemptible, despicable, beggarly, sordid, vulgar, niggardly, vile.

ANT: High, exalted, eminent, spirited, honorable, lordly, princely, munificent, liberal, generous.


KEY: Mean \a.\

SYN: Middle, intermediate, average.

ANT: Extreme, excessive, exorbitant.


KEY: Mean \n.\

SYN: Medium, moderation, balance, average.

ANT: Extreme, excess, preponderance, disproportion, deficiency, shortcoming, inadequacy.


KEY: Mean \v.\

SYN: Intend, purpose, design, signify, denote, indicate, hint, suggest.

ANT: Say, state, enunciate, [See DO], execute, perform.


KEY: Meaning.

SYN: Signification, import, significance, purport, sense, aim, [See IMPORT].


KEY: Meanness.

SYN: Penuriousness, littleness, selfishness, baseness, smallness, illiberality, ungenerousness, sordidness.

ANT: Nobleness, unselfishness, liberality, generousness, large-heartedness.


KEY: Means.

SYN: Resources, instrument, media.

ANT: End, purpose, object.


KEY: Measure \n.\ [See DIMENSION].


KEY: Measure \v.\

SYN: Mete, estimate, gauge, value, appraise.

ANT: Misfit, misconform, mismeasure, misdeal, misapportion.


KEY: Measureless, [See INFINITE].


KEY: Mechanic.

SYN: Artisan, craftsman, workman, artificer.


KEY: Mechanical.

SYN: Habitual, automatic, unreflective, spontaneous, effortless, unimpassioned.

ANT: Labored, self-conscious, feeling, forced, spirited, appreciative, lifelike, lively, animated, impassioned.


KEY: Meddle, [See INTERPOSE].


KEY: Meddlesome.

SYN: Officious, obtrusive, intrusive, interfering.

ANT: Unofficious, unobtrusive, unmeddlesome.


KEY: Mutilate.

SYN: Intercede, interpose, [See INTERPOSE].


KEY: Mediation.

SYN: Interference, interposition, reconciliation, atonement, arbitration, adjustment.

ANT: Neutrality, non-interference, indifference.


KEY: Medicament, [See REMEDY].


KEY: Medicate.

SYN: Treat, compound, amalgamate, adulterate, sophisticate, drug.

ANT: Clarify, analyze, purify, defecate, stupify, disadulterate.


KEY: Medicine.

SYN: Remedy, physic, antidote, therapeutics, salve, cure, corrective.

ANT: Aggravation, poison, virus, bane.


KEY: Mediocrity.

SYN: Mean, commonplace, medium, average, sufficiency.

ANT: Excellence, superiority, rarity, brilliance, distinction.


KEY: Meditate.

SYN: Think, cogitate, purpose, ruminate, contemplate, plan, revolve, consider.

ANT: Execute, enact, complete, consummate.


KEY: Medium, [See MEAN \n.\].


KEY: Medley.

SYN: Jumble, tumult, confusion, mixture, hodge-podge, litter, diversity, miscellany.

ANT: Assortment, arrangement, disposition, classification, interdistinction, grouping, collocation.


KEY: Meed.

SYN: Guerdon, premium, prize, reward.

ANT: Penalty, punishment, brand, stigma, amercement.


KEY: Meek.

SYN: Mild, gentle, submissive, modest, yielding, unassuming.

ANT: Bold, arrogant, self-asserting, irritable, proud, high-spirited.


KEY: Meet.

SYN: Encounter, confront, engage, as, [See {[-v-inhK-]?}], unite, coalesce, converge.

ANT: Miss, pass, escape, elude, decline, avoid, disperse, diverge, separate, vary, disagree.


KEY: Melancholy \a.\

SYN: Gloomy, sad, dejected, disconsolate, dismal, moody, hypochondriacal, cast down.

ANT: Lively, sprightly, gladsome, gleesome, blithesome, happy, cheerful, gamesome, mirthful, merry.


KEY: Melancholy \n.\ [See MELANCHOLY].


KEY: Meliorate, [See AMELIORATE].


KEY: Mellifluous.

SYN: dulcet, euphonious, silvery, flowing, smooth.

ANT: Harsh, hoarse, abrupt, rancorous, rough, discordant, broken.


KEY: Mellow.

SYN: Ripe, rich, full-flavored, jovial, mature, soft.

ANT: Unripe, harsh, sour, acid, acrid, crabbed, sober, dry.


KEY: Melodious, [See MUSICAL].


KEY: Melody.

SYN: Music, song, tune, air, minstrelsy.

ANT: Discord, dissonance.


KEY: Melt.

SYN: Dissolve, liquify, colliquate, run, flow, fuse.

ANT: Consolidate, crystallize, indurate.


KEY: Member.

SYN: Limb, part, portion, constituent, component.

ANT: Body, whole, entirety, constitution, organization, community, association.


KEY: Memoir.

SYN: Biographical sketch, personal narrative, familiar biography, narrative, chronicle, record, register, journal, life.


KEY: Memorable.

SYN: Great, striking, remarkable, conspicuous, prominent, noticeable, illustrious, extraordinary, famous, distinguished.

ANT: Petty, trifling, ordinary, insignificant, unnoticeable, trivial, mediocre, slight.


KEY: Memorial.

SYN: Monument, record, memento, celebration, remembrance, relic, inscription.

ANT: Obliviation, silentiation, obliteration, effacement, erasure.


KEY: Memory.

SYN: Remembrance, reminiscence, perpetuation, recollection, retention, retrospect, fame.

ANT: forgetfulness, oblivion.


KEY: Menace \n.\

SYN: Threat, denunciation, threatening.

ANT: good will, blessing.


KEY: Mend.

SYN: Repair, restore, correct, promote, improve, rectify, reform, amend, ameliorate, better.

ANT: Damage, impair, pervert, retard, deteriorate, falsify, spoil, corrupt.


KEY: Mendacity.

SYN: Falsehood, lying, untruthfulness, deception, prevarication, duplicity.

ANT: Veracity, truthfulness, frankness, candor, Ingenuousness.


KEY: Mendicity.

SYN: Mendicancy, beggary.

ANT: Industry, labor.


KEY: Menial.

SYN: Domestic, attendant, dependent, servile, drudge.

ANT: Paramount, sovereign, supreme, lordly, independent, uncontrolled, autocratic.


KEY: mensuration.

SYN: Geometry, surveying, geodesy, [See MEASURE].


KEY: Mental.

SYN: Intellectual, subjective, metaphysical, psychical, psychological.

ANT: Corporal, objective, physical, bodily.


KEY: Mention \n.\

SYN: Declaration, notice, announcement, observation, remark, hint, communication.

ANT: Silence, suppression, forgetfulness, omission.


KEY: Mephitic.

SYN: Malarious, miasmatic.

ANT: Balmy, genial, salubrious.


KEY: Mercantile.

SYN: Commercial, Interchangeable, wholesale, retail, marketable.

ANT: Stagnant, unmarketable, unmercantile.


KEY: Mercenary.

SYN: Sordid, venal, selfish, avaricious, griping.

ANT: Liberal, generous, disinterested, profuse, prodigal.


KEY: Merchandise.

SYN: Goods, commodities, wares, stock.


KEY: Merchant.

SYN: Trader, dealer, importer, tradesman, trafficker.

ANT: Shopman, salesman, hawker, huckster, pedler, chandler, costermonger.


KEY: Merciful.

SYN: Compassionate, kindhearted, clement, gracious, kind.

ANT: Pitiless, unrelenting, remorseless, inexorable, [See KIND].


KEY: Mercy.

SYN: Compassion, clemency, forgiveness, forbearance, grace, benefit, gift, pity, leniency, tenderness.

ANT: Exaction, harshness, cruelty, vengeance, unpityingness, unforgiveness.


KEY: Mere.

SYN: Pure, unmixed, absolute, uninfluenced, unadulterated, unaffected, simple.

ANT: Mixed, compound, impure, biased.


KEY: Meretricious.

SYN: Tricksy, unchaste, gaudy, impure, tawdry, flashy.

ANT: Solid, good, chaste, simple, pure.


KEY: Merge, [See SINK].


KEY: Meridian.

SYN: Zenith, summit, culmination, height, apex, acme, pinnacle.

ANT: Nadir, depth, depression, profundity, base.


KEY: Merit.

SYN: Goodness, worth, worthiness, desert, excellence.

ANT: Badness, demerit, unworthiness, worthlessness, weakness, imperfection, error, defect, fault, failing.




KEY: Mesh.

SYN: Intricacy, entanglement, involution, snare.

ANT: Extrication, escape, deliverance.


KEY: Message.

SYN: Communication, intimation, missive, notice.

ANT: Non-communication, interception.


KEY: Messenger.

SYN: Courier, carrier, emissary, harbinger, herald, forerunner.


KEY: Metaphor.

SYN: Similitude, image.

ANT: Letter, literalness.


KEY: Metaphorical.

SYN: Figurative, symbolical, allegorical, typical.

ANT: Literal.


KEY: Metaphysical.

SYN: Mental, intellectual, abstract, Ideal, conceptional, subjective, relational, notional, abstruse, psychical.

ANT: Physical, physiological, palpable, external, substantial, practical, corporal, material, objective.


KEY: Mete.

SYN: Measure, apportion, distribute.

ANT: Misdeal, misapportion.


KEY: Meteoric.

SYN: Momentary, flashing, displosive, phosphorescent, pyrotechnic, coruscant, volcanic.

ANT: Permanent, beaming, burning, steady, persistent, enduring.


KEY: Method.

SYN: Order, system, rule, way, manner, mode, course, process, regularity, arrangement.

ANT: Disorder, conjecture, quackery, empiricism, experimentation, assumption, guess-work.


KEY: Methodical.

SYN: Methodic, orderly, systematical, systematic, regular.

ANT: Disorderly, unmethodical, {[untematical]?}, irregular, [See METHOD].


KEY: methodize.

SYN: Shape, arrange, order, marshal, enucleate, eliminate, organize.

ANT: Confuse, jumble, disorder, disorganize.


KEY: Mettle.

SYN: Ardor, spirit, life, fire, animation.

ANT: Hebetude, insensibility, callousness, placidity, stoicism, cowardice, submissiveness, slavishness.


KEY: mettlesome.

SYN: Spirited, fiery, ardent, lively, gay, brisk, [See ARDENT and GALLANT].


KEY: Mew.

SYN: Imprison, shut up, coop, incase, [See CONFINE].


KEY: Miasmatic.

SYN: Effluvious, malarious, foetid, polluted, noxious, mephitic.

ANT: Balmy, pure, untainted, salubrious.


KEY: Middle, [See MEAN].


KEY: Middling.

SYN: Ordinary, average, pretty well, not bad, well enough, [See TOLERABLE].


KEY: Midst.

SYN: Middle, centre, thick, throng, heart.

ANT: Outskirt, confine, edge, limit, extreme, purlieu, margin.


KEY: Mien.

SYN: Look, aspect, air, manner, appearance, carriage, bearing, deportment.

ANT: Character, disposition, temperament, {[i]?}, constitution, nature, being, personality.


KEY: Might.

SYN: Strength, force, power, ability.

ANT: Weakness, infirmity, feebleness.


KEY: Mighty, [See MIGHT].


KEY: Migratory.

SYN: Nomadic, wandering, roving, vagrant.

ANT: Settled, fixed, permanent.


KEY: Mild.

SYN: Moderate, lenient, calm, gentle, genial, tempered, soft, meek, tender, placid.

ANT: Violent, wild, fierce, savage, strong, severe, merciless, harsh, bitter.


KEY: Military.

SYN: Soldierly, soldierlike, [See MARTIAL].


KEY: Militate \v.\ int, [See MILITARY].

SYN: Contend, conflict, jar, clash, disagree.

ANT: Harmonize, agree, suit, coincide.


KEY: Milky.

SYN: White, {[emulcont]?}, chalky.

ANT: Inky, irritant, luteous.


KEY: Mimic.

SYN: Copy, ape, imitate, ridicule, mock, follow.

ANT: Praise, lead, [See IMITATE].


KEY: Minatory.

SYN: Menacing, threatening.

ANT: Warning.


KEY: Mince.

SYN: Attenuate, comminute, palliate, extenuate.

ANT: Exaggerate, amplify, magnify.


KEY: Mincing.

SYN: Slow, affected, pedantic, syllabical, euphuistic.

ANT: Rapid, voluble, unaffected, natural, bluff.


KEY: Mind.

SYN: Soul, spirit, intellect, understanding, opinion, sentiment, judgment, belief, choice, inclination, desire, will, liking, purpose, spirit, impetus, memory, remembrance, recollection.

ANT: Body, limbs, organization, action, proceeding, conduct, object, indifference, coolness, aversion, forgetfulness, obviousness.


KEY: Mindful.

SYN: Regardful, attentive, thoughtful, careful, recollective.

ANT: Regardless, inattentive, mindless, oblivious.


KEY: Mingle.

SYN: Mix, compound, blend, confound, confuse, intermingle, associate, amalgamate.

ANT: Separate, segregate, sift, sort, analyze, discompound, eliminate, classify, unravel, avoid, Minimum, [See MAXIMUM].


KEY: Million.

SYN: Favorite, darling, pet.

ANT: Antipathy, horror, aversion, bugbear.


KEY: Minister \n.\

SYN: Servant, officer, delegate, official, ambassador, subordinate, ecclesiastic, clergyman, priest, parson, divine, preacher, pastor, shepherd, reverend, curate, vicar.

ANT: Monarch, government, master, superior, principal, head, layman, told, flock, congregation.


KEY: Minister \v.\

SYN: Attend, subserve, wait, supply.

ANT: Lead, rule, command, exact.


KEY: Ministry.

SYN: Cabinet, council, administration, office of a minister or clergyman, ecclesiastical function, [See MINISTER].


KEY: Minor.

SYN: Less, inferior, junior, younger, unimportant.

ANT: Major, greater, superior, elder, senior, main, important.


KEY: Minstrel.

SYN: Singer, musician, bard.


KEY: Minute.

SYN: Diminutive, microscopic, tiny, exact, searching, specific, detailed.

ANT: Monstrous, enormous, huge, inexact, superficial, general, broad, comprehensive.


KEY: Miraculous.

SYN: Supernatural, hyperphysical.

ANT: Ordinary, natural.


KEY: Misacceptation.

SYN: Misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misuse.

ANT: Acceptation, meaning.


KEY: Misadventure.

SYN: Failure, mishap, misfortune.

ANT: Success, achievement.


KEY: Misanthropy.

SYN: Egotism, incivism, man-hating, cynicism, woman-hating.

ANT: Philanthropy, humanity, humanitarianism, universal benevolence.


KEY: Misapply, [See APPLY].


KEY: Misapprehend, [See APPREHEND].


KEY: Misappropriate.

SYN: Misassign, purloin, misdistribute, abuse, misuse.

ANT: Assign, distribute, employ, use.


KEY: Misarrange, [See ABRIDGMENT].


KEY: Misbecome, [See BECOME].


KEY: Misbehaviour, [See BEHAVIOR].


KEY: Misbelief, [See BELIEF].


KEY: Miscalculate, [See CALCULATE].


KEY: Miscall.

SYN: Misname, misindicate.

ANT: Name, call, indicate, denote, specify, denominate.


KEY: Miscellany.

SYN: Mixture, Intermixture, jumble, medley, variety, diversity.

ANT: System, collection, classification, assortment, group, selection.


KEY: Mischance.

SYN: Misfortune, misadventure, mishap, [See CHANCE and MISADVENTURE].


KEY: Mischief.

SYN: Damage, hurt, detriment, disservice, annoyance, injury, ill-turn, damage, barm.

ANT: Compensation, good-turn, benefit, favor, gratification.


KEY: Mischievous.

SYN: Detrimental, injurious, spiteful, wanton.

ANT: Beneficial, advantageous, reparatory, conservative, careful, protective.


KEY: Miscible.

SYN: Compoundable, amalgamate.

ANT: Uncompoundable, immiscible.


KEY: Miscompute, [See COMPUTE].


KEY: Misconceive, [See CONCEIVE].


KEY: Misconduct, [See CONDUCT].


KEY: Misconjecture.

SYN: Miscalculation, missupposition.

ANT: Hit, discovery, ascertain.


KEY: Misconstrue, [See CONSTRUE].


KEY: Miscount, [See COUNT].


KEY: Miscreant.



KEY: Misdeed, [See DEED and CRIME].


KEY: Misdemeanor.

SYN: Transgression, trespass, fault, misdeed, [See CRIME and FAULT].


KEY: Misdirect, [See STRAIGHT].


KEY: Misdoing, [See MISDEED].


KEY: Misemploy, [See EMPLOY].


KEY: Miser.

SYN: Niggard, churl, skinflint, curmudgeon, screw, scrimp, hunks.

ANT: Prodigal, spendthrift, rake.


KEY: Miserable.

SYN: Abject, forlorn, pitiable, wretched, worthless, despicable, disconsolate.

ANT: Respectable, worthy, happy, contented, comfortable.


KEY: Miserly, [See LIBERAL].


KEY: Misery.

SYN: Wretchedness, heartache, woe, broken heart, bleeding heart, great unhappiness, [See CALAMITY and MISFORTUNE].


KEY: Misestimate, [See ESTIMATE and VALUE].




KEY: Misgiving, [See DOUBT and DISTRUST].


KEY: Misgovern, [See GOVERN].


KEY: Misguide, [See GUIDE].


KEY: Mishap \n.\ [See HAZARD and MISADVENTURE].


KEY: Misinform, [See INFORM].


KEY: Misinstruct, [See INSTRUCT].


KEY: Misintelligence, [See INTELLIGENCE].


KEY: Misinterpret, [See INTERPRET].


KEY: Misjoin, [See JOIN and MATCH].


KEY: Mislay, [See LAY and LOSE].


KEY: Mislead, [See LEAD].


KEY: Mislike, [See LEARNED].


KEY: Mismanage, [See MANAGE], Mismatch, [See MATCH], Misname, [See NAME], Misnomer, [See NAME].


KEY: Mispersuade, [See PERSUADE].


KEY: Misplace, [See PLACE].


KEY: Mispronounce, [See PRONOUNCE].


KEY: Misproportioned.

SYN: Ungainly, {[minfuriut'tl]?}, ill-shaped.

ANT: Well-proportioned, elegant, harmonious, shapely.


KEY: Misquote, [See QUOTE].


KEY: Misreckon, [See RECKON].


KEY: Misreport, [See REPORT].


KEY: Misrepresent, [See REPRESENT].


KEY: Misrule, [See RULE].


KEY: Miss, [See LOSE and MEET].


KEY: Misshapen, [See FIGURE and MODEL].


KEY: Missile.

SYN: Projectile.

ANT: Artillery, band-arms, sidearm, Mission.

SYN: Commission, trust, office, delegation, ministry, embassy, legation, deputation, errand, message.

ANT: Assumption, usurpation, self-appointment.


KEY: Missive.

SYN: Communication, despatch, message, [See MISSION].



KET: Misspend, [See SPEND].


KEY: Misstate, [See STATE].


KEY: Misstatement.

SYN: Misrepresentation, wrong statement, falsification.

ANT: Correct statement, true statement.


KEY: Mist.

SYN: Fog, obscurity, bewilderment, perplexity, haze.

ANT: Brightness, clearness, lucidity.


KEY: Mistake, [See ERROR].


KEY: Misteach, [See TEACH].


KEY: Mistranslate.

SYN: Misconstrue, misrender, [See CONSTRUE].


KEY: Mistrust \v.\ [See ENCIRCLE].


KEY: Misunderstanding, [See UNDERSTANDING].


KEY: Misuse \v.\ [See USE].


KEY: Misuse \n.\

SYN: Abuse, perversion, prostitution, [See ABUSE].


KEY: Mitigate, [See AGGRAVATE].


KEY: Mix, [See MINGLE].


KEY: Moan, [See BEWAIL].


KEY: Mob.

SYN: Disorderly crowd, tumultuous rabble, rude multitude, [See BEVY].


KEY: Mobile.

SYN: Movable, sensitive, fickle, inconstant, variable, ductile.

ANT: Immovable, inexorable, unfeeling, unvarying.


KEY: Mock.

SYN: Jeer, ridicule, flout, mimic, insult, ape, deride, deceive, imitate.

ANT: Salute, welcome, respect, admire, compliment, Mode, [See METHOD].


KEY: Model.

SYN: Standard, pattern, example, type, mould, design, copy.

ANT: Imitation, copy, production, execution, work.


KEY: Moderate.

SYN: Control, soften, allay, regulate, repress, govern, temper.

ANT: Disturb, disorganize, excite, misconduct.


KEY: Moderate \a.\

SYN: Limited, temperate, calm, dispassionate, sober, abstinent, sparing, steady, ordinary.

ANT: Extravagant, intemperate, rigorous, excessive, violent, extraordinary.


KEY: Moderation.

SYN: Temperance, sobriety, frugality, calmness, sedateness, mildness, coolness, deliberateness.

ANT: Immoderation, intemperance, hastiness, rashness, precipitation.


KEY: Moderator.

SYN: chairman, regulator, conductor, manager, president.

ANT: Disturber, agitator.


KEY: Modern.

SYN: Present, existent, new, new-fangled, new-fashioned, recent, late, novel, later.

ANT: Past, bygone, former, olden, ancient, old-fashioned, antiquated, obsolete.


KEY: Modest, [See CHASTE and MEEK].


KEY: Modesty.

SYN: Sobriety, diffidence, bashfulness, humility, pure-mindedness.

ANT: Vanity, conceit, self-sufficiency, self-admiration, foppery, coxcombry, wantonness, shamelessness, effrontery.


KEY: Modification.

SYN: Alteration, revision, variation, qualification, species.

ANT: Retention, stereotype, stabilisation.


KEY: Modish.

SYN: Fashionable, stylish, modern.

ANT: Unfashionable, quaint, unstylish, gawky, dowdy.


KEY: Modulation.

SYN: Harmonization, harmonies.

ANT: Intonation, recital, monotone.


KEY: Moil.

SYN: Daub, stain, dirt, muck, soil.

ANT: Cleanse, clean, absterge, purify.


KEY: Moist.

SYN: Damp, humid, dank, wet.

ANT: Arid, dry.


KEY: moisture.

SYN: Dampness, humidity.

ANT: Drynes.


KEY: molecule.

SYN: Atom, monad.

ANT: Body, bulk, organism, compound, structure.


KEY: Molest.

SYN: Trouble, disturb, tease, annoy, irritate, vex, plague, worry, discommode.

ANT: Soothe, caress, pacify, assuage, pet, mollify.


KEY: Mollify, [See MOLEST].


KEY: Moment.

SYN: Instant, second, importance, twinkling, trice, weight, force, gravity, consequence, avail.

ANT: Age, period, century, generation, triviality, insignificance, worthlessness, unimportance, inefficacy.


KEY: Momentary.

SYN: Instantaneous, fleeting, transitory, [See INSTANT].


KEY: Momentous.

SYN: Significant, important, material, weighty, [See IMPORTANT].


KEY: Monad, [See MOLECULE].


KEY: Monarch.

SYN: King, sovereign, despot, tyrant, czar.

ANT: Peer, subject.


KEY: Monarchical.

SYN: Kingly, royal, despotic.

ANT: Republican, democratic, oligarchical, autocratic.


KEY: Monastic.

SYN: Conventual, cenobitical, regular, monkish.

ANT: Unconventual, social, secular.


KEY: Monition, [See ADMONISH].


KEY: Monitor.

SYN: Adviser, instructor, mentor, warner.

ANT: Misadviser, misinstructor, deceiver, misdirector, back-friend, seducer.


KEY: Monitory.

SYN: Advisory, hortatory.

ANT: Deceptive, seductive.


KEY: Monkish, [See MONASTIC].


KEY: Monopoly.

SYN: Privilege, engrossment, appropriation, exclusiveness, preoccupancy, impropriation.

ANT: Participation, partnership, community, competition, free-trade.


KEY: Monotheism.

SYN: Deism.

ANT: Polytheism.


KEY: Monotonous.

SYN: Uniform, unvaried, dull, humdrum, undiversified, tedious.

ANT: Varying, changing.


KEY: Monotony.

SYN: Sameness, unvaryingness, tedium.

ANT: Variation, relief, diversion.


KEY: Monster.

SYN: Prodigy, portent, marvel, deformity, abnormity, fright, colossus, monstrosity, leviathan, fiend, brute.

ANT: Beauty, Venus, Adonis, Narcissus, gem, pet, jewel, angel, augury, harbinger.


KEY: Monstrous.

SYN: Prodigious, portentous, marvellous, deformed, abnormal, hideous, preposterous, intolerable.

ANT: Ordinary, familiar, unnoticeable, fair, comely, shapely, regular, natural, reasonable, just.


KEY: Monument, [See MEMORIAL].


KEY: Mood.

SYN: State, temper, humor, feeling, vein, disposition.

ANT: Mind, character, disposition, nature.


KEY: Moody.

SYN: Sullen, humorsome, gloomy, morose.

ANT: Blithe, genial, sociable, merry.


KEY: Moot.

SYN: Agitate, discuss, ventilate, argue.

ANT: Suppress, stifle, burke, hush, shelve.


KEY: Moral.

SYN: Mental, ideal, intellectual, spiritual, ethical, probable, inferential, presumptive, analogous, virtuous, well-conducted.

ANT: Physical, material, practical, demonstrative, mathematical, immoral, vicious.


KEY: Morals.

SYN: Manners, conduct, behavior, morality, habits, [See {[MASNEKS]?}].


KEY: Morass, [See MARSH].


KEY: Morbid.

SYN: Diseased, unsound, unhealthy, sickly.

ANT: Wholesome, healthy, sound.


KEY: Mordent.

SYN: Biting, keen, pun, gent.

ANT: Mellow, mild, soothing.


KEY: Moreover.

SYN: Besides, also, likewise, furthermore, [See LIKEWISE].


KEY: Morose.

SYN: Sullen, austere, moody, crabbed, surly, crusty.

ANT: Genial, indulgent, kindly.


KEY: Morsel, [See BIT].


KEY: Mortal.

SYN: Human, ephemeral, sublunary, short-lived, deadly, fatal, perishable, destructive.

ANT: Divine, Immortal, celestial, life-giving, venial, salutiferous, superficial, Mortality, [See DEATH].


KEY: Mortify.

SYN: Deaden, subdue, master, vex, disappoint, annoy, rot, fester, humble, abash, chagrin, displace, putrefy.

ANT: Feed, pamper, indulge, plea?e, gratify, delight, satisfy, heal, recover.


KEY: Mostly.

SYN: Mainly, chiefly, in great measure, for the most part, for the greatest part, [See MAINLY].


KEY: Motherly.

SYN: Maternal, affectionate, tender, kind, [See KIND].


KEY: Motion, [See MOVEMENT].


KEY: Motionless, [See STILL].


KEY: Motive.

SYN: Inducement, purpose, design, prompting, stimulus, reason, impulse, incitement.

ANT: Execution, action, effort, deed, attempt, project, preventive, deterrent, dissuasive.


KEY: Motley.

SYN: Parti-colored, variegated, mixed, medley, heterogeneous, diversified.

ANT: Uniform, homogeneous, alike, monochromatic, mottled, [See MOTLEY and MACULATED].


KEY: Mold.

SYN: Fashion, shape, manipulate, for, {[n]?}, cast, configure.

ANT: Distort, strain, pervert, mis shape.


KEY: Moldy.

SYN: Green, rusty, fusty, musty, over-ripe.

ANT: Fresh, wholesome, pure, sweet, receipt.


KEY: Mount, [See ASCEND].


KEY: Mourn, [See GRIEVE and BEWAIL].


KEY: Mournful.

SYN: Sad, melancholy, tearful, doleful, depressing, wailing, lugubrious.

ANT: Joyous, mirthful, exhilarating.


KEY: Movable, [See STATIONARY].


KEY: Move.

SYN: Change, [See CONTROL and GOVERN], progress, stir, affect, agitate, actuate, impel, propose, advance, propel, instigate, provoke.

ANT: Stand, stop, lie, rest, stay, allay, deter, prevent, arrest, withdraw.


KEY: Movement.

SYN: Motion, move, change of place.

ANT: Stop, rest, pause, stillness, quietness.


KEY: Much.

SYN: Abundant, plenteous, greatly, abundantly, fur, considerable, ample.

ANT: Little, scant, slightly, shortly, short, near.


KEY: Mucilaginous.

SYN: Gelatinous, albuminous, creamy, glairy, viscous, lentous.

ANT: Limpid, crystalline, bubbling, frothing, foaming, effervescent, sparkling, spirituous.


KEY: Muddle.

SYN: Fail, waste, fritter away, confuse, derange, misarrange.

ANT: Clarify, manage, economize, classify, arrange.


KEY: Muddy.

SYN: Luteous, swampy, turbid, clayey.

ANT: Dry, arid, rocky, arenaceous, sandy, limpid, pellucid, crystalline.


KEY: Muffle.

SYN: Shroud, enfold, disguise, conceal, envelop.

ANT: {[Unmuole]?}, unfold, exhibit, reveal.


KEY: Muggy.

SYN: Foggy, misty, dank, damp, murky, dim, vaporous, cloudy.

ANT: Clear, bright, vaporless.


KEY: Mulct \n.\

SYN: Amercement, damages, forfeiture, penalty.

ANT: Guerdon, douceur, bonus, reward, premium.


KEY: Mulish.

SYN: Stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, cross-grained, intractable, [See TRACTABLE].


KEY: Multifarious.

SYN: Various, varied, multigenerous, multitudinous, multifold, manifold, multiform.

ANT: Single, uniform, unvaried, unvarying, few.


KEY: Multifold, [See MULTIFARIOUS].


KEY: Multiform, [See MULTIFARIOUS].


KEY: Multiplication.

SYN: Multiplicity, plurality, multitudinousness, multifariousness, multitude, repetition, reiter ation, reproduction, augmentation, swarming, teeming.

ANT: Singularity, unity, scantiness, rarity, diminution, extinction.


KEY: Multisonous.

SYN: Many-voiced, tuneful.

ANT: Unisonous, droning, monotonous.


KEY: Multitude.

SYN: Crowd, swarm, accumulation, throng, concourse, number, host, mob, rabble.

ANT: Paucity, scantiness, sprinkling.


KEY: Multitudinous, [See MULTIFARIOUS].


KEY: Mummery.

SYN: Antics, masquerade, vagary, buffoonery.

ANT: Pageant, procession, exhibition.


KEY: Mundane.

SYN: Worldly, secular, temporal, earthly.

ANT: Unworldly, spiritual, heavenly, ethereal, supramundane.


KEY: munificent.

SYN: Liberal, princely, bounteous, generous.

ANT: Niggardly, beggarly.


KEY: Murky, [See MUGGY].


KEY: Murmur.

SYN: Undertone, whisper, mutter, grumble, complaint, repining.

ANT: Clamor, vociferation, bawling, outcry, defiance, execration, salutation, acclamation.


KEY: Murmur \v.\ [See GROWL].


KEY: Muscular.

SYN: Powerful, brawny, robust, sinewy, strong, stalwart, athletic, lusty, sturdy.

ANT: Debile, flabby, feeble, lanky.


KEY: Muse.

SYN: Reflect, ponder, cogitate, dream, think, meditate.

ANT: Stir, act, move.


KEY: Musical.

SYN: Melodious, harmonious, dulcet, concordant, rythmical, tuneful, mellifluous.

ANT: Unmelodious, inharmonious, harsh, discordant.


KEY: Muster \v.\

SYN: Marshal, collect, assemble, rally, enroll, gather.

ANT: Dismiss, disperse, relegate, remit, disband.


KEY: Musty.

SYN: Fusty, rank, mouldy, frowzy, stale, sour, fetid, mildewed.

ANT: Fragrant, fresh, balmy, aromatic, odorous.


KEY: Mutable.

SYN: Changeable, changeful, mobile, transient, ephemeral, inconstant, unsteadfast, fickle, fitful, undecided, restless.

ANT: Unchanging, permanent, immutable, persistent, changeless, Mutation, [See VARIATION].


KEY: Mute.

SYN: Silent, speechless, dumb, taciturn, voiceless, still, death-like.

ANT: Chattering, talkative, garrulous, loquacious, vocal, tuneful, loud.


KEY: Mutilate, [See MAIM].


KEY: Mutinous.

SYN: Turbulent, seditious, insurgent, riotous, tumultuous, unruly, refractory, insurrectionary.

ANT: Obedient, loyal, submissive.


KEY: Mutter.

SYN: Murmur, mumble.

ANT: Enunciate, exclaim, pronounce, vociferate.


KEY: Mutual.

SYN: Reciprocal, common, interchangeable, alternate.

ANT: One-sided, unreciprocated, unmutual.


KEY: Muzzle.

SYN: Silence, burke, restrain, gag, stop.

ANT: release, liberate, open, unmuzzle, free.


KEY: Mysterious.

SYN: Dim, obscure, unrevealed, unexplained, unaccountable, reserved, veiled, hidden, secret, incomprehensible, mystic, inexplicable.

ANT: Clear, plain, obvious, explained, understood, easy, explainable, simple, frank, communicative.


KEY: Mystery.

SYN: Enigma, puzzle, obscurity, secrecy, veil, shroud, arcanum.

ANT: Publication, solution, commonplace, truism, matter-of-fact.


KEY: Mystic.

SYN: Mysterious, cabalistic, magical.

ANT: Plain, matter-of-fact, everyday, familiar, commonplace, obvious, household.


KEY: Mystify.

SYN: Confuse, bamboozle, hoodwink, puzzle, confound, mislead, obfuscate.

ANT: Illumine, enlighten, inform, guide.


KEY: Myth.

SYN: Fable, legend, parable, supposition, fiction, allegory, fabulous story, fabrication.

ANT: Fact, history, narrative.


KEY: Mythological.

SYN: Fabulous, mythical, [See H].


KEY: Nab, (\coll.\)

SYN: Catch, clutch, grasp, seize, lay hold on, lay hands on, [See CATCH].


KEY: Nabob.

SYN: Millionaire, Croesus, mau of wealth, man of fortune, very rich man, man of great distinction.

ANT: Man not wealthy, man not distinguished.


KEY: Nacreous, [See IRIDESCENT].


KEY: Naked.

SYN: Nude, bare, unclothed, denuded, undraped, defenceless, destitute, unqualified, uncolored, unvarnished, mere, simple.

ANT: Dressed, robed, draped, muffled, protected, qualified, veiled, shrouded, colored, varnished.


KEY: Name \n.\

SYN: Designation, cognomination, appellation, title, fame, reputation, authority, appointment, stead, representation.

ANT: Namelessness, anonymousness, misnomer, pseudonym, obscurity, ingloriousness, disrepute, individuality, person.


KEY: Name \v.\

SYN: Spectry, designate, call, Indicate.

ANT: Misname, miscall, misdesignate, misindicate, hint, suggest, shadow, adumbrate.


KEY: Narrate.

SYN: recite, tell, report, detail, relate, rehearse, recount.

ANT: Suppress, conceal, blink, misreport, misrepresent, misrelate, misstate.


KEY: Narrow.

SYN: Straight, straightened, slender, thin, spare, contracted, limited, cramped, pinched, scant, close, scrutinizing, near, bigoted, niggardly, tight.

ANT: Wide, broad, ample, thick, expanded, easy, liberal.


KEY: Nascent.

SYN: Youthful, rising, green, incipient, embryo, rudimental, budding.

ANT: Mature, aged, confirmed, developed, grown.


KEY: Nasty.

SYN: Fool, offensive, odious, disagreeable, indelicate, impure, gross, unclean, obscene.

ANT: Nice, pleasant, sweet, savory, agreeable, pure.


KEY: Nation.

SYN: Race, people, realm, community, commonwealth, state, [See COMMUNITY and PEOPLE].


KEY: Native.

SYN: Indigenous, home, exported, artless, natural, proper, suitable, congenital, inbred, vernacular.

ANT: Foreign, Imported, exotic, alien, artificial, acquired, assumed, affected.


KEY: Natural.

SYN: Intrinsic, eventual, regular, normal, cosmical, true, probable, consistent, spontaneous, unless, original.

ANT: {[Acitition]?}, adventitious, abnormal, monstrous, unnatural, fictitious, improbable, unsupposable, forced, artful, affected.


KEY: Nature.

SYN: Essence, creation, constitution, structure, disposition, truth, regularity, kind, sort, character, species, affection, naturalness.

ANT: Thing, object, subject, man, being, creature, monstrosity, unnaturalness, art, fiction, romance, invention.


KEY: Naught.

SYN: Nothing.

ANT: Aught, anything, everything.


KEY: Naughty.

SYN: Worthless, vile, corrupt, bad, froward, refractory, wicked, perverse.

ANT: Worthy, good, precious, pure, docile, tractable, well-behaved.


KEY: Nausea.

SYN: Loathing, disgust, abomination, qualm, sea-sickness.

ANT: Taste, relish, enjoyment.


KEY: Nauseous.

SYN: Loathsome, sickening, disgusting, [See ABOMINABLE].


KEY: Nautical, [See MARINE].


KEY: Near.

SYN: Nigh, close, adjacent, neighboring, (Sometimes used in the sense of parsimonious).

ANT: Far, distant, remote.


KEY: Nearly.

SYN: Almost, closely, approximately.

ANT: Quite, entirely, distantly, remotely.


KEY: Neat, [See TIDY].


KEY: Necessary.

SYN: Certain, inevitable, indispensable, requisite, essential, compulsory, needful, expedient.

ANT: Contingent, casual, optional, discretional, unnecessary, unessential, free.


KEY: Necessitate, [See COMPEL].


KEY: Necessity.

SYN: Indispensableness, inevitableness, need, indigence, requirement, want, fate, destiny.

ANT: dispensableness, uncertainty, superfluity, uselessness, competence, affluence, casualty, contingency, freedom, choice.




KEY: Needful, [See AMBIGUOUS].


KEY: Needless.

SYN: Unnecessary, useless, superfluous, gratuitous.

ANT: Needful, useful, helpful, obligatory.


KEY: Nefarious, [See ATROCIOUS].


KEY: Negation, [See ASSERT].


KEY: Negative.

SYN: Denying, privative, disclaiming, indirect.

ANT: Assertive, attributive, positive, direct.


KEY: Neglect \v.\

SYN: Slight, overlook, omit, disregard, disesteem, despite, contemn.

ANT: Consider, respect, notice, observe, regard, esteem, tend, attend, foster, study.


KEY: Neglect \n.\

SYN: Negligence, disregard, omission, failure, default, slight, carelessness, remissness.

ANT: Attention, consideration, respect, notice, regard, esteem.


KEY: Negotiate.

SYN: Transact, effect, pass, perform.

ANT: Mismanage, misconduct, quash, stop.


KEY: Neighborly, [See SOCIABLE].


KEY: Nerve.

SYN: Strength, firmness, resolution.

ANT: Nerveless, forceless, feeble, weak, enfeebled, impotent, palsied, [See COURAGE].


KEY: Nervous, [See VIGOROUS and TIMID].


KEY: Nettle.

SYN: Sting, fret, provoke, [See INCENSE].


KEY: Neutral.

SYN: Uninterfering, impartial, indifferent, negative, unavowed.

ANT: Partial, interested, interfering, active, positive, declared, avowed.


KEY: Neutrality.

SYN: Non-interference, indifference.

ANT: Interference, activity.


KEY: Neutralize.

SYN: Counteract, compensate, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail.

ANT: Aggravate, enhance, Intensify.


KEY: New.

SYN: Novel, recent, fresh, modern.

ANT: Old, ancient, antique, antiquated, obsolete.


KEY: News.

SYN: Intelligence, Information, tidings, [See INTELLIGENCE].


KEY: New-fangled.

SYN: Upstart, newlight, innovating, strange, odd, fantastic, novel.

ANT: Venerable, time-honored, established, ancient, old, old-fashioned.


KEY: Nibble.

SYN: Carp, cavil, peck, object, demur.

ANT: Accept, eulogize, command, endorse, allow.


KEY: Nice.

SYN: Fastidious, scrupulous, accurate, neat, discerning, dainty, pleasant, agreeable, exact, fine, finished, particular.

ANT: Coarse, unscrupulous, inaccurate, rude, rough, undiscriminating, nasty, nauseous, disagreeable.


KEY: Sleety.

SYN: Fastidiousness, scrupulousness, accuracy.

ANT: Coarseness, inaccuracy, rudeness, roughness.


KEY: Niggard, [See MISER].


KEY: Niggardly, [See LIBERAL].


KEY: Nimble.

SYN: Agile, quick, lively, sprightly, [See SLOW].


KEY: Nobility.

SYN: Distinction, dignity, rank, peerage, lordship, loftiness, generosity, rank, aristocracy.

ANT: Obscurity, meanness, commonalty, serfdom, paltriness, contemptibleness, plebeianism.


KEY: Noble.

SYN: Grand, aristocratic, generous, illustrious, exalted, worthy, magnanimous, dignified, excellent, lofty-minded, honorable, fine.

ANT: Mean, plebeian, ignoble, paltry.


KEY: Nobody, [See CIPHER].


KEY: Nocturnal.

SYN: Nightly, dark, gloomy, tenebrose.

ANT: Diurnal, light, brilliant, solar.


KEY: Nodosity.

SYN: Protuberance, protuberousness, knottiness, tuberosity, lumpiness.

ANT: Planeness, evenness, smoothness, polish, levigation.


KEY: Noise.

SYN: Sound, clamor, rattle, din, uproar, tumult.

ANT: Note, voice, music, melody, silence, still n ess, voicelessness, hush.


KEY: Noiseless, [See NOISY].


KEY: Noisome.

SYN: Hurtful, harmful, nocuous, pestilential.

ANT: Wholesome, salutary, salubrious, beneficial.


KEY: Noisy.

SYN: Loud, clamorous, stunning.

ANT: Still, soft, inaudible, whispering, soothing, musical, melodious, harmonious, tuneful, subdued, gentle, noiseless.


KEY: Nomad.

SYN: Pastoral, vagrant, Arab, Scythian, roving, migratory.

ANT: Fixed, unwandering, agricultural, unroving, urban.


KEY: Nominal.

SYN: Trifling, suppositious, ostensible, professed, pretended, formal.

ANT: Real, deep, serious, important, grave, substantial, actual, intrinsic, veritable, essential.


KEY: Nominate.

SYN: Name, specify, appoint, individualize, define, invest, present, entitle.

ANT: Suggest, indicate, conjecture, describe, recal, deprive, cancel, withdraw, divert.


KEY: Nonsense.

SYN: Absurdity, trash, folly, pretense, jest, balderdash.

ANT: Sense, wisdom, truth, fact, gravity, philosophy, science, reason.


KEY: Nonsensical, [See FOOLISH].


KEY: Normal.

SYN: Regular, typical, usual, recognized, natural, ordinary.

ANT: Abnormal, irregular, unnatural, exceptional, monstrous.


KEY: Notable, [See REMARKABLE].


KEY: Note \n.\ [See PARASITE].


KEY: Note \v.\ [See NOTICE].


KEY: Notice \n.\

SYN: Observation, cognizance, heed, advice, news, consideration, visitation, mark, note.

ANT: Oversight, disregard, misinformation, mistidings, neglect, slight, connivance, ignorance, incognizance, heedlessness, amnesty, omission.


KEY: Notice \v.\

SYN: Mark, note, observe, attend to, mention, heed, regard, give heed to, [See REGARD].


KEY: Noticeable, [See REMARKABLE].


KEY: Notification.

SYN: Notice, declaration, publication, [See NOTICE].


KEY: Notify.

SYN: Intimate, declare, announce, give notice to, acquaint, communicate, apprise, inform, warn.

ANT: Suppress, withhold, conceal, misreport.


KEY: Notion.

SYN: Apprehension, idea, conception, judgment, opinion, belief, expectation, sentiment.

ANT: Misapprehension, falsification, misbelief, misjudgment, frustration, misconception.


KEY: Notoriety.

SYN: Publicity, vogue, repute, celebrity, knowledge certainty.

ANT: Privacy, secrecy, concealment, obscurity, mystery, suspicion, rumor, whisper.


KEY: Notorious.

SYN: Known, undisputed, recognized, allowed.

ANT: Suspected, reported, reputed.


KEY: Nourish.

SYN: Nurture, fed, foster, cherish, nurse, tend, support, promote.

ANT: Starve blight, destroy, kill, wither.


KEY: Nourishment, [See ALIENATE].


KEY: Novel, [See NEW-FANGLED].


KEY: Novice, [See TYRO].


KEY: Noxious, [See NOISOME].


KEY: Nucleus.

SYN: Core, central part, center, kernel, [See CORE].


KEY: Nudity.

SYN: Nakedness, bareness, exposure.

ANT: Clothing, drapery, investment, dress.


KEY: Nugatory.

SYN: Trifling, vain, inoperative, ineffectual, null, void.

ANT: Grave, serious, important, potent, efficacious, momentous, successful, satisfactory.


KEY: Nuisance.

SYN: Offence, annoyance, plague, pest, trouble.

ANT: Gratification, blessing, pleasure, delight, benefit.


KEY: Null, [See VOID].


KEY: Nullify.

SYN: Abrogate, neutralize, cancel, abolish, extinguish, annul, quash, repeal.

ANT: Confirm, perpetuate, reenact, stabilitate, establish, cherish.


KEY: Number, [See COUNT].


KEY: Numberless.

SYN: Countless, innumerable, infinite,.

ANT: Few, scarce, rare.


KEY: Numbness.

SYN: Hebetude, callousness, insensibility.

ANT: acuteness, sensibility, liveliness, sensitiveness.


KEY: Numerous, [See MANY].


KEY: Nuptial.

SYN: Connubial, hymeneal, bridal.


KEY: Nuptials.

SYN: Wedding, marriage, espousal, [See MARRIAGE].


KEY: Nurse, [See NOURISH].


KEY: Nursery.

SYN: [See {[{d-plot}?], seminary, plantation, school.

ANT: World, life, education, profession.


KEY: Nurture, [See NOURISH].


KEY: Nutriment.

SYN: Aliment, food, sustenance, nourishment, replenishment, sustentation, {[pibalum]?}.

ANT: Starvation, languishment, decay, inanition, exhaustion, poison, detriment.


KEY: Nutrition.

SYN: Alimentation, sustentation, feeding,.

ANT: Exhaustion, starvation, inanition.


KEY: Oaf, [See BOOBY].


KEY: Obdurate.

SYN: Hardened, obstinate, stubborn, impenitent, reprobate, callous, unfeeling, insensible, unyielding.

ANT: Softened, flexible, tender, teachable, yielding, penitent, docile, amenable.


KEY: Obedience.

SYN: Submission, compliance, subservience.

ANT: Resistance, rebellion, violation, transgression, antagonism, disobedience.


KEY: Obedient, [See SUBMISSIVE].


KEY: Obesity.

SYN: Fatness, fleshiness, corpulence, plumpness, corpulency, embonpoint.

ANT: Leanness, thinness.


KEY: Obey.

SYN: Submit, comply, yield.

ANT: Resist, disobey, refuse, [See OBEDIENCE].


KEY: Object \n.\

SYN: Appearance, sight, design, end, aim, motive, intent, view, goal.

ANT: Idea, notion, conception, fancy, subject, proposal, purpose, effect.


KEY: Object to \v.\

SYN: Oppose, contravene, obstruct, defer to, except to, gainsay, disapprove.

ANT: Approve, approve of.


KEY: Objective.

SYN: Extrinsic, concrete, external.

ANT: Intrinsic, abstract, notional, subjective.


KEY: Objurgate, [See SCOLD].


KEY: Oblation.

SYN: Offering, presentment, gift.

ANT: Spoliation, sacrilege, withholding, resumption, refusal, negation.


KEY: Obligation.

SYN: Duty, necessity, compulsion, contract, bond, covenant, belief.

ANT: Promise, word, choice, freedom, assurance, declaration, intention, exemption.


KEY: Oblige.

SYN: Compel, coerce, necessitate, force, benefit, favor, accommodate, gratify, bind, constrain.

ANT: Release, acquit, induce, persuade, {[annon]?}, disoblige.


KEY: Obliging.

SYN: Kind, considerate, compliant, complaisant, accommodating.

ANT: Discourteous, rude, crossgrained, perverse, unaccomadating, disobliging.


KEY: Oblique.

SYN: Divergent, diagonal, lateral, angular.

ANT: straight, rectilineal, forward.


KEY: Obliterate \v.\ [See EFFACE].


KEY: Oblivion \n.\

SYN: Forgetfulness, disremembrance.

ANT: Remembrance, recollection, memory, reminiscence, commemoration, celebration.


KEY: Obloquy.

SYN: Censure, blame, defamation, contumely, reproach.

ANT: Praise, panegyric, acclamation, encomium.


KEY: Obnoxious.

SYN: Odious, detrimental, pernicious, amenable, liable, blameworthy, offensive, answerable.

ANT: Pleasant, grateful, whole some, salutary, beneficial, unamenable, independent, exempt.


KEY: Obscene.

SYN: Impure, immodest, indecent, lewd, four, indelicate, filthy, disgusting, foul-mouthed.

ANT: Pure, modest, decent.


KEY: Obscure \a.\

SYN: Dark, dim, lowering, indistinct, enigmatical, uncertain, doubtful, unascertained, humble, unintelligible, mean.

ANT: Bright, luminous, distinct, lucid, plain, plain spoken, intelligible, unambiguous, ascertained, eminent, prominent.


KEY: Obscure \v.\

SYN: Conceal, darken.

ANT: Reveal, make known, discover.


KEY: Obsequious.

SYN: Submissive, servile, deferential, cringing, sycophantic, flattering.

ANT: Insubmissive, independent, arrogant, self assertive, impudent.


KEY: Observance.

SYN: Attention, fulfilment, respect, celebration, performance, ceremony, custom, form, rule, practice.

ANT: Inobservance, inattention, breach, disrespect, disregard, desuetude, disuse, non-performance, informality, ceremoniousness, omission,.


KEY: Observant.

SYN: Regardful, attentive, mindful, obedient, watchful, heedful,.

ANT: Disregardful, neglectful, unmindful, disobedient, heedless.


KEY: Observation.

SYN: Contemplation, study, remark, attention, notice, comment.

ANT: Disregard, oversight, inadvertence, inattention, silence, ignorance.


KEY: Observe.

SYN: Remark, mark, watch, note, behold, perceive keep, heed, respect, [See PERCEIVE].


KEY: Obsolete.

SYN: Antiquated, past, effete, disused, archaic, old-fashioned.

ANT: Fashionable, modern, current, customary, operative, extant.


KEY: Obstacle.

SYN: Impediment, obstruction, hindrance, objection, bar, difficulty, check, obstruction.

ANT: Course, proceeding, career, advancement.


KEY: Obstinate.

SYN: Headstrong, stubborn, refractory, self-willed, pertinacious, obdurate, perverse, intractable.

ANT: Amenable, complaisant, yielding, docile, ductile, characterless, irresolute, wavering.


KEY: Obstinacy, [See OBSTINATE].


KEY: Obstreperous.

SYN: Noisy, uproarious, clamorous, rattling.

ANT: Subdued, quiet, noiseless, inobstreperous.


KEY: Obstruct.

SYN: Bar, block, choke, hinder, impede, interrupt, retard, clog.

ANT: Open, clear, pave, facilitate, expedite, further, advance, promote, accelerate, aid.


KEY: Obstruction.

SYN: Hinderance, obstacle, impediment, [See OBSTACLE].


KEY: Obtain, [See ACQUIRE].


KEY: Obtestation.

SYN: Entreaty, supplication, adjuration.

ANT: Abjuration, deprecation, defiance.


KEY: Obtrude.

SYN: Force, thrust, interfere, intrude.

ANT: Suggest, insinuate, retire, withdraw.


KEY: Obtuse.

SYN: Dull, stupid, unintelligent, stolid, doltish.

ANT: Acute, clever, intelligent, quick, sharp.


KEY: Obumbrate.

SYN: Shade, overshadow, darken.

ANT: Lighten, illumine, elucidate.


KEY: Obverse.

SYN: Opposite, facing.

ANT: Hinder, reverse.


KEY: Obvious.

SYN: Plain, self-evident, manifest, explicit, apparent, open, patent.

ANT: Remote, obscure, farfetched, involved, latent.


KEY: Occasion \n.\

SYN: Conjuncture, opportunity, occurrence, cause, need, event, reason, necessity, opening, ground.

ANT: Untimeliness, unseasonableness, frustration.


KEY: Occasion \v.\

SYN: Cause, make, create, [See PRODUCE and CREATE].


KEY: Occasionally.

SYN: Sometimes, casually, rarely.

ANT: Always, regularly, constantly, frequently.


KEY: Occult.

SYN: Latent, hidden, unrevealed, mysterious, secret, dark, unknown.

ANT: Developed, plain, patent clear, familiar, exposed, open.


KEY: Occupancy.

SYN: Possession, enjoyment, tenure.

ANT: Ejection, eviction, dispossession.


KEY: Occupant.

SYN: Owner, resident, proprietor, tenant, occupier.

ANT: Foreigner, stranger, visitor, intruder, usurper.


KEY: Occupation.

SYN: Employment, avocation, possession, usurpation, encroachment, tenure, calling, pursuit, trade, business, holding.

ANT: Idleness, vacancy, leisure, abandonment, vacation, re signation.


KEY: Occupier, [See OCCUPANT].


KEY: Occupy.

SYN: Hold, possess, employ, fill, busy, [See HOLD].


KEY: Occur.

SYN: Befall, happen, betide, supervene, take place, appear, arise.

ANT: Pass, threaten, impend.


KEY: Occurrence.

SYN: Event, affair, incident, transaction, adventure, [See EVENT].


KEY: Ocular.

SYN: Visible, demonstrable, palpable.

ANT: Inferential, auricular, hearsay, circumstantial, deductive, constructive.


KEY: Odd.

SYN: Alone, sole, unmatched, remaining, over, fragmentary, uneven, singular, peculiar, queer, quaint, fantastical, uncommon, nondescript.

ANT: Aggregate, consociate, matched, balanced, squared, integrant, even, common, usual, regular, normal.


KEY: Odious.

SYN: Hateful, offensive, detestable, abominable.

ANT: Delectable, grateful, acceptable, pleasant.


KEY: Odium.

SYN: Hatred, offensiveness, dislike, invidiousness, jealousy, unpopularity, grudge.

ANT: Love, tastefulness, accept, ableness, popularity, ungrudging, news, welcome.


KEY: Odor.

SYN: Smell, scent, fragrance, perfume, redolence, effluvium, fume, trail, nidor.

ANT: inodorousness, absence of smell, want of smell.


KEY: Odorous, [See FRAGRANT].


KEY: Offal, [See CREAM].


KEY: Offence, Offense.

SYN: Attack, sin, crime, umbrage, transgression, crime, misdeed, injury, wrong, affront, outrage, insult, trespass, indignity, misdemeanor.

ANT: defence, innocence, guiltlessness.


KEY: Offend.

SYN: Displease, affront, outrage, irritate, shock, annoy, pain, wound, nettle, vex, err, fall.

ANT: Conciliate, gratify, please.


KEY: Offender, [See CULPRIT].


KEY: Offensive.

SYN: Aggressive, obnoxious, distasteful, displeasing, foul, fetid, unsavory.

ANT: Defensive, grateful, pleasant, savory.


KEY: Offer.

SYN: Propose, exhibit, proffer, present, tender, extend, adduce, volunteer.

ANT: Withhold, withdraw, retract, retain, alienate, divest.


KEY: Offering, [See OFFER and OBLATION].


KEY: Off-hand.

SYN: Impromptu, unpremeditated, extempore, unstudied,.

ANT: premeditated, studied, thought out, elaborate.


KEY: Office.

SYN: Service, duty, appointment, function, employment, station, business post.

ANT: Leisure, vacancy, resignation, sinecure.


KEY: Officer.

SYN: Official, functionary, conductor, director, administrator, manager, dignitary, official.

ANT: Member, servant, private, sinecurist.


KEY: Official \n.\ [See OFFICER].


KEY: Official \n.\

SYN: Administrative, authoritative, negotiative, functional, professional.

ANT: Private, unofficial, unprofessional.


KEY: Officiate.

SYN: Act, serve, perform.

ANT: Retire, witness.


KEY: Officious.

SYN: Meddling, interfering, pushing, forward, intrusive, intermeddling.

ANT: Backward, negligent, remiss, unofficious, retiring, modest, backward.


KEY: Often.

SYN: Frequently, repeatedly.

ANT: Infrequently, seldom.


KEY: Ogre.

SYN: Spectre, goblin, hobgoblin, , bugbear, [See SPECTRE].




KEY: Old.

SYN: Aged, pristine, long-standing, ancient, preceding, antiquated, obsolete, senile antique.

ANT: Youthful, young, recent, fresh, modern, subsequent, newfashioned, current.


KEY: Oleaginous.

SYN: Oily, unctuous, pulchritudinous.

ANT: Harsh, dry, sour, acid, moistureless.


KEY: Omen.

SYN: Augury, sign, presage, portent, forboding, prognostic, [See PRESAGE].


KEY: Ominous.

SYN: Portentous, suggestive, threatening, foreboding, premonitory, unpropitious.

ANT: Auspicious, propitious, encouraging.


KEY: Omission.

SYN: Oversight, exclusion.

ANT: Attention, insertion, notice.


KEY: Omit.

SYN: Neglect, fail, miss, leave out, pass by, overlook, [See NEGLECT].


KEY: Omnipotent.

SYN: all-powerful, Almighty, irresistible,.

ANT: powers, inefficient.


KEY: Omniscient.

SYN: All-knowing, all-wise, infallible.

ANT: Short sight, ignorant, fallible.


KEY: One.

SYN: Single, undivided, individual.

ANT: Many.


KEY: Oneness, [See UNITY].


KEY: Onerous.

SYN: Burdensome, toilsome, heavy, responsible, oppressive, laborious, oppose, difficult.

ANT: Light, easy, trivial, inoppressive.


KEY: Only \a.\

SYN: Single, sole, alone, solitary.

ANT: Many, together, mixed.


KEY: Only, adv.

SYN: Solely, singly, merely, simply, barely.

ANT: Among, amongst, together, collectively.


KEY: Onset, [See ATTACK].


KEY: Onslaught, [See ATTACK].


KEY: Onward.

SYN: Forward, ahead, in advance.

ANT: Backward, astorm, aback.


KEY: Ooze.

SYN: Distill, drop, drip, percolate, perspire, sweat, drain, leak, transude.

ANT: [See POULTICE], rush, flow, stream, disgorge.




KEY: Open \v.\

SYN: Unclose, lay open, lay Dare expose, explain, disclose, initiate, begin, commence.

ANT: Close, shut up, conceal, inclose, mystify, misinterpret, conclude, cover.


KEY: Open \a.\

SYN: Accessible, free, available, unshut, unfolded, public, free, unrestricted, unreserved, unaffected, genuine, barefaced, undisguised, above-board, liberal, unclosed, candid, frank, ingenuous, unsettled, undetermined.

ANT: Inaccessible, closed, barred, unavailable, shut, close, secretive, reserved, settled, determined.


KEY: Opening.

SYN: Aperture, gap, opportunity, space, commencement, initiation, start, inauguration, hole, fissure, chink, beginning.

ANT: Occlusion, obstruction, stopgap, unreasonableness, contretemps, inopportuneness, enclosure, termination, close, end, conclusion.


KEY: Operate.

SYN: Act, work, produce, effect, produce an effect, have effect.

ANT: Cease, rest, fail, misoperate.


KEY: Operation.

SYN: Agency, action, exercise, production, influence, performance.

ANT: Cessation, inaction, rest, inoperativeness, inefficacy, inefficiency, misoperation.


KEY: Operative.

SYN: Active, efficacious, serviceable, binding.

ANT: Inefficacious, inoperative.


KEY: Operose.

SYN: Onerous, laborious, burdensome, tedious, wearisome, toilsome.

ANT: Light, unburdensome, stimulating, refreshing.


KEY: Opine.

SYN: Think, believe, conjecture, suppose, judge, surmise.

ANT: Know, ascertain, verify.


KEY: Opinion.

SYN: Conviction, view, judgment, notion, idea, impression, estimation, theory.


KEY: Opinionative.

SYN: Dictatorial, dogmatical, self-conceited, oracular.

ANT: Modest, diffident, inquiring, vacillating, cautious, undemonstrative.


KEY: Opponent, [See ADVERSARY].


KEY: Opportune.

SYN: Timely, seasonable, appropriate, felicitous, suitable, fit, meet, auspicious.

ANT: Inopportune, untimely, unseasonable, infelicitous.


KEY: Opportunity.

SYN: Occasion, turn, opening, convenience.

ANT: Inopportuneness, unseasonableness, lapse, omission, contretemps.


KEY: Oppose.

SYN: Withstand, resist, mutch, obstruct, confront, oppugn, bar, hinder, contravene, check, thwart.

ANT: Aid, abet, back, support, advance, expedite.


KEY: Opposition.

SYN: Resistance, hostility, obstacle, obstruction, [See ANIMOSITY].


KEY: Opposite.

SYN: Facing, adverse, repugnant, inconsistent, irreconcilable, contrary, antagonistic, counter, contradictory.

ANT: Agreeing, coincident, consentaneous.


KEY: Oppress.

SYN: Burden, grind, weigh down, persecute, aggrieve, maltreat, abuse, overbear, constrain.

ANT: Encourage, support, patronize, assist, befriend.


KEY: Oppression.

SYN: Cruelty, tyranny, severity, injustice, hardship.

ANT: Kindness, mercy, clemency, leniency, justice, [See TYRANNY].


KEY: Oppressive.

SYN: Heavy, overpowering, unjust, {[gaLLug]?}, extortionate, grinding.

ANT: light, just, compassionate, [See {[CBTJKL]?}].


KEY: Opprobrious.

SYN: Insulting, infamous, [See ABUSIVE].


KEY: Opprobrium.

SYN: Reproach, scandal, disgrace, obloquy, ignominy, odium, [See OBLOQUY and ODIUM].


KEY: Option.

SYN: Discretion, choice, preference, deliberation, wish, election.

ANT: Obligation, necessity, burden, compulsion.


KEY: Opulence.

SYN: Wealth, affluence, riches, fortune.

ANT: Poverty, indigence, impecuniosity.


KEY: Opulent.

SYN: Rich, well to do, moneyed, affluent, [See RICH].


KEY: Oracular, [See OPINIONATIVE].


KEY: Oral.

SYN: Unwritten, traditional, vocal, spoken, verbal.

ANT: Written, documentary.


KEY: Oration, [See COGITATE].


KEY: Oratory.

SYN: Eloquence, rhetoric, elocution, declamation.

ANT: Hesitation, tardiloquence, imperfection of speech.


KEY: Orb.

SYN: Sphere, circle, ball, globe.


KEY: Orbit.

SYN: Revolution, path, circuit, sphere.

ANT: Eccentricity, deviation, perturbation.


KEY: Ordain.

SYN: Set, appoint, decree, institute, prescribe, arrange, direct, regulate, dictate, establish.

ANT: Subvert, revoke, cancel, annul, disestablish, countermand.


KEY: Ordeal.

SYN: Test, trial, probation, experiment.

ANT: Argument, plea, discussion, Investigation, evidence.


KEY: Order \n.\

SYN: Arrangement, condition, sequence, direction, rank, grade, class, decree, succession, series, method, injunction, precept, command.


KEY: Order \v.\

SYN: Arrange, dispose, regulate, adjust, direct, command, classify, ordain, enjoin, prescribe, appoint, manage, [See ABRIDGMENT].

ANT: Disarrangement, confusion, unsettlement, inversion, execution, disorder.


KEY: Orderly.

SYN: Regular, equable, peaceable, methodical, quiet.

ANT: Irregular, disorderly, riotous.


KEY: Ordinance.

SYN: Statute, Institute, decree, law, edict, regulation, rule.

ANT: Custom, usage, prescription.


KEY: Ordinary.

SYN: Settled, wonted, conventional, plain, inferior, commonplace, humdrum, matter of fact.

ANT: Extraordinary, unusual, uncommon, superior, [See FUTILE].


KEY: Organic.

SYN: Fundamental, constitutional, radical.

ANT: Nonessential, circumstantial, contingent, provisional.


KEY: Organization.

SYN: Structure, form, construction.

ANT: Disorganization.


KEY: Organize.

SYN: Shape, adjust, constitute, frame, dispose, arrange, construct.

ANT: Distort, break up, annul, disorganize, dismember, disband.


KEY: Orifice.

SYN: Aperture, perforation, mouth, opening, hole, bung, bunghole.

ANT: Obstruction, stopper, plug, imperforation.


KEY: Origin.

SYN: Source, commencement, spring, cause, derivation, rise, beginning.

ANT: Termination, conclusion, extinction.


KEY: Original.

SYN: Primary, initiatory, primordial, peculiar, pristine, ancient, former, first.

ANT: Subsequent, terminal, modern, later, derivative.


KEY: Originate.

SYN: Commence, spring, rise, start, initiate, invent, create, cause to be made, proceed, emanate.

ANT: Prosecute, conduct, apply.


KEY: Ornament \n.\

SYN: Decoration, embellishment.

ANT: Disgrace, brand, disfigurement.


KEY: Ornament, [See ADORN].


KEY: Ornate.

SYN: Decorated, embellished, rich, high-wrought, ornamented.

ANT: Plain, chaste, nude, naked, bare, bald.


KEY: Orthodox.

SYN: Correct, sound, true.

ANT: Heretical, unorthodox.


KEY: Ostensible.

SYN: Avowed, pretended, declared, professed, manifest, visible, nominal, apparent, outward.

ANT: Real, genuine, concealed, unpretended, actual, veritable.


KEY: Ostentation.

SYN: Show, parade, display, flourish, pomp, vaunting, boasting.

ANT: Reserve, retirement, modesty, concealment, unobtrusiveness, quiet, diffidence.


KEY: Ostentations.

SYN: Showy, vain, boastful, vainglorious.

ANT: Modest, quiet, retired.


KEY: Ostracism.

SYN: Banishment, expulsion, blackball.

ANT: Admittance, enlistment, out voting.


KEY: Oust.

SYN: Eject, dispossess, deprive, evict, eject, dislodge, remove.

ANT: Install, reinstate, readmit, restore.


KEY: Outbreak.

SYN: Outburst, tumult, commotion, insurrection, rebellion, ebullition.

ANT: Subsidence, pacification, quelling, quiet, order, cooling.


KEY: Outcast.

SYN: Castaway, reprobate, vagrant, vagabond, exile, [See VAGABOND].


KEY: Outcry.

SYN: Clamor, tumult, denunciation, hullabaloo, yell, noise, scream.

ANT: Acclamation, plaudit, quiet, silence.


KEY: Outdo.

SYN: Outstrip, transcend, eclipse, [See SURPASS and TRANSCEND].


KEY: Outer.

SYN: Outward, outside, external, exterior.

ANT: Inward, inside, internal, interior, [See OUTWARD].


KEY: Outlandish.

SYN: Strange, queer, grotesque, foreign, rustic, barbarous, rude.

ANT: Fashionable, modish, native.


KEY: Outlaw.

SYN: Brigand, bandit, robber, highwayman, freebooter, [See ROBBER].


KEY: Outlet.

SYN: Egress, exit, vent.

ANT: Ingress, entrance.


KEY: Outline.

SYN: Delineation, sketch, contour, draft, plan.

ANT: Form, substance, figure, object, subject, field, ground, bulk, space.


KEY: Outlive.

SYN: Outlast, survive.

ANT: Die, perish.


KEY: Outlook.

SYN: Prospect, view, eight, [See PROSPECT].


KEY: Outrage.

SYN: Outbreak, offence, wantonness, mischief, abuse, ebullition, violence, indignity, affront, insult.

ANT: Moderation, self-control, selfrestraint, subsidence, coolness, calmness.


KEY: Outrageous.

SYN: Excessive, unwarrantable, unjustifiable, wanton, flagrant, nefarious, atrocious, violent.

ANT: Moderate, justifiable, reasonable.


KEY: Outset.

SYN: Opening, start, commencement, exordium, beginning, inauguration, preface.

ANT: Close, termination, conclusion, peroration.


KEY: Outshine.

SYN: Surpass, eclipse, overshadow.

ANT: Foil, relieve, back.


KEY: Outskirts.

SYN: Border, outpost, purlieu, environs, precincts.

ANT: Interior, centre, bulk, body, mass, heart.


KEY: Outspoken.

SYN: Plain, frank, unreserved, candid.

ANT: Mysterious, enigmatical, reserved, taciturn, secretive, uncommunicative.


KEY: Outspread.

SYN: Expanded, unfolded, wrapped, patent, dispread, open, outstretched.

ANT: Folded, contracted, closed, furled, collapsed.


KEY: Outstanding.

SYN: Unappropriated, uncollected, ungathered.

ANT: Appropriated, collected, gathered.


KEY: Outstep.

SYN: Exceed, transgress, outstrip, outwalk.

ANT: Observe, regard, accompany, attend.


KEY: Outstretched, [See OUTSPREAD].


KEY: Outstrip.

SYN: Surpass, beat, distance, eclipse.

ANT: Follow, succeed.


KEY: Outvie, [See VIE and ECLIPSE].


KEY: Outward.

SYN: External, apparent, visible, sensible, superficial, ostensible, forthcoming, extrinsic, extraneous.

ANT: Internal, intrinsic, withdrawn, inapparent, inward.


KEY: Outweigh.

SYN: Outbalance, overbalance, [See PREPONDERATE].


KEY: Outwit.

SYN: Outgeneral, circumvent, [See CIRCUMVENT].


KEY: Outwork.

SYN: Screen, abattis, propugnation, fortification, escarpment.

ANT: Stand, position, ground, centre.


KEY: Ovation, [See TRIUMPH], Overawe, [See BROWBEAT].


KEY: Overbalance, [See BALANCE].


KEY: Overbearing.

SYN: Bullying, domineering, [See ARROGANCE].


KEY: Overcast.

SYN: Cloudy, nubilous, lowering, murky.

ANT: Cloudless, clear, luminous, azure.


KEY: Overcharge.

SYN: Overload, surfeit, [See CHARGE and EXAGGERATE].


KEY: Overcome.

SYN: Vanquish, get the better of, surmount, [See CONQUER] KEY:, Overestimate, [See DISPARAGE].


KEY: Overflow.

SYN: Redundancy, exuberance, superabundance, deluge, inundation.

ANT: Deficiency, exhaustion, subsidence.


KEY: Overflowing, [See ABUNDANT].


KEY: Overjoyed.

SYN: Transported, delighted, enraptured.

ANT: Saddened, depressed, disgusted.


KEY: Overlook.

SYN: Condone, connive, disregard, oversee, supervise, inspect, survey, review, excuse, pardon, forgive, neglect.

ANT: Visit, scrutinize, investigate, mark.


KEY: Overplus.

SYN: Surplus, surplusage, residue, excess, [See REMAINDER].


KEY: Overpower, [See MASTER].


KEY: Overreach, [See CIRCUMVENT].


KEY: Overruling.

SYN: Governing, controlling, superior, predominant.

ANT: Governed, controlled, inferior, [See SUPERIOR].


KEY: Overrun.

SYN: Lay-waste, devastate, [See RAVAGE].


KEY: Oversee.

SYN: Superintend, supervise, [See OVERLOOK].


KEY: Oversight.

SYN: Error, omission, mistake, neglect, slip, inadvertence, inspection, superintendence.

ANT: Scrutiny, correction, emendation, attention, mark, notice.


KEY: Overt.

SYN: Deliberate, public, open, avowed, manifest.

ANT: Covert, secret, implied, clandestine, furtive.


KEY: Overthrow.

SYN: Destroy, subvert, upset, overturn, ruin, demolish, defeat, rout, overcome, discomfit, invert, overset, reverse.

ANT: Restore, reinstate, construct, regenerate, redintegrate, revive, reedify.


KEY: Overture.

SYN: Prelude, advance, proposal, offer, invitation, lead, initiation.

ANT: Inaction, undemonstrativeness, quiescence.


KEY: Overturn, [See OVERTHROW].


KEY: Overvalue.

SYN: Overestimate, overprize, overrate.

ANT: Underestimate, underprize, underrate.


KEY: Overweening.

SYN: Vain, conceited, haughty, egotistical, [See AFFABLE and VAIN].


KEY: Overwhelm.

SYN: Crush, quell, extinguish, drown, subdue, swamp.

ANT: Raise, reinvigorate, reinstate, re-establish, rescue, extricate.


KEY: Owe.

SYN: Borrow, hypothecate, attribute.

ANT: Requite, repay, liquidate, defray.


KEY: Owing.

SYN: Due, imputable, ascribable, attributable.

ANT: Casually, perchance, by chance, by accident.


KEY: Own.

SYN: Possess, hold, have, acknowledge, avow, admit, confess.

ANT: Alienate, forfeit, lose, disclaim, disavow, disinherit, disown, abjure, abandon.


KEY: Owner.

SYN: Proprietor, possessor.


KEY: Pabular.

SYN: Esculent, nutritious, comestible, alimental.

ANT: Uneatable, innutritions.


KEY: Pace.

SYN: Step, stride, tread, gait.

ANT: Standing still.


KEY: Pacific.

SYN: Conciliatory, mild, appeasing, calm, tranquil, peaceful.

ANT: Unconciliatory, harsh, quarrelsome, exasperating, irritating, turbulent, noisy, tumultuous, warlike.


KEY: Pacification.

SYN: Conciliation, reconciliation, reconcilement, arrangement, compromise, adjustment.

ANT: Warfare, fighting, hostilities, war, arms, the sword.


KEY: Pacify.

SYN: Appease, conciliate, calm, still, soothe, quiet, tranquillize.

ANT: Exasperate, agitate, excite, irritate, rouse, provoke.


KEY: Pack \n.\

SYN: Burden, bundle, package, lot, parcel, load, [See BURDEN].


KEY: Pack \v.\

SYN: Stow, compact, compress, cook.

ANT: Unpack, unsettle, jumble, displace, misarrange, dissipate, neutralize.


KEY: Pact.

SYN: Agreement, bargain, covenant, league, bond, alliance, stipulation.

ANT: Understanding, promise, parole, honour.


KEY: Paean.

SYN: Jubilation, 'Te Deum', alleluia.

ANT: Dirge, miserere, threnody, jeremiade.


KEY: Pagan \n.\

SYN: Heathen, idolater, Gentile.

ANT: Believer, Christian.


KEY: Pagan \a.\

SYN: Heathenish, idolatrous.

ANT: Christian.


KEY: Paganism.

SYN: Heathenism, polytheism, pantheism, ditheism, tritheism, dualism, heathendom.

ANT: Christianity, Christendom.


KEY: Pageant.

SYN: Pomp, procession, exhibition, display, spectacle, show, ceremony.

ANT: Dream, illusion, phantasmagoria, mockery.


KEY: Pageantry.

SYN: Parade, pomp, show, splendor, magnificence, [See POMP].


KEY: Pain \n.\

SYN: Penalty, suffering, distress, uneasiness, grief, (labour, effort, in the, pains) anguish, torture, agony.

ANT: Reward, remuneration, ease, gratification, joy, pleasure, felicity, relief, alleviation, enjoyment, delight.


KEY: Pain \v.\

SYN: Hurt, grieve, afflict, torment, rack, agonize, trouble, torture, aggrieve, annoy, distress.

ANT: Gratify, please, delight, rejoice, charm, relieve, ease, refresh.


KEY: Painful.

SYN: Afflicting, distressful, grieving, grievous, excruciating, [See GRIEVOUS and PLEASANT].


KEY: Painfully, [See PAINFUL].


KEY: Painstaking \a.\

SYN: Careful, attentive, diligent, laborious, [See OBSERVANT and THOUGHTFUL].


KEY: Paint \v.\

SYN: Color, tinge, tint, portray, represent, delineate, depict, sketch, describe.

ANT: Daub, caricature, misportray, misrepresent, misdelineate, misdepict.


KEY: Pair.

SYN: Two, couple, span, brace.

ANT: One, several.


KEY: Palatable.

SYN: Tasteful, savory, appetizing, delicious, toothsome, [See DELICIOUS].


KEY: Pale.

SYN: Pallid, {[wan]?}, faint, dim, undefined, etiolated, sallow, cadaverous.

ANT: Ruddy, high-colored, conspicuous, deep.


KEY: Pall.

SYN: Blunt, dispirit, satiate, cloy.

ANT: Quicken, sharpen, inspirit, whet.


KEY: Palliate.

SYN: Cloak, cover, conceal, extenuate, mitigate, soften, soothe, gloze.

ANT: Expose, denounce, exaggerate, aggravate, magnify.


KEY: Pallid, [See PALE].


KEY: Palm.

SYN: Trophy, prize, crown, laurels, bays.

ANT: Brand, stigma, shame, blot.


KEY: Palmy.

SYN: Prosperous, glorious, distinguished, victorious, flourishing.

ANT: Depressed, inglorious, undistinguished, unflourishing.


KEY: Palpable.
