присуждения Нобелевской премии Ивану Петровичу Павлову
Серия изданий по истории Нобелевского движения как социального феномена XX века
Иван Петрович Павлов
Nozdrachev A. D., Poliakov Е. L., Zelenin К. N., Е. A. Kosmachevskaya, L. I. Gromova, Bolondinsky V. К. I. P. Pavlov Is the First Nobel Prize Winner in Russia. V. 1. Pavlov’s Nobel Epopee. St. Petersburg, Russia, “Humanistica”, 2004. – 528 pp.
The main stages of Pavlov’s way to Nobel prize are considered in detail in this edition. It shows how his teachers’ and mentors’ ideas, thoughts, results, discoveries and views found their reflection in his creative work – Heidenhein’s biological direction; Ludwig’s exact methods of investigation; Bernard’s, Cyon’s, Ovsyannikov’s, Bakst’s, Ustimovich’s and Botkin’s nervism. The earler unknown documents, archive materials applied to the procedure of his promotion and as such Nobel Prize awarding. The facts about “Pavlov’s” Nobel population – the nommants and Pavlov’s competitors in 1901–1904 and 1925–1930 – are presented for the first time. The supplement contains the list of Pavlov’s honorary titles, theses which passed by his censor as well as the references of his scientific work.
This book is designed for a wide range of readers interested in history of physiology and medicine.
Издание осуществлено при финансовой поддержке Издательского Дома «Нобелевские лекции»
© Ноздрачев А. Д., Поляков Е. Л., Зеленин К. Н., Космачевская Э. А., Громова Л. И., Болондинский В. К., 2004
© «Гуманистика», 2004