
Harry F. Harlow, Margaret Kuenne Harlow, Donald R. Meyer, «Learning Motivated by a Manipulation Drive,» Journal of Experimental Psychology (1950), p. 231.


Harlow, Harlow, and Meyer, p. 233–234.


Harry F. Harlow, «Motivation as a Factor in the Acquisition of New Responses,» In Current Theory and Research on Motivation, (University of Nebraska Press, 1953), p. 46.


Харлоу в определенной степени стал частью научного истеблишмента. Он получил Национальную медаль за научные заслуги и стал президентом Американской психологической ассоциации. Чтобы узнать больше о жизни и работе Г. Харлоу, см.: Deborah Blum. Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and the Science of Affection (Perseus, 2002); Jim Ottaviani & Dylan Meconis. Wire Mothers: Harry Harlow and the Science of Love (G. T. Labs, 2007).


Edward L. Deci, «Effects of Externally Mediated Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1971). Vol. 18, p. 114.


Edward L. Deci, «Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Reinforcement, and Inequity,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1972). Vol. 22, p. 119–120.


«Important Notice: MSN Encarta to be Discontinued,» Microsoft press release (30 March 2009); Ina Fried, «Microsoft closing the book on Encarta,» CNET News (30 March 2009); «Microsoft to Shut Encarta as Free Sites Alter Market,» The Wall Street Journal (31 March 2009). Данные о Wikipedia см.: About.
