4. Best and Worst Teachers

It is really easy to find out who are the best and worst teachers. I guess most teachers are good. They are not bad, they are not excellent, but they are good and they give good lessons. And the best teachers are always very strict, but they make their lessons really interesting. You work hard and they don’t accept any sort of low quality homework. They pack a lot into the lessons. They talk to us as adults, as intelligent adults. They expect that we can understand what they are explaining, work fast, come up with questions and think for ourselves. I think the other teachers that are good, but not brilliant, are a bit too easy-going. You can give in poor homework and not learn anything. Our History teacher is one of the really good teachers. He gets us all arguing and discussing. That is really great. You have to read, try to think and analyze. So that is interesting. And this is the same with the English Literature classes. We analyze all the characters, the author and the style. It is interesting too. And the worst teacher. She teaches Religious Studies. She talks about religion and the Bible as if it is all a fairy story. And she can’t keep discipline. We do terrible things in her classroom. I think she is in the wrong profession. She can’t make the lessons interesting. I suppose the best teachers have a strong character and they are really interested in their subjects. My Mum can remember every teacher. It is something you never really forget. At the moment one of the worst teachers for me personally is our Maths teacher. That is not because she is a bad teacher. It is because I am bad at Maths. So I think she is a good teacher but just not for me.

1. Is it easy or difficult to find out who the best teachers are?

2. Are most teachers good or bad?

3. Are the best teachers sometimes very strict?

4. How do you work if your teacher is strict?

5. How do the best teachers talk to their students?

6. What do excellent teachers expect from their students?

7. What sort of homework do they accept?

8. What kind of teachers accept low quality homework?

9. Is Julia’s History teacher a good or a bad teacher?

10. What does Julia’s History teacher gets his students to do?

11. What does Julia do during the English Literature classes?

12. Who is Julia’s worst teacher?

13. How does the teacher tell the pupils about the Bible?

14. Why does Julia think that the teacher is in the wrong profession?

15. What sort of character do the best teachers have?

16. What are the best teachers really interested in?

17. What can’t Julia’s mother forget?

18. Is Julia’s maths teacher one of her best teachers?

19. Is Julia good or bad at maths?

20. What kind of teacher is she really?

Training 1

The best teachers are always very strict, but they make their lessons really interesting. You work hard and they don’t accept any sort of low quality homework. They pack a lot into the lessons. They talk to us as intelligent adults. They expect that we can understand what they are explaining and work fast. The best teachers have strong characters and they are really interested in their subject.

Training 2

The other teachers that are good, but not brilliant, are a bit too easy-going. They are not strict and don’t have a strong character. You can give in poor homework and not learn anything. They try to make their lessons interesting but they can’t keep discipline and their students don’t listen, and sometimes do terrible things in the classroom.
