Part I

The Govys’ Diet

Poboodnyam always eats healthy food.

The Scientist says to her that it’s good.

Bull Calf has salad and Moolya agrees –

Although she eats every day white cheese.

Botswain’s diet’s healthy – it always is,

Every day Botswain savours greens.

Josya pays visits to a health food shop,

She goes there often, she doesn’t stop.

Cheese and butter – sometimes without them,

Mooah is tempted, but she knows she can.

Leafy vegetables Scientist prefers –

Every day he eats them – he doesn’t get worse.

Prue is fit for a football match.

He’s slim for an ox, he cooks from scratch.

This healthy diet – from Govyads it came –

If you follow it, they’ve reached their aim.

The Govys’ appearance

Today we describe the Scientist first –

He isn’t the best, but he isn’t the worst.

A sallow complexion completely ran out,

The Scientist is orange but it doesn’t count.

His hair isn’t greasy, it is nice –

It’s black and it doesn’t smell of spice.

Prue has a start of a double chin.

Although he’s slim, he isn’t thin.

A flawless complexion – nothing foul,

Moolya is gorgeous, so is her soul.

Poboodnyam’s even features – oh, my God!

People are jealous, but not a Govyad.

When Botswain’s here, sleep nice and sound!

His jaw’s a little square – no fear around.

Mooah’s high cheekbones suit her very well,

She is so nice, that it’s hard to tell.

The Govyads never have puffy eyes.

But now it’s time to wave good-byes.

And only one thing we have to say –

Everyone is beautiful in his own way!

The Govys’ Travels

Poboodnyam was tired – she wanted to get

Away from Moomansk and off she went.

Poboodnyam set off from the station Momoon –

It was nearly night and she saw the moon.

The train rattled forward; it was on its way.

Poboodnyam started off, she cried “Hooray!”

Botswain got on a modern plane,

Botswain’s carry-on was a candy-cane.

The plane took off as quickly as it could.

Botswain felt happy – he was in good mood.

At Moo airport the plane touched down.

And Botswain went to New Moominsk – a town.

Bull-Calf checked in for a long night flight.

With him was Moolya – she slept so tight.

Bull-Calf and Moolya stopped off in Moo,

Bull-Calf was tired and Moolya too!

At last they arrived and happy they were!

They said: “Now we want to travel more!”

The scientist and Josya were on a train,

When it pulled out, they were playing a game.

The train pulled in near Moosti hotel,

The Scientist and Josya travelled so well.

When they got in, they had a meal,

Their chairs were soft, not hard as steel.

Mooah and Prue stopped over in Moon.

There they checked in and laughed very soon.

The TV show, so funny it was,

Even shook with laughter Mooah’s hoof toes.

Two months later Prue to Mooah said:

“We have to check out” – and sat in his bed.

They were so sorry that their trip ends.

But on the way home they met their friends.

With them they spent their free-time.

And after that I wrote this rhyme.

Not on the travel the mood depends –

It is so good when you are with friends!

The Govys’ clothes

One day Moolya went to clothes store

She had some clothes but she wanted more!

And she took Botswain to advise her.

“Wear shorts and a T-shirt as me”, – he said.

To it Moolya simply shook her head.

“I want to wear lots of dresses!” – she cried.

But to this Botswain only sighed.

Carvey is simpler than anyone.

Jacket and trousers – this is all fun!

Bull Calf prefers a tie and shirt.

From early age Bull Calf avoids dirt.

Mooah wears nothing at all.

She’s happy with it – her spirits won’t fall.

The scientist often has a rest.

His clothes are so light – just trousers and vest.

Poboodnyam and Josya like hungry cats

Hunt the shops for dresses and hats.

In his house Prue bread loads,

Baker’s outfit – this is his clothes.

If one likes different clothes – then

Don’t blame him, but let him wear them!

The Govys’ Personalities

If Prue got easily bored,

Then he wouldn’t have Josya adored.

A good company the scientist is,

With Mooah only good things he sees.

His own company Botswain likes,

Chubs and pike and gobies he fries.

Botswain always speaks his mind

With that Poboodnyam is terrified.

If Carvey a fiery temper had had,

Poboodnyam would have been driven mad.

Poboodnyam has a tendency to

Criticize Carvey, me and you.

Also, she is a social butterfly,

But Bull Calf is painfully shy.

A good sense of humor Josya has,

She doesn’t even mind spoiling her dress.

Moolya has a way with words,

She gives the impression of singing like birds.

Each Govyad his own qualities has,

“Let them be like that!” – Mooah says.
