Инна Васильевна Королева, Петер Антон Янн Дети с нарушениями слуха: Книга для родителей и педагогов


Г. Н. Пенин, д-р пед. наук, проф., заведующий кафедрой сурдопедагогики РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена;

М. Ю. Бобошко, д-р мед. наук, заведующий проблемной лабораторией по реабилитации слуха и речи Санкт-Петербургского ГМУ им. И. П. Павлова

The book is written by Russian professor Inna Koroleva (Herzen’s State Pedagogical University, Sankt-Petersburg’s Institute of ENT and Speech) and German professor Peter Jann (Pfaltzinstitute). It is devoted to auditory habilitation of children with hearing disorders. The book is a part of modern method of habilitation of such children. The method is based on development of speech in child with hearing disorders presumably by listening with modern hearing aids and cochlear implants. The mеthod presumes inclusion of child’s parents in habilitation, learning of parents to help the child to acquire listening and speech skills, thinking in every day activity and games.

The different problems of support of children with hearing disorders are discussed – diagnostics and reasons of hearing disorders in children, hearing aids and cochlear implants, methods of education of deaf children, psychological and social problems of children and families. There are advices for parents how to adopt the child to wear hearing aids, to develop listening, language, pronunciation, thinking and behavior in child.

The book is intended to parents of children with hearing problems, teachers for deaf, speech therapists. audiologists, otologists.

The book is a part of materials of programm “I hear the world!”, directed on development of rehabilitation system for children with hearing disorders

© Inna Koroleva, Peter Jann, 20011
