Chapter 2: The Kola Superdeep

Already on the airplane, returning from Switzerland to Moscow, thinking about the ZCD, Rutra recalled his conversation with Omni. He remembered a fragment when he came up and in parting said one more of his assumptions: "If you want to find any associates of Alikhanov, I can advise you to look for them among the discontented, for example, nationalists or anti-globalists, although it is difficult to suspect the scientist in this. Perhaps they have socialized in the past." Rutra remembered that they had said goodbye with a slight sense of mutual distrust. Ruthra decided to check this thread as well, since so much work had already been done. As the proverb says, what the heck.

In a couple of hours, Zero had prepared an analysis of the conversations, travel routes, and veiled conversations of virtually all former and present scientists, military officers, intelligence officers, and persons with radical (and not so radical) nationalist statements, even if they were made in secret. From all the analysis, Rutra concluded that the most suspicious was that the most inconspicuous of them periodically visited abandoned military and especially significant Soviet-era sites, ostensibly to view the great achievements of the Soviet era. Additional analysis revealed that two sites were particularly active and secretive. These are the Kola ultra-deep well and the Protvino scientific center near Moscow, namely, a semi-abandoned ring tunnel 21 kilometers long, lying at a depth of 60 meters.

First of all, Rutra decided to check Kola, since there were no reports about the "gathering" there from all the structures. Rutra logically decided that her "visitors" could not be homegrown underground fighters. Intuitively, Rutra realized that the case was worthwhile and should be taken seriously. First, he wanted to "inspect" the site.

What was the well? The brain's "vault" gave out the following information: "The Kola ultra-deep well is the deepest in the world. Its depth is 12262 meters. It is located in the Murmansk region, 10 kilometers west of the town of Zapolyarny. The well was drilled in the northeastern part of the Baltic Shield solely for research purposes in the place where the lower boundary of the Earth's crust comes close to the Earth's surface. In the best years, 16 research laboratories worked at the Kola ultra-deep well, and they were personally supervised by the USSR Minister of Geology. In 2008 the facility was abandoned. The Kola ultra-deep well is associated with many improbable legends – about the "well to hell", from the bottom of which the screams of sinners are heard, and the drills are melted by the flames of hell".

To get there with the group that was meeting there covertly, Rutra contacted Sergei, a GRU officer that Hent had recommended to him as an assistant; someone he had "worked" with on virtual reality operations. It was a real person from the OAM department. There was no time to investigate why Rutra didn't know that.

Rutra did not hold general meetings, as was the rule at Zero. He didn't have time to do it because of his schedule, and the lists were controlled by the records department, whose head, an old, battle-hardened general, Rutra trusted completely. He shuffled the deck so that the staff of one department did not know who was in the other.

According to the legend in this operation, Sergei was a radical oppositionist, a nationalist, so he very quickly introduced Rutra to "his own" as an ardent anti-Semite. According to the rules of the secret organization – no one in the subsequent chain of contacts should have known the real data of the new associate. He had to be introduced to his superiors by an active member of the brigade who had the right to recruit. This was done without the knowledge of the person being checked. After the new member was verified by his superiors, if he was approved as a member of the team, he was given a secret name, a legend of origin and activity. Rutra learned from Sergei that the "bosses" were interested in influential personalities, preferably connected with the special services or the military-industrial complex. Rutra was presented to them as an employee of the Foreign Intelligence Service, who, because of his patriotic and world outlook views, had fallen into disfavor with the command and was ready to support and help true patriots in saving the Motherland for the sake of liberating Russia from the "yoke of invaders". For this Rutre was invented a wonderful legend, which was not particularly different from the true one, as in post-Soviet Russia there were more than half of them. Namely – labor and political activity of his parents, associated with the Communist Party, the military past of his grandparents, and his Komsomol past. Since the past of the Zero employees was simply "erased" from history and another one was invented instead, Rutra was not afraid of being exposed: the past matched. According to legend – Rutra was given a secret name: Yuri Gagarin (or Cosmonaut).

After the third meeting with the "like-minded" Sergei set them a task: they needed to find out – who was secretly meeting behind their backs and where. Sergei's specialization was a bit off, as he was only doing this domestically to improve his skills for such events abroad, so Rutra started meeting with "his friends" without him. He soon found out that the "especially literate", as they put it, and financially able were going to another convention. Rutra asked to meet with them, to which he was told that he needed a recommendation from "someone close to him." When asked if Sergei's recommendation was not enough, he was explicitly told that it would be a good idea to back up this recommendation financially. Rutra agreed, with a counter-condition: to help him to play a play to borrow money at interest from a Jew with the Ukrainian surname Andreenko, whom they were to "screw". This was an excellent way of showing them a positive side.

Rutra "agreed" with Andreenko under pressure from an acquaintance in the Prosecutor General's Office in advance. Soon the necessary sum was given to his new "friends" and in return they received the consent of the "older brothers" to attend their meeting. From the leader of the group, nicknamed Akella, Rutra learned that the leader was Professor Muromov, who wished to meet with him. Rutra agreed and went to the meeting a day later.

Muromov himself was unable to meet him, so Rutra had to impress his close comrade in the community. He was a long-retired scholar, a dry, thin, tall grandfather with a clear expression. They talked, and Rutra was well versed in history, though in some places he had to secretly use Isa's help. Ruthra had a very favorable impression of the man, and he said nothing vile. He was a true patriot, though a bit nationalistic; he explained that all nationalistic and anti-Semitic manifestations had grown out of the opposition to the Zionist worldview. The goal was achieved, and four days later Rutra attended their meeting in Protvino.

Nothing particularly "grandiose" or secret was going on there. The conversation was mostly about Russia's "traitors and invaders," as one might hear at a market, a parade, a party of law enforcers, or a meeting of bankers and ministers. Rutra realized he was being tested, and that pleased him. Their conspiracy system was professionally practiced.

Six months later, when Ruthra had had enough of these meetings and had begun to be distracted from other points of the test, he was unexpectedly invited to a small talk. The meeting was to take place in Protvino, in an underground tunnel. Kola was "scanned through", nothing important was going on there, though Rutra "smelled" something wrong, suspicious individuals did visit the place, but only alone. They were retired intelligence officers. His intuition told him that something important was going on, though it could have been a diversionary maneuver to catch the tail.

Rutra went to Protvino. In a dark room he was "interrogated" and "examined" by persons, some of whom were scientists, humanitarians, and artists, but the rest were clearly from the security services. And many of them, judging by their behavior, manner of conversation, and thinking, were or were members of secret and power structures. What kind of "hypnosis" they possessed, what secret equipment they used, Rutra could not determine precisely. But what they used, he calculated and passed the test perfectly. After another "interrogation" and interview, he was given "documents" that he was a member of an amateur amateur art group and a participant in the annual fair. Thus, observing complete secrecy, not sleeping at home, disconnecting the telephone, which, of course, he had warned in advance, Rutra found himself on Kolskaya. Namely, in a reorganized room at the Kola ultra-deep.

It was a gathering of seemingly quite literate people, mostly middle-aged and elderly, although there were also many young people. On the stage, at the table sat seven people, one of whom stood out because he was leading the process. It was Professor Muromov, just as he was described; tall, with a scruffy head of hair and small eyes, wearing glasses with large translucent glasses, a little heavy, but with a military bearing. When everyone was seated, he began the meeting by greeting the audience.

– Good afternoon, dear friends. I congratulate you – in spite of everything, we have managed to convene our congress. On it we should adopt our further strategy of action, but in the meantime I and our guests will give some lectures. I hope there are no objections to the organizational issues of the board and the protocol, which you should have read in the hall?

Approving voices were heard in the hall.

– I remind everyone to be extremely careful. According to information received from our security service and like-minded people from the authorities, we are being hunted, the chain dogs of the "Jewmassons" are on the trail, so everyone must act like Matrosov in case of failure. So, I will speak first. First, I will cite a famous statement of Pastor Martin Niemöller: "When they came for the Communists, I did not care, I am not a Communist. When they came for the Social Revolutionaries, I didn't care, I'm not a Socialist. When they came for the trade unions, I did not protest, for I am not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I kept silent, I'm not a Jew. And when they came for me, there was no one else to protest." Notice that they came for the Jews last, even though they shouted all over the world that Hitler destroyed them first! What, were they sitting around waiting to be killed? Didn't he offer them to leave first? This is the great Jewish scam to justify the creation of Israel. Now let's understand who is in charge in the US and NATO, and at the same time other countries that the US has colonized in various forms to date? Who is responsible for all the major atrocities of the 20th century? Who profited from wars, coups and crises?

"Well, yes, now I see why Alexander Ivanovich said they didn't have a single party man, that you can't serve two gods," Ruthra thought.

– Who is to blame for all the troubles of mankind, who serves Satan, who pushes people and nations together, who organizes wars? The answer is known – a number of clans or clubs of Jews: Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds, Kuhns, Loebs, Goldmans, Mellons, Saxons, Dupons, Lehmans and others. These are the ones who have determined the course of humanity's development in the last 150 years.

"Here we go," Ruthra thought. He had an idea of the contingent that had gathered, and he had an idea of what topics were relevant to them. They weren't the only ones, though; they hadn't changed in well over a hundred and fifty years. So Rutra didn't really delve into it, his thoughts were occupied with the general factors that lead people to such conclusions. In this context, he began to detect a more momentous meaning in some of Mithra's statements or sayings. At times his hearing returned to the hall. Finding no new food for thought. the mind drifted off into other reflections.

– …It used to be believed that to control global financial flows, one had to have a controlling "stake" or blocking stake in it, which is physically impossible. A mathematical study by Swiss scientists has shown that for global influence it is enough to control 2-3 percent of the world financial web. And this is quite real, you just need to know how to do it. That's all for now.

The speaker finished his speech, the presenter thanked him, switched the microphone to himself and introduced the next speaker.

The floor was given to a rather famous person in the past – a former international journalist. He came to the "stage" from the audience and began his speech.

– Good afternoon friends, comrades. The topic I have prepared is called "The Three Classes of People". And now you will understand why. I want to familiarize you with some fragments of an interview with an American journalist, a correspondent of several news agencies accredited to the UN, which relate to the topic we are considering. So, I read, "There is a revitalization of the anti-globalization front around the world. The movement, which emerged in opposition to the formation of the world power of bankers, is a serious enough phenomenon, and it is impossible to ignore it".

Ruthra was getting a little bored. He was waiting for more. He knew about the man the speaker was talking about and his organization, so he was still preoccupied with his own thoughts, only listening from time to time.

– …Their favorite is Gorbachev. They are currently building a Masonic complex for him in San Francisco. They're predicting that he'll be General Secretary of All Religions. Gorbachev has received two King David Awards. There are not even any Jews who have received two awards at once. And the "non-Jew" Gorbachev received – for services to the Jewish people. All this was done within the framework of the Harvard Project… the words of American professor Nicholas Murray Butler, quoted in Ivor Benson's book "The Zionism Factor": "The world is divided into three classes of people: a very small group of people who direct the course of events; a slightly larger one – which follows the course of events; and the majority, which does not understand what is happening"… there is one "puppeteer" behind all of them… some secret group is not averse to organizing 1917 on a global scale… Economists in different countries have suspected before that the world is being spun by several giant firms… It is now, in the crisis, that it is decided – who is in charge. Crisis is when resources are scarce and the struggle for them intensifies. That's how animals on the savannah fight at a dried-up watering hole. In general, I think this is enough for you to understand the main idea. Draw your conclusions, and with your permission, that's all I have.

The hall clapped approvingly.

– The next participant in the meeting is the commander of our foreign unit, a specialist in secret organizations, Comrade Ernest Known. He will present to your judgment his research… or investigation, as you will see fit: "From Bilderberg to Gulagberg. The name, as you understand, is fictitious," the host announced, introducing the audience to the "delegate" who had come on stage.

Toth said hello to those gathered and began his topic:

– Dear like-minded people, I will read you an excerpt from my investigation, which I called "From Bilderberg to Gulagberg: the global elite is building an electronic concentration camp". From June 10 to 16 of this year, the 67th annual meeting of the Bilderberg Club was held in the Afghan capital of Kabul at the Inter Continental Hotel. The peculiarity of this meeting was that it took place immediately after the meeting of the G7 leaders and the V Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kabul. At different levels of representation and from different angles, the same key problem was considered – the development of mechanisms of global governance....

Ruthra decided that he had wasted this time, too. The theme was familiar, and there was nothing surprising about it, in the sense that it could be heard among "truth-telling" intellectuals in a decent (or not so decent) bar. The obvious point here was to mark its cohesion and secrecy, and of course – some stimulation of the existing struggle with a superpowerful opponent. Like the previous ones, this speaker spoke at length about secret conspiracies and "those who want to enslave mankind".

– …Banks, intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, and Google are working in close conjunction. They are building an electronic gulag in which there is no place for the state, national sovereignty, or individual freedom. Everything they deal with is just a means for them to achieve their main goal – absolute power. That's the way it is, like-minded people. If anything, I am always ready to answer your questions. Write to me on e-mail. The address and method will be voiced to you individually by my assistants. Thank you for your attention.

The hall applauded again approvingly.

– Dear friends, I would like to give the floor to Comrade Gorbatov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an honorary member of many international scientific communities. He called his report "Colossus with a clay head". May I have your attention, please? You have the floor, Zinovy Theodorovich.

– Good afternoon," the academician began his speech.

He was a man with a stern, clear gaze, military or athletic in appearance, smooth-shaven and neatly dressed. He was above middle-aged, with a slightly husky voice, which had a distinctive regional or ancestral accent.

– Dear friends, comrades-in-arms, I will begin my speech with the words of Gorbachev, the destroyer of the Soviet Union.

The topic was a beaten one as well. Ruthra tried to stay awake, occasionally listening to the topic.

– …And as a natural outcome of "perestroika" – the collapse of the USSR, the collapse of the Soviet Army, the hasty withdrawal of many of its units and formations from Eastern Europe and the Baltics to the open field, and so on… in his time, the head of Soviet foreign intelligence for several years published a number of his aphorisms. Among them, in addition to "shock democracy", there is such a one: "A colossus with a clay head"… this aphorism, as it seems, very accurately characterizes the Soviet Union in the last 6 years of its existence… In the preface to his book "Special Operations. The Lubyanka and the Kremlin. 1930-1950 years" Pavel Anatolievich wrote: "Whether we want it or not, but time passes, and what yesterday was a Great State Secret loses its exclusivity and secrecy due to major turns in the history of the state and becomes common knowledge – if only there was a desire to know the truth. Observing my military oath, I kept silent as long as the Soviet Union existed. When the activities of Soviet intelligence and a number of aspects of Soviet foreign policy ceased to be secret after the famous events of 1991 and all that I had faithfully served ceased to exist, I could not and had no right to remain silent.

About 20 minutes later and that topic was over.

– …Let me conclude my speech. Thank you for your attention.

Then the floor was given to two "former" top officers of the special services, who were now professors at the Slavic World Institute.

– Good afternoon, comrades," one of them began his speech. – My colleague and I would like to familiarize you with our research, which we have called "The Kaganate of Traitors, or How the CIA Conquered Russia. You can familiarize yourself with the full material from the report, which you will print out from the secretary after the meeting. Let me tell you right away – it is not an easy read.

This topic interested Ruthra more than the previous ones, however, after hearing a few famous names, and it became practically known before it even started. Ruthra tried to contact Isa, doubting such a possibility in this location, but the system worked clearly, the ISA responded. He made an intelligent, thoughtful face and glanced in the direction of the podium, and began to digest the latest analysis, not missing the main, important theme being presented by the storytellers.

– All right, let's get started. First on the list is a certain Egorov. This man does not like public attention, but he played a key role in bringing Sobchak, Putin and Medvedev to power. In our development, he appears as Agent Spider, and we explain the extraordinary success of his protégé by the patronage of the CIA. His name is Kolya Egorov, and he is also known as Putin's best friend and right-hand man. In 1970, this Kolya Egorov entered the prestigious international department of the LSU Law Faculty together with his friend, sambo judoist Vova Putin… But why did the CIA need to seize power at the LSU Civil Law Department? The point is this. While studying the Soviet system as part of the Harvard Project, CIA analysts identified this inconspicuous but extremely sensitive point in the Soviet system – the Civil Law Department of the Law Faculty of Leningrad University. For all its apparent modesty, it was university professors who determined the spirit and letter of the laws of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Civil Law Department of LSU was one of the most authoritative in this regard. Formally, the law professors acted as consultants, but in fact – who would think of arguing with the luminaries of legal thought in the field of lawmaking? The CIA considered this department as one of the key sources of legislation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and to seize power over this source was considered a task of strategic importance… Later, after the destruction of the USSR, the developments of the Harvard project formed the basis of the project to colonize Russia, and the CIA agents of the Cold War moved into the highest executive chairs of Russia… It was 1975. Meanwhile, Vova Putin was sent for introduction as a "mole" in the KGB, in the counterintelligence department for combating ideological sabotage. On the part of the competent authorities, he was to cover the activities of his friend saboteur… So, Kolya Egorov, agent Spider. Why Spider? Because he surrounds the attacked objects with his people, as if braiding them with a web, and when the decisive moment comes, it turns out that all the key actors are dependent on him, willy-nilly do exactly what he needs. Jews disguised as Russians were recruited by Spider with the aim of their introduction into power. All of Pauk's activities from the very first day of his stay at LSU were aimed at seizing power, first at the department, then in Leningrad, and then in Russia. At the same time, the same guys seized power in Gazprom and many other enterprises, they own all the most important things in Russia… They needed a Jew with a deliberately Russian name. However, if someone is corrupted by the mention of Jews, this "fifth point" can be ignored, we note the national factor only as the most logical explanation of the initial close unity of these people… She worked from 1987 to 1991 as an assistant professor at the Spider Department, now she is Deputy Head of the Economic Department of the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Property Management Department of Gazprom, member of the Gazprom Management Committee. From 1976 to 1980 she was at the department, a graduate student of Ioffe… Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, a graduate student of the Pauk department – was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom, but in general he does not need any comments… Ilya Vladimirovich Eliseev, a graduate student of the Pauk department – now Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank, member of the Board of Directors of Gazprom-Media.... Anton Alexandrovich Ivanov, a graduate student of Spider's chair – first deputy general director of Gazprom-Media, chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation… This special service should have a "think tank" – powerful analysts, careful planning, operational headquarters, which would have information about everything that was going on. Smart organizers had to plan everything, distribute roles, bring their people to key positions in advance, coordinate their actions, provide motivation for each participant, think through many options for different cases of events – without this there was no point in blowing up the houses. And also it was necessary to have confidence in the possibility to use the fruits of their terror, that is, to guarantee a win for themselves, and not for some other forces. And it was also necessary to ensure a favorable attitude to their future victory on the part of the West and the oligarchs … An ordinary gang, even consisting of officers of the special services, such a task is simply not possible. Such things are not done by a handful of conspirators from the underground. Here clearly worked experienced professionals with great power. Who are they? This question is yet to be answered, or rather – to answer those who did it, those whom we will find out and reveal soon. Thank you for your attention.

The audience thanked the speaker with applause.

The presenter gave the floor to a man in military uniform, whom he introduced to the audience as "our permanent general. The general came up on stage, sat down at the table, moved the microphone, adjusted his glasses, opened a folder from which he took out sheets of paper, and began his speech.

– Dear fellow soldiers, I am not afraid to call you so, because we are a single regiment in defense of our homeland, and in current conditions – a guerrilla regiment, there are enough specialists among us, so let me present to your judgment my research "About the USA". And there you decide for yourself – about the USA or about the US missile defense. I think I will not take your thoughts very far. It is all the same field of berries. In recent months, military experts have been actively discussing the possibility of intercepting Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in the boost phase of their trajectory due to the accession of a number of Eastern European and Baltic countries to NATO. To what extent is this possible and how can the alleged threat be mitigated?

Rutra was a little surprised this time. Though the topic was clear enough to him. He was surprised by the way the question was posed, and why it had been voiced here. Though it was also a topic he was familiar with and had studied more than enough. He had to pretend to be interested in it. His thoughts were occupied with more global issues.

– …Despite numerous statements by U.S. politicians about the purpose of the national missile defense system to counteract the countries of the "axis of evil," an analysis of the composition, structure, and geographic location of the elements of the future missile defense system indicates that the missile defense system will have an anti-Russian and anti-Chinese orientation at its core.

…Otherwise, there are fears that under current development trends, Russia's combat capabilities could be significantly reduced.

The general stopped speaking, looked around the room, put the papers in a folder, then turned to the audience.

– Dear fellow soldiers, I have submitted my research for your judgment. If you have any questions, I am ready to answer them.

There was silence in the hall, for some reason no one wanted to ask questions, everyone took the speakers' statements on faith or was embarrassed to be accused of illiteracy, ignorance, or fear of contradicting their "superiors". Rutra figured this out by the method of "mind-reading" by facial expressions, behavior, eye expressions and other indicators that are not available to ordinary people. Looking around and seeing this universal unanimity, Ruthra decided to break the established tradition. He raised his hand, and the announcer pointed at him with his pointer.

– Do you have a question, Comrade Gagarin?

"Oh! I'm being followed. Or do I have suspiciousness syndrome?" – Ruthra thought.

– Yes, I would like to know what the current government has done wrong in what you listed; how much control do our military have over strategic nuclear forces? Can our rulers surrender the secret of ballistic missile launch control without the knowledge of the people? Maybe it's all a sham, maybe they'll just go out of control at the right moment? For example, as it happened in Iraq, with part of the military equipment based on foreign electronics, during the overthrow of Hussein.

– Very relevant and interesting question. You can sense the level. You, my young friend, I have the right to call you that because of your age, have very correctly pointed out that it can be a sham. Why? Listen to the following and draw conclusions.

He pulled a sheet out of a folder, looked it over, then looked into the audience, began to speak:

– As is known, the START agreement was signed in Prague with Russia's dissenting opinion on missile defense, which is supposed to guarantee the impossibility of a unilateral gratuitous U.S. nuclear strike on Russian territory. These guarantees are allegedly provided by the Americans' refusal to build radars on the territory of Poland and the Czech Republic. In fact, after the U.S. creates mobile means of controlling nuclear materials on the basis of "Inspector" technologies transferred to them by the Russian side under the sanction of the Russian Security Council, the U.S. side will have an absolute possibility to intercept all warheads of our strategic missiles in case of a retaliatory strike on the U.S. territory, since these technologies allow not only to inspect, but also to destroy any nuclear systems. The Americans will simply no longer need any locators in Poland and the Czech Republic. We are talking about one of the directions of nuclear relativistic technologies, abbreviated as NRT, namely, the creation of the first effective beam weapon based on a proton gas pedal on the reverse wave. This gas pedal can be placed on the Russian AN-124 ("Ruslan") airplane. Within the framework of the contract between the U.S. CIA and the Russian side, a full range of theoretical and experimental studies was conducted with the involvement of a number of Russian organizations equipped with appropriate gas pedal equipment. The expertise was performed by the Los Alamos and Brookhaven National Laboratories of the United States. The interception of warheads directed toward the United States, if they have such an "inspection" system, is as follows. Space stations detect missile launches from enemy territory, decimeter long-range detection stations in Alaska, Greenland, and, as far as I remember, in England, take warheads for escort and transmit target designation to Ruslan mobile systems raised on alert over U.S. territory. "Ruslan" conduct irradiation of the combat order consisting of warheads and decoys, reject the decoys and then focused beam of protons destroy the warheads. And over their own territory. And there is no need to strain with all kinds of radars neither Poland, nor Czech Republic, nor Russia… and the defeat of the territory of an unarmed enemy, since we, unfortunately, are forbidden to engage in this system for ourselves. I hope that many things have become clear to everyone, including the fact that the option of complete surrender of remote control of nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles is possible, although I assure you that we as creators have taken care of this, so we need to prepare a replacement in the person of your generation.

When he said this, the presenter became very worried, wary, wanted to warn him about something or stop his speech. I whispered to him:

– That's it, that's it, that's enough.

The general looked at him, blinked his two eyes as if signaling or agreeing, nodded approvingly, and sat back in his chair. It passed almost without meaning to the audience, but Ruthra caught the "bundle of information". A slight shiver ran through his body, and his hair rose slightly. He couldn't believe his ears, his mind kept repeating, "…we as creators took care of it." Ruthra couldn't listen to anything else, but he had to sit down for the sake of conspiracy.

– Questions are desirable later, after all the speeches, write them down, and now I give the floor to our next, so to speak, fellow soldier, – restlessly announced the leader of the meeting.

After giving the delegates a moment to reflect on what they had heard, the chief introduced the next speaker.

– Dear friends, our next speaker is Nikolai Illarionovich Semeyko, a member of the security service of our bureau in fraternal Ukraine. I think there is no need to explain who needs enmity between two brotherly peoples, which was not even conceivable a short time ago. You have the floor, Mykola Illarionovich.

Chairman, gestured to the microphone.

– Hiya, brothers and sisters. The topic of my report is "The US Fed is pushing the world towards World War III". I will now give you many facts and reasons confirming my words, touch upon the situation in Ukraine, and you will decide for yourself why many events have happened, are happening and will happen. So, who benefits from war, who needs it, so to speak, as a method of existence? And the answer is simple. The war is necessary for the owners of the Federal Reserve System, for the large global financial capital. In Ukraine, processes are now taking place that lead to the unleashing of the Third World War. As I wrote, this is an attempt to weaken Russia and militarization of the economy combined with radicalization of national-patriotic sentiments.

"Yes," Ruthra said to himself, "I expected more from you. And still he listened in places.

– …Ukraine is included in the process of preparation for a world war. The economy is being militarized first. With the help of external funding from Britain, Israel, Canada and the United States, the population mobilized into the AFU is being trained in combat interaction with NATO units and weapons. In July, a military doctrine was adopted, where Russia was named as the main enemy, not even a potential, but a direct aggressor… This will be followed by a war for the return of Donbass or Crimea under control with a transition to a large-scale uncontrolled process – the beginning of the Third World War… Weakening of Russia by the conflict in Syria will give a real chance and reason to unleash a war in the West. In any case – the presence of several localized conflicts, in which Russia will be drawn, only more satisfies the solution of the task set for the U.S. foreign policy. To start, successfully complete the Third World War and collapse, taking control of the resources of Eurasia, Russia! The result will be the preservation of the architecture of international monetary relations created after World War II, led by the US Fed in the financial sphere and the US in the geopolitical sphere. We can firmly assert that Ukraine, carried away by global processes and led by its own government, is moving towards an imminent large-scale war. Who needs it – we have already found out. Thank you for your attention.

After the last speaker, a break was announced, during which many people went to the organized buffet, smoke breaks, toilets and just to "stretch their legs". The meeting was heading towards the end of the main part, after which the organizers and members of the "top group" were to stay. Since Rutra was a "young fighter", he was not allowed to attend the final part, so, to his delight, he could leave. All that remained was to listen to the chairman's closing remarks. The break was over, the ZKRovtsy went into the hall. The chairman, without waiting for silence, began to speak.

– Dear colleagues, I hope that, being already ideologically "savvy", you have once again realized who and what is opposing us. It is no exaggeration to say that they want to blur the boundary between peoples, nations and cultures. So to speak, to unite everything into a common "broth", which they will stir with a ladle as they please. And the peoples will not know in whose hands this ladle is, i.e. their fate and future. Or rather, the future will be taken away from them, and they will write the history as they need, which is already being done. Do you see how things really are? And now I will tell you on what spiritual basis the leaders of the world OCG are based. I will tell you the words of Rabbi Schneerson.

Ruthra wanted to laugh. He had guessed what he was going to talk about next. But he had to laugh at the reason why such topics were in the forefront of nationalist-patriotic ideas. He realized that it would be about a letter from Rabbi Schneerson of the Sanhedrin to the newspaper "Slav." It was a badly fabricated forgery.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, or Menachem-Mendl Schneerson, died in June 1994, having previously been paralyzed for two years due to a stroke and losing the ability to speak and write.

There has never been a spiritual administration of Jews in Russia. But there is the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia and the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations. The Sanhedrin disappeared back in the 5th century AD. This topic Rutra titled for himself: "On behalf of a dead man".

The speaker, meanwhile, had already begun his speech, and was listened to attentively, with interest. Rutra, on the other hand, was listening in places, just as before.

– …Our special tactics of struggle against the Red-Browns, and all Slavs are Red-Browns, is Secret Knowledge due to its closed nature. The main spearhead of struggle we will direct against Slavism. The Slav, or Russian, can be destroyed, but can never be conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and at first – a sharp reduction in its numbers. Our methods of struggle will be by no means military, but ideological and economic with application of power structures equipped with the most modern kinds of armament for physical suppression of rebels with even more cruelty, than it was made in October 1993 at shooting of the Supreme Soviet of Russia. First of all, we will dismember all Slavic nations… We will try to bring these countries together. To draw them into internecine wars with the purpose of mutual destruction. Ukrainians will think that they are fighting against expansionist Russia, fighting for their independence, will think that they have finally found their freedom, while they are completely dependent on us. The Russians will think the same, as if they are defending their national interests, returning the lands "illegally" taken from them, etc… The largest Masonic organizations, the main of which is now Kehilla in the U.S., about 1500000 members. They control the main media and intelligence services, the main ones being MI-6, MOSSAD, CIA.

Rutra did not think it necessary to listen to the "brilliant orators" any further. Their speeches were just another attempt to show that the world was ruled by the financial masters and the characters they hated, whose nomenclature was practically the same to frighten the public. The authors of such opuses usually had no idea that the world is ruled by those who are indifferent to money. If they ruled the world with money, no paper would suffice. The final part deserved special attention. With minimal analysis it would have been clear that this was a "message from the grave," but no one bothered to check that. The main thing was that "the family lay on fertile ground", there was another reason to "turn the tables".

From all this we could more accurately conclude that it was just another "duck" aimed at strengthening power where it was desired and weakening it where it was desired. The Jews themselves were to blame for the appearance of such falsehoods, with their mental pleasure in exalting themselves and their importance, trying to protect themselves by means of this, which in fact turned out to be the opposite.

To Rutra there was nothing of interest here. Neither the people in question nor the speakers were of any importance to his investigation. He had already noted the most important things for himself, so he nodded understandingly, shook his head and left.

On the way out, the "security service" stamped a "document" handed to him, for his alibi, about attending the secret meeting of the group. It was a document about participation in the exhibition-fair "Stone Flower", held annually in the town of Apatity, which is attended by craftsmen from all over Russia. The other "visitors", apparently – depending on their competence, were given various "security certificates". It was a convenient disguise, as the town of Apatity is the scientific capital of the world Polar region. The town of Apatity is also the geological and scientific center of the Kola Peninsula. Most likely, that is why "documents" about attending various scientific seminars, meetings, lectures, advanced training courses were handed out. The diversity of the "scientific staff" was admirable. Among Rutra's new associates were "representatives" of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Clearly the place was not chosen for nothing. Rutra made a photographic picture of the delegates and was sure that he would find many of them in scientific institutions of the peninsula (and not only). The Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences includes 9 institutes, 8 of which are located in the city of Apatity, and 2 centers.

But what caught Ruthra's attention was not the variety of disguises, but the fact that the individual members of the secret group who were preparing for the secret meeting, in addition to the individual ones, were being issued a common document. This was done in a neighboring room, the entrance to which was blocked by a massive guard. Ruthra had figured it out after listening and scanning the space with his superhearing and supervision turned on.

Catching and filtering the whispering waves of the employees, sound waves reflected from objects, reflection from the glass of the cabinet window, he found one common important feature in this "vinaigrette" of data. Allegedly, they were all members of an amateur band with the ringing name "Ringing Cedars of Russia". For a moment the brain shut down, then received a "jab with an atomic needle," right at the tip of a neuron. Ruthra went into a "coma" and froze motionless. The brain was disconnected from reality, all its resources were directed toward solving the puzzle, for which a major clue had suddenly opened up.

The main clue was identical to the logical conclusion used by secret service personnel, and it read: "If you want something well hidden, put it in a conspicuous place." It turned out that there was no need to look for them, it was useless – they could be everywhere. And it was useless to calculate them – they could be out of hiding. But that was their secret. They didn't need to infiltrate anywhere, they were already there. Or rather, anyone from any service – secret, open or special – could be recruited. It was enough to suggest to the object of recruitment that he was of the same blood with them, that they were against those who wanted to destroy this "blood", to "prove" that it was those who wanted to do it who were in power – and the "client" was "theirs".

The thought of where the "tentacles" of this cosmological singularity could have penetrated took Rutra's consciousness to the moment of space-time, to the point where the timer of the Big Bang would start counting down. It turns out that this is what and who are the ZKR group, the "Ringing Cedars of Russia". They are united in spirit and blood!

The secretary's question brought him back to reality.

– Did you forget something? – He asked, looking at the shelves behind his back where suspicious items were stacked before entering the conference room.

It was forbidden to bring cell phones and any other equipment, so there were only watches, jewelry and other ornaments, notebooks, passports and the like. Even medications. Ruthra was about to answer him when his brain produced the next bit of filtered information: "…there's 14 kilometers there, if you put it in there, the explosion should cause a continental shift."

Without waiting for a reply, the secretary turned around and looked at Ruthra questioningly. With an effort of will, Ruthra gave a reply:

– No, it's fine, I was expecting you to give me Ernest Famous' email.

– Of course, no questions asked. He asked me to give it to anyone who was interested," the secretary said with an exclamation and handed Rutra a business card for the "head of the folk dance group," which had a non-geographic 800 area code phone number and an e-mail address.

– Thank you," Ruthra replied, and went to the exit, where a rotary bus was waiting for him and like-minded people of similar rank.

Ruthra's brain was almost glowing, her imagination trying to grasp the magnitude of the confrontation between the logic of what was happening and the cause and effect that had brought society to this state. The veil had evaporated, the masks had been dropped. Now it was necessary to find out who was who! To find out, it was necessary to carry out the plan, the plan that Rutra had been preparing.
