Unexpected Moment

An unexpected moment you may not even be aware of when you want to sell your paintings. Any sale involves communication, interaction with the buyer or dealer. When you post your paintings in our group without any identifying text or request, it's your habit of communicating. And you're most likely behaving the same way elsewhere. What's wrong with this situation for you?

Well, you have a whole bag of problems. You don't want to read the group rules. So, you're not even interested in knowing where you've been accepted. You read how things are done here, but you don't care. You're special and unique. Who cares what anyone else says? So what if there are over 4000 other members in the group besides you? People? Who are they?

You think it's okay to steal other people's time and attention so they can look at your work without a description, questions, or relevant requests. You're incapable of learning because learning means reading, learning, and applying immediately. Everything else just flies over your head, connections, and money.

Selling paintings requires learning a lot of things. And applying them immediately with manic persistence. That's when you're really learning, not just consuming information like popcorn at the movies, and there's a chance you'll meet at least 30% of your expectations and ambitions. If it's 50%, even better. Then you're being bought on a regular basis.

If you lack brains and respect, that's your problem. Admins delete silently and immediately. Start with the fact that you and your paintings are unknown to anyone in general. And people generally don't care what streams of consciousness you poured onto canvas and paper. Harsh? Offensive? Your problems.

When you come to a popular online store, a platform with services, a website, and a gallery for selling paintings, you have to abide by the established rules. Rules that the platform operates on. Rules set by others long before you decided to come and bless everyone with your ingenious, unique, and incomparable paintings in your signature technique with a masterful composition. You'll have to consider that there are people around you. Surprising, isn't it? But you're not just interested in everyone, not just anyone, agree.

You need those who have resources that you don't: knowledge, practical experience, money, time. Because you want something in return for your publication. An opinion, consultation, advice, problem-solving. And here's more bad news for you. There's always a queue for such people. Always. There's a big crowd of people like you, wanting to get something. And you're one of them. Unpleasant? Your problems.

And now the question. One you'll definitely encounter when showing your work to buyers, viewers, dealers, curators, producers, patrons. And you'll have to answer it. Why should time be spent on you as an artist and your work?
