Big Bang

The Big Bang is the generally accepted theory of the origin of the universe. Of course, this is an area of scientific legends and fantasies. At first, all that is now in the world (including this light itself, and even, it seems, the very time) was in the so-called proto-Egg – a region of space, about the size of an atom, with a density of 10 to 90 degrees kg / cm³. For unknown reasons, this Egg explodes. At first, one plasma passes into the other, and back with an unthinkable speed, emitting uniformly in all directions of the so-called «plasma». relic shortwave radiation. After 380,000 years, everything is more or less calming down. The first stable hydrogen atoms appear.

After another 400 million years, gas nebulae arise. Thanks to the force of gravitational attraction, the gas concentrates in the stars and, with billions of luminaries, galaxies.

Our Galaxy (with a capital letter), otherwise – the Milky Way (Latin – via lactea) is formed 13 billion years ago, and has 200 to 400 billion stars. The age of the Solar System is 4.5 billion years. It has 8 recognized classical planets, as well as 5 so-called dwarf ones, including now also «expelled» from group «A» Pluto.
