Николай Дювернуа Источники права и суд в Древней России: Опыты по истории русского гражданского права

Редакционная коллегия серии «Антология юридической науки»

И. В. Елисеев (отв. ред.), И. Ю. Козлихин (отв. ред.), Р. М. Асланов, А. А. Белкин, А. И. Бойцов, Б. В. Волженкин, Ю. Н. Волков, Л. Н. Галенская, Ю. В. Голик, В. С. Комиссаров, С. П. Маврин, Н. И. Мацнев, И. И. Мушкет, В. Н. Плигин, В. Ф. Попондопуло, А. П. Сергеев, Ю. А. Тихомиров

Editorial Board of the Series “Anthology of Jurisprudence”

I. V. Eliseev (managing editor), I. Yu. Kozlikhin (managing editor), R. M. Aslanov, A. A. Belkin, A. I. Boitsov, B. V. Volzhenkin, Yu. N. Tblkov, L. N. Galenskaya, Yu. V. Golik, V. S. Komissarov, S. P. Mavrin, N. I. Matsnev, 1.1. Moushket, V. N. Pliguin, V. F. Popondopoulo, A. P. Sergeev, Yu. A. Tikhomirov

N. Duvernois

Sources of Law and Court in Ancient Russia: Essays in History of Russian Civil Law / Preface by Candidate of Law A. V. Konovalov. – St. Petersburg: “Yuridichesky Center Press”, 2004.– 396 p.

This book is the first of the works of an outstanding Russian lawyer, novelist, and historian Nickolai Lvovich Duvernois (1836–1906). On the basis of enormous in volume material of monuments of ancient Russian, ancient German, and Roman law that were subject to careful and detailed comparative analysis, the author formulated the most important conclusions concerning the process of formation of legal institutes in Russia, law-making, law-enforcement, and Russian legal consciousness that preserve topicality and scientific value even nowadays.

The book is recommended to professors, post-graduates, and students as well as to everybody who is interested in history of the Russian State and law.

© A. V. Konovalov, preface, 2004

© Yuridichesky Center Press, 2004
