Chapter 2: Highly professional and Effective Resume (CV) – Components of a resume and their structure

How much you know about CV

The terms «CV» (Curriculum Vitae) and «resume» are often used interchangeably, but there are some differences between the two.

A CV is typically longer and more detailed than a resume. It is a comprehensive document providing an in-depth overview of your education, experience, published papers, and other relevant information.

A CV is generally used in academic and research fields, as well as for applying to positions in Europe and other international settings. On the other hand, a resume is a concise summary of your skills, work experience, and education. It is typically limited to one or two pages and focuses on highlighting your most relevant qualifications for a particular job. Resumes are commonly used in the United States and other countries where a CV may be considered too lengthy or unnecessary for certain positions. In terms of formatting, CVs often include sections such as publications, conferences attended, and teaching experience, which are not typically included in resumes. Resumes, on the other hand, tend to have a more standardized format, with sections such as objective, work experience, education, skills, and certificates.

Before deciding whether to use a CV or resume, it is important to consider the expectations of the employer and the industry you are applying to. In some cases, employers may specify whether they prefer a CV or resume in their job postings. It is also helpful to research the norms and expectations for job applications in your specific field or country.

Overall, while there are differences between a CV and resume, the key is to tailor your information to the very job you are applying for and present your qualifications clearly and concisely. Crafting a highly professional and effective CV is vital when seeking employment. It requires a thorough comprehension of what distinguishes a standout CV and how to effectively highlight your skills and experiences. Firstly, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the job requirements and the company's values. This enables you to tailor your CV to demonstrate the most relevant skills and work experience matching the position and the company culture. Conducting research into the company provides valuable insights into their goals and initiatives, allowing you to showcase your ability to contribute to their success. In addition to customizing your CV, it is crucial to pay attention to its structure and organization. A well-structured CV should be concise, easily readable, and include clear headings and bullet points. It should encompass pertinent sections such as personal information, education, work experience, skills, and achievement.

Furthermore, it is important to showcase your communication skills and teamwork abilities in your CV. Highlight any experiences where you have collaborated with others or effectively communicated with colleagues and clients. This demonstrates your proficiency in working well within a team and conveying information effectively.

Another vital aspect of a strong CV is demonstrating problem-solving skills and innovation. If the company values these qualities, showcase any projects or initiatives where you have displayed creativity and analytical thinking. This exhibits to potential employers that you can bring fresh ideas and solutions to the table. Finally, always remember to thoroughly proofread your CV before submission.

Typos and grammatical errors can create a rather negative impression, so do not hesitate to take the time to review your document carefully. Additionally, consider seeking feedback from reliable people who can provide valuable tips and suggestions for improvement. In conclusion, having a comprehensive understanding of how to create an exceptional CV is important in today's competitive employment market. If you tailor your CV to every job application, highlight your valuable skills and relevant experience, and pay attention to its structure and organization, you will definitely enhance your chances of standing out to potential employers. we wish you luck in creating a CV that will help you get a job of your dreams!

How to approach general questions

• The number of pages should be limited to 2. Your ability to be concise and only highlight your most relevant skills and qualifications is revealed through your CV. If your CV is more than two pages, the HR person may think ‘this person is unable to express themselves clearly and concisely; this is not the kind of person I want working in my company’.

• The most common order is outlined below.

1. name

2. personal details

3. objective / personal statement / executive summary

4. education

5. work experience

6. skills

7. personal interests

8. publications

9. references

You should keep in your mind what exactly a company is looking for. They clearly want to see the evidence on your CV that you are qualified in terms of both education and work experience for the position that they have open. But they also want evidence that you:

• have a strong work ethic and that you work to meet deadlines (even under stress)

• can work in a team and are easy to get along with

• are both proactive and flexible

• have the technical, emotional and analytical skills for problem solving

• can give effective presentations

• have good communication skills

• can write reports and other kinds of documents

• are enthusiastic and passionate about what you do

• are professional, reliable, well mannered and appropriately dressed

• would fit in well with the company – both in terms of the environment and the core values

• You need to inject each section of your CV with evidence that you have the above attributes.

• You shouldn’t send the same CV to different companies. You need to tailor your CV for the specific post you are applying for.

You could start by drafting a CV that contains everything that anyone could possibly find relevant and interesting. Don't be afraid of the number of pages it might require. You then adapt this draft CV to make it look as if it was specifically written for that particular company

Adaptation consists of:

• deleting anything that doesn't sound relevant. This does not mean removing whole parts from your Education and Work Experience sections, but simply removing elements that are not important for this particular job. This means that you should highlight the key qualifications that you could bring to the post you are applying for.

• modifying the text to make sure that it includes evidence of the skills that you will need for the post you have applied for

• changing the layout and/or font so that it reflects the same graphic style as the company where you want to work

• in order to get in a short list you should use a standard format / layout, i.e. a format that a recruiter will have seen hundreds of times before and will thus be very familiar with, rather than a format that is completely new for them and which will thus be more difficult to navigate

• make good use of headings

• use plenty of white space

• ensure that you have not tried to include further information simply by reducing the font size (10 pt should be the minimum)

• find out everything you can about your chosen company, and see how you can match the kind of jobs they have on offer (if you are writing cold, i.e. not in response to an ad) or the specific job (if you are responding to an ad)

• highlight in your descriptions of what you have done at each stage of your career (both academic and work), those skills that you acquired that would be particularly relevant for the job you want

• be honest about your achievements

• do not make any spelling mistakes. Just one spelling mistake is enough for your CV to be rejected. Why? Because if you did not take the time to check your CV, this probably means you are the type of person who does not check their work in general.

• consider your CVs like a short abstract or summary. Be concise, short and clear. Cut all redundancy

• put the most important (and most recent) information first

• be relevant: tell recruiters only what THEY need to know, not everything that YOU know

• give maximum importance to what makes you different: sell yourself

• Using templates can be beneficial when creating a CV, but it's important to keep a few things in mind:

1. Templates can make it easier for recruiters and HR professionals to locate information since it follows a standardized format.

2. Modify the template to ensure your CV is concise, clean, and readable. Aim to keep it to two pages and use a readable font (such as Arial or Calibri) with a font size no smaller than 10 pt.

3. Avoid modifying a template provided by the organization you are applying to. Stick to using templates that are more general and adaptable.

4. Maintain consistency in your use of bold and capitalization. Use them for the same purpose throughout your CV.

5. Only use color if you believe it will enhance your chances of securing a job. Be cautious not to overdo it or make your CV appear unprofessional.

Double-check that you haven't left any text in your native language if you're applying for a position where proficiency in another language is required. By following these guidelines, you can effectively utilize templates while still personalizing your CV to make it stand out to potential employers.

Personal data

Using templates can be beneficial when creating a CV. However, it is important to keep a few things in mind:

1. Try and use templates it can make it easier for recruiters and HR professionals to perceive information since it follows a standardized format.

2. Modify the template to ensure your CV is concise, clean, and readable. Aim to keep it to two pages and use a readable font (such as Arial or Calibri) with a font size no smaller than 10 pt.

3. Avoid modifying a template provided by the organization you are applying to. Stick to using templates that are more general and adaptable.

4. Maintain consistency in your use of bold and capitalization. Use them for the same purpose throughout all your CV.

5. Only use color if you believe it will enhance your chances of securing a job. Be cautious not to overdo it or make your CV appear unprofessional.

6. Double-check that you have not left any text in your native language while applying for a position where proficiency in another language is required. /

By following these guidelines, you can effectively utilize templates while still personalizing your CV to make it stand out to potential employers.


The initial section of your CV should prominently display your name, allowing the recruiter to easily identify your CV.

To achieve this, we recommend the following:

1. Write your name as indicated before.

2. Use a larger font size compared to the rest of the CV.

3. Apply bold formatting to make your name stand out.

4. Center your name or position it in a noticeable location.

By implementing these suggestions, your name will be effectively highlighted at the top of your CV.


To enhance your professional image, it is important to have a suitable email address. Avoid using email addresses that include personal interests or unrelated information, such as the name of a favorite band or movie, or your birth date. Instead, create an email address that clearly distinguishes your first name from your last name.

For example:



Write First name + Surname (e.g. Ivan Ivanov)

Never use any nicknames.

Personal details:

Write contact details (one email address and one phone number are enough).


Make sure you have a standard professional address containing your real name, preferably without any numbers.

Remember: you are not required to include the following information: age, gender, marital status, nationality.

However, if you feel that it will increase your chances of getting a particular job in a particular company, don’t hesitate to do it

Other details: if you wish you can give links to your LinkedIn profile or your website.


There is no special requirement to use your photo.

Nevertheless, a simple black and white photo is not supposed to divert attention from your CV and moreover, it will make your CV more attractive and interesting.

Remember that it is acceptable to have only head shot on a white background.

Make sure your face and hair as well as any visible clothes look presentable.

Try to look friendly and open, preferably with a light smile.

It goes without saying, the photo should be recent and reflect your current appearance.

How to Highlight your strengths and hide weaknesses

When it comes to showcasing your strengths and downplaying weaknesses in a CV, there are several strategies you can utilize to present yourself in the best possible way. Here are some tips:

1. Tailor your CV:

make your CV fit the specific job you are applying for by highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position. Emphasize your achievements in these particular areas to demonstrate your strengths.

2. Start strong:

start your CV with an irrefutable objective or summary statement highlighting your key strengths and qualifications. This will immediately capture the reader's attention and demonstrate your value as a candidate.

3. Prioritize your strongest qualifications:

List your most impressive qualifications and accomplishments first, whether it's education, work experience, or certifications. Place these sections at the top of your CV to ensure they are noticed right away.

4. Determine your achievements with numbers, percentages, or other measurable metrics to illustrate the impact of your work. This helps highlight your strengths and provides concrete evidence of your abilities.

5. Use positive language:

Frame your experiences and accomplishments in a positive light by using strong action verbs and confident language. This will create a favorable impression and showcase your strengths.

6. Downplay weaknesses:

While it's important to be honest in your CV, you can choose to minimize or omit certain weaknesses that are not relevant to the position or would detract from your overall qualifications. Focus on highlighting your strengths instead.

7. Highlight transferable skills: If you have skills transferable to the position you are applying for, make sure to emphasize them in your CV. This can compensate for any perceived weaknesses in other areas.

8. Seek feedback: Before finalizing your CV, consider getting feedback from colleagues you trust, supervisors, or professional CV writers. They can make valuable insights and ideas for highlighting your strengths and minimizing weaknesses. Remember, the aim of your CV is to present yourself as a strong and qualified candidate. By strategically showcasing your strengths and minimizing weaknesses, you can create a compelling document that demonstrates your gravity to potential employers.

How to state the correct objective

An Objective determines what kind of job you would like to have. Generally, it is used when you are not responding to a specific advert but sending your CV so that a recruiter or HR manager will have a suitable job for you.

An Objective is placed under your personal details.

For example,

Helen Brown, +39 640 7898 3456

Objective: Position as an editor of drama novels aimed at a female audience.

You may simply wish to state what your career objective is, e.g.:

A career in physics with a special focus on engineering.

A position in teaching, specializing in helping children with learning disorders.

An Executive Summary

An Executive Summary is made up if a person applies for a specific advertised job. It is a summary of who you are and enables a recruiter to get an instant idea of your qualifications and skills only by scanning your CV.

The secret of its success lies in highlighting your unique skills and achievements that will distinguish you from other candidates.

An Executive Summary can be sometimes called a Personal Profile, or Career Highlights.

Like an Objective, it should be placed immediately below your personal details.

No heading is necessary but it can be put either on a light grey background or in a box.

Remember: you are trying to sell yourself to the reader by writing your Executive Summary or Personal Statement. However, you should not exaggerate your abilities as otherwise you will seem less trustworthy. Thus, avoid filling your statements with adjectives such as amazing, best, outstanding unless you can provide true evidence of such attributes.

Try to use words with positive connotation such as achievement, active, evidence, experience.

Avoid using negative words such as bad, error, fault, hate, mistake, never, nothing, problem.

How to impress an interviewer with your education

If you completed your education several years ago, the Education section should appear after the Work Experience section and contain fewer details than the Work Experience section.

Here are some guidelines for the Education section:

– Start and end dates: Include the start and end dates of your education in reverse chronological order.

– University details: Provide the name and location of the institute, along with a web link to the institute or department.

– Degree type: Specify the type of degree you obtained.

– Coursework details: Briefly mention the coursework you completed during your education.

– University prestige: If you are sending your CV outside your own country, provide a link to a relevant page on the university's website to give the reader an idea of the level of prestige of the university or organization you attended. Here is an example of a typical layout for the Education section:

Education: 2020–2023 University of Manchester,

UK – Doctor of Philosophy in Information Engineering

Research in greening the Internet.

Elective coursework included enhanced Internet architecture employing advanced communication service paradigms, protocols, and algorithms targeted at the optimization of energy consumption. Dissertation "A radical energy-aware application for wireless energy reduction" advised by Professor Giuseppe Verdi.

2017–2020 University of Santiago, Chile – Bachelor of Science degree (5-year course) in Electrical Engineering – Engineering coursework included continuous and discrete systems and signal processing, analog and digital circuit design, and computational theory.

Undergraduate thesis project "Wireless Enabled Context Awareness for the Future


Note from the example above:

– The information is in reverse chronological order.

– The candidate has not mentioned her high school.

– The candidate completed a 5-year course for her Bachelor's degree, which is longer than the standard 3-year course.

– The candidate only mentioned her thesis title without providing further details because it is self-explanatory. If you finished your education after your first degree and are now looking for your first job, it is normal and acceptable to include your high school. However, if you subsequently completed a Master's or PhD, mentioning your high school may not be necessary.

If the name of your high school is in your native language and does not provide useful information to the hiring manager, you can simply mention the specialization or write "generic studies" if there was no specialization. You can also include your final score or percentage if applicable. Additionally, you may include other relevant courses you attended that are pertinent to the job you are applying for and would benefit the position you are seeking. Provide details about the course, what it was focused on, and any notable achievements or skills gained during the course. In summary, the Education section should be organized in a reverse chronological order with necessary details about your education and highlighted coursework or additional courses relevant to the position you are applying for.

How to make your work experience sound relevant

If you finished your education several years ago, it is advisable to place this section before your Education section and provide more comprehensive details.

When describing your work experience within a company, use the same format as in the Education section.

Start by stating the company's name, location, and your position within the organization. Then, provide a detailed account of your responsibilities and accomplishments, highlighting how they align with the requirements of the job you are presently applying for. Just like the Education section, make sure to present everything in reverse chronological order.

2020 – Present:

Tshwane University of Technology (, South Africa University Lecturer

Prepare and teach software engineering subjects, including Systems Analysis and Design, OO Analysis and Design using UML, SQL & PL/SQL, Data Engineering, OO Programming, Object-Oriented Software Engineering, and Project Management.

Design and develop distributed Systems for 2nd and 3rd year students, as well as Advanced PL/SQL for Final Year Computer Science and Software Development Students.

2017–2020: Vodacom Congo SpRL, DRC Information Systems Specialist (Intern)

Wrote and debugged programs and complex SQL queries for customer consumption forecasting. As part of my role at Tshwane University of Technology,

I have developed a Java stream processing application running on the S5 platform for detecting algorithmically generated domain names in DNS queries.

I have also standardized procedures regarding 'Scalable and Elastic Event Processing' (SEEP) and secured applications by enforcing Information Flow Control policies within middleware.

The majority of companies and recruiters are known to use applicant-tracking systems so as to scan CVs for particular key words that can be seen in the job description.

Thus, if you plan to apply for an advertised job, you should analyze the job description and detect these key words in order to insert them naturally into your CV.

Remember: the more matches the system finds between the job description and your CV, the more likely your CV will be considered by a real recruiter.

Let’s imagine that you want to build up your career in the field of web management. Here is a good example of how to achieve it with the help of obvious key words.

It’s worth mentioning that if you write some of them with initial capital letters (e.g. Web Producer), it will make your keywords stand out to the human recruiter (but obviously makes no difference if your CV is scanned automatically). Quite the reverse, if you manage to include one of the key words-web several times in your CV (in such combinations as website,Web Producer, Web Developer, web content, web services, etc.), a recruiter’s software will be able to find them increasing the chances of having your CV selected

Summary: Work Experience

We recommend:

separating each experience so that it will look the following:

1) date

2) company/organization

3) position

4) key roles played (plus a web link to the company, so that an HR manager can find out more about your working places

– putting dates in a reverse chronological order.

– using verbs without pronouns at beginning of sentences (e.g. Improved rather than I improved).

– Inserting as many key words as possible.

– Avoiding using personal pronouns

– Making your experience look both relevant and dynamic.

How to present your skills correctly

SKILLS TECHNICAL SKILLS When writing your resume, it is important to include technical skills that meet the job requirements or that you believe would be beneficial for the position you are applying for.

LANGUAGE SKILLS When you describe language skills, you can use the following terms:

– Mother tongue

– Fluent (spoken and written)

– Good working knowledge (indicating that you have enough proficiency to carry out your work)

– Scholastic (only mention if the job specifications specifically mention these languages and you believe it would increase your chances of getting the job).

To demonstrate your language skills, you can list the English examinations you have taken, such as the TOEFL exam, IELTS and other international exams

How to attract an interview’s attention by personal interests

Personal interests are crucial as they provide insights into your personality and character that may not be evident in the rest of your CV. They are unique and can give HR professionals a better understanding of who you are as a person. When mentioning your personal interests, it is important to consider the following:

1. Showcasing your social conscience: Include any voluntary or charity work you have done, as it demonstrates your commitment to helping others.

2. Highlighting leadership skills: Mention any experiences where you have been a team captain or sports trainer, as it reflects your ability to lead and motivate others.

3. Demonstrating communication skills: Include activities that require effective communication, such as public speaking or debating.

4. Fun and positive connotations: Mention hobbies that are enjoyable and have a positive impact, such as salsa dancing or playing the saxophone. Also, include interesting and creative activities like acting, pottery, or short story writing.

5. Indicating responsibility: If others consider you to be responsible, mention activities like babysitting or pet-sitting.

6. Unusual without being strange: Include unique hobbies like acrobatics, which can make you stand out without seeming odd.

Avoid mentioning common activities that most people do, such as reading or traveling.

Instead, be specific and mention your favorite books or destinations. Avoid activities that are political, religious, or contentious, such as hunting or shooting. HR professionals are interested in your ability to work in a team and your social skills.

Therefore, avoid mentioning solitary or nerdy activities like computer games or stamp collecting. Be cautious when mentioning activities that may be perceived negatively by some companies. For example, being a blood donor may require time off work for which the company has to pay you, which may not be ideal for them. Lastly, avoid mentioning activities that people tend to have strong opinions about, such as board games or role-playing games. These can be divisive and are best avoided.

How to write correct references and reference letters

REFERENCES AND REFERENCE LETTERS Including references in your CV is a common practice that allows potential employers to verify your background and learn more about your skills and personality. It is an important part of the screening process for HR professionals. To include references in your CV, make a section titled «References» at the end. List three or four individuals who can serve as your referees and provide the following information:

1. Name: Include the full name of each referee.

2. Relationship: Specify the nature of your relationship with each referee, such as a thesis tutor or internship supervisor.

3. Workplace: Mention the organization or institution where each referee is employed.

4. Email address: place the email address of each referee so that the HR person can easily contact them.

5. Website: If your referees have personal or professional websites, include the URL so that HR can gather more information about them.

Here is an example:

1. Professor Pinco Pallino (my thesis tutor), University of London Email: Website:

2. Professor Zack Madman (in whose lab I did a 3-month internship), University of Harvard Email:


Remember to inform your referees beforehand and seek their permission to include their information in your CV. Additionally, ensure that the contact details provided are accurate and up-to-date.

How to use a template for writing your CV

IT CV example for IT professions

Пример того, что должно быть в вашем резюме, если у вас мало опыта. В этом случае лучше делать акцент на ваших профессиональных качествах и сильных сторонах. Here is an example of a professional CV based on a candidate who is a recent graduate with limited experience:

Professional summary

Recent graduate with a BSc in Computer Science and Information Technology seeking an entry-level position as an IT technician. Highly motivated and skilled with an understanding of a number of different coding languages such as HTML and Python. Trained in software and hardware installation with great attention to detail and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team.

Work experience

3-month internship with a small IT firm in Paddington.

Learned how to fix a number of hardware and software issues.

Learned how to onboard clients and assess their needs.

Gained an understanding of how to meet tight deadlines.


in BSc Computer Science from the University of London.

Modules included: Artificial intelligence principles, software engineering principles, programming languages and practice.


Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist


Certification PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming

Skills and strengths

Advanced computer skills: During my degree, I worked as a part of a team to successfully create a teaching software application and passed all of my relevant exams with an A.

Adept understanding of programming: I earned both an HTML certification and PCAP certification. I also recently became a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist.

Please note that none of the companies, institutions or organizations mentioned in this article are affiliated with Indeed.

How to write a CV for an IT specialist

Наиболее используемый хронологический формат, как правило, безотказен для организации информации в вашем резюме. Рекрутеры предпочитают его, т.к. это наиболее простой способ ознакомиться с вашей трудовой деятельностью, перечисленной в обратном порядке от самых последних к самым ранним датам.

Но, если вы являетесь самозанятым ИТ-специалистом и занимаетесь независимой работой, возможно, вы захотите рассмотреть функциональный формат резюме. Оно поможет вам выделить ваши наиболее сильные стороны в соответствии с проектами. Гибридные (комбинированные) форматы резюме – еще один универсальный вариант, включающий как хронологические, так и функциональные элементы.

Мы собираемся рассмотреть все элементы резюме с примерами, которые вы можете использовать.

1. Краткое резюме ИТ-специалиста

Как и в большинстве типов резюме, лучше всего включить в свое резюме краткое содержание. Если вы взглянете на примеры резюме, то увидите, что сверху обычно появляется короткий абзац, в котором кратко излагается все резюме.

Краткое содержание резюме – еще один отличный способ выделить ваше резюме. Профессиональное резюме должно быть емким, по существу и детализированным.

Независимо от того, есть у вас реальный опыт работы в IT-индустрии или нет, вы все равно можете составить резюме, указав свои цели, навыки и сертификаты.

При написании профессионального резюме не забудьте составить его таким образом, чтобы оно показывало, что вы идеально подходите для этой работы. Покажите, что вы действительно специалист в области технической поддержки.

For a fresh IT graduate, here’s an example of a professional summary.

A. S. Computer Information Technology graduate seeking an IT specialist position in Max Software Solutions, Inc. High level of knowledge in IT security and IT support systems with specialty certifications as Help Desk Technician and Internet Security Specialist. Completed 360 hours Internship Program with Min Software Solutions, Inc.

You can try this type of professional summary if you already have some work experience.

CDP, CISSP and CCIE certified IT professional with experience in maintaining Mac OS, MS-Windows, and Ubuntu computer systems. 5+ years of experience as Internet Security Manager and trained 30+ staff members. Successfully launched Zeus E-Commerce Co’s largest computer security software which resulted in faster and safer operating systems for employees and customers.
2. Советы, как выделить раздел "Трудовой стаж"

Большинство компаний ищут ИТ-специалистов с опытом работы. Если у вас еще нет официального опыта работы, начните создавать свое портфолио и совершенствовать свои навыки прямо сейчас.

Поскольку большинство компаний, ориентированных на технологии, в значительной степени полагаются на свой ИТ-персонал, вы должны быть готовы к работе в конкурентной среде. В ней нет места ошибкам. Поэтому методы проб и ошибок в этой отрасли не сработают. Одна упущенная деталь может привести к огромной проблеме, которая, в свою очередь, может повлиять на весь бизнес и его клиентов.

Выделите свой трудовой стаж в резюме. Расскажите о своем опыте, компаниях, с которыми вы работали, и положительных результатах, которых вы добились в работе.

Делайте акцент на том опыте, который имеет отношение к вакансии.

Кроме того, вы должны постоянно совершенствоваться и обновлять знания. Поскольку инновации в технологиях происходят изо дня в день, то, чему вы научились 5 лет назад, сегодня может оказаться бесполезным. Поэтому будьте уверены, что вы обновляете свои знания и продолжаете учиться каждый день.

Совет: Используйте релевантные ключевые слова и словосочетания в своем резюме, чтобы оно отображалось в поиске, когда менеджеры по найму ищут конкретные навыки или опыт.

При написании вашего опыта работы укажите название компании и ее местонахождение, а также даты, когда вы с ними работали. Добавьте также свои основные задачи, ключевые показатели эффективности и достижения.

Вот пример:

IT Support Team Leader

ABC International, Inc., Sacramento, CA

January 2019-Present

Managed major internet and software security for the executive department

Trained 50+ Junior IT support specialists

Managed a team of 10 Senior IT support specialists

Network and hardware troubleshooting

Eliminated security breaches by updating software versions and installing new software when necessary.

Calculated system capacity for new server installation for 300+ desktop computers

Senior IT Support Technician

XYZ Company, Los Angeles, CA

September 2015-January 2019

Promoted to Senior IT Support Technician from Junior Position 1 year from hiring date

Trained 20+ Junior IT support technicians and specialists

Preferred IT support personnel of XYZ Company’s CEO and top executives

Responded to [Type] customers experiencing connectivity issues and provided step-by-step instructions to resolve issues including rebooting hardware.

Internet and software security management

Eliminated security breaches by updating software versions and installing new software when necessary.
