Why does a man need cunnilingus?

Many men think that cunnilingus is a way to once again show their nobility and willingness to make sacrifices in the name of a high sense of sex. Although this is not such a charity on our part. We like it too. This excites us no less than women.

4 because.

1. We, men, are animals whose mating ritual includes nasal-genital contact. Pigeons, for example, do not behave like this, but we do: for us, the desire to sniff and lick our partner in the most intimate areas is more than natural and pleasant.

2. During cunnilingus, a man receives additional sexual stimulation at the hormonal level. After receiving samples of hormones and pheromones released by the partner, our body prepares with increased energy to perform the act of fertilization.

3. A woman perceives cunnilingus as a man's willingness to do her well, to please her. In her understanding, making her cunnilingus, a man seems to sacrifice his primitive needs for her pleasure. This method of oral sex, as I said earlier, is highly appreciated by ladies and raises a man in their eyes to the level of a good lover, experienced.

4. And most importantly-this is one of the best ways to awaken in a partner a passionate desire for wild, even obscene sex. Unlike us, after one high-quality orgasm, women are ready for further sex by all 200 percent.

4 rules of high-quality cunnilingus

1. Attitude and preparation.

The first rule of cunnilingus is that a woman needs to be prepared, set up for the process itself. For this, calm music, light massage, stroking, conversation, a light dinner with wine are suitable.

A good dose of compliments is mandatory. It is necessary if you do not know each other well or even do it for the first time. As you know, the key to good sex is not to think about anything but sex in the process, that is, not to think at all.

And an uninformed woman at such a moment can reflect with might and main about cellulite, small breasts, the curvature of her legs, belly fat or an ugly, from her point of view, clitoris. It will be clamped psychologically, and everything, instead of pleasure, will receive only irritation, the cause of which will be recognized by you, but how else. So do not skimp on the admiration of your lady and praise.

Pay attention to your hands and chin. Hands should be well moistened, without burrs, clean and soft, ideally.

Feel your chin, it should be clean-shaven or with a soft beard. No stiff stubble! Perhaps it will bring additional excitement to BDSM lovers, but most women have hypersensitive skin in an intimate place. Therefore, a woman will feel about the same from your stubble that you would feel if she used sandpaper or a grid for cleaning a frying pan in love games with your scrotum. I do not advise owners of a beard to trim it before a responsible date. Because the freshly cut hairs are hard, which means that in the morning you will not get anything from her red rubbed area.

2. Place and foreplay.

When the desired mood is obtained, it is important to choose the right and most convenient position for both partners, on which the success of the action depends.
