Глава 1. Каузативная форма глагола

The Causative form, или каузативная форма, используется для указания действия, которое совершается не самим автором действия, а кем-то за или для него.

Образуется с помощью уже хорошо известного глагола have и правильного глагола с окончанием -ed или 3ей формы неправильного глагола. Между ними обязательно стоит существительное, обозначающее объект, над которым осуществлялось действие: have something done.

Например: I have my hair cut every month (Я подстригаюсь каждый месяц); She had a house built last year (В прошлом году она построила дом).

С чем можно перепутать?

Не путайте эту конструкцию с Past Perfect. Обратите внимание на порядок слов в предложениях. В Past Perfect вышеуказанные примеры выглядели бы следующим образом: I had cut my hair (Я подстригся); She had built a house (Она построила дом).

В каузативной конструкции между вспомогательным глаголом have и смысловым глаголом стоит существительное. Это важно!

Также при переводе можно перепутать с простым прошедшим. Например, почему нельзя просто сказать, используя Past Simple: I cut my hair или She built a house. Почему нельзя? Можно, однако, вы этим дадите собеседнику понять, что вы сами стригли себе волосы, а она сама своими силами строила дом, без посторонней помощи.

Сравните два предложения:

1) My brother fixes his bike.

2) My brother has his bike fixed.

В первом случае – мой брат сам чинит свой велосипед. Во втором – кто-то чинит велосипед за / для моего брата.

Оборот have something done может меняться в разных временах и конструкциях, для этого надо всего лишь изменить глагол have. Например: He is having his bike fixed at the moment (В данный момент ему чинят велосипед); He will have his bike fixed tomorrow (Его велосипед починят завтра).

Формы образования

Каузативная форма может использоваться в разных глагольных конструкциях, при этом меняться будет только глагол have:

В разговорном языке глагол have в этой конструкции часто заменяют на глагол get. Например: You should get your trousers washed (Тебе следует постирать штаны – отдать штаны в прачечную, чтобы их постирали); They finally got their roof repaired (Они наконец-то починили крышу / Им наконец-то починили крышу).

Подводим итоги

Мы рассмотрели каузативную форму английского глагола, узнали, как она образуется, когда используется, чем отличается от Past Perfect и Past Simple.

Тест для проверки пройденного уровня A

1. Anna had her hair cut. What did she do?

a) Anna went to the hairdresser’s.

b) Anna cut her hair herself.

2. Mother took my coat to the cleaner’s. What did she do?

a) She had cleaned my coat.

b) She had my coat cleaned.

3. The Roberts don’t have a garage. Next summer a builder is going to build one for them. What are they going to do?

a) They’re going to build a garage.

b) They’re going to have a garage built.

4. Tim’s newspaper is delivered twice a week. What does he do?

a) Tim had his newspaper delivered twice a week.

b) Tim has his newspaper delivered twice a week.

5. A dressmaker made a beautiful dress for my sister. What did my sister do?

a) My sister had a dress made for her.

b) My sister has made a dress herself.

6. An architect designed a house for Mr. Willson. What did Mr. Wilson do?

a) Mr. Wilson designed a house.

b) Mr. Wilson has a house designed.

7. In the hotel the rooms are cleaned every day? Who cleans them?

a) The customers clean the rooms.

b) The customers have the rooms cleaned.

8. They will ask a chef to cook the meal. What will they do?

a) They will have the meal cooked by a chef.

b) They will cook the meal with a chef.

9. My front bike light isn’t working and I don’t know how to fix it. What am I going to do?

a) I’m going to have my bike serviced.

b) I’m going to fix the bike myself.

10. My son has his homework checked every night. Who checks my son’s homework?

a) My son checks his homework every night.

b) I check my son’s homework every night.

Тест для проверки пройденного уровня B

1. My cousin … her hair cut at the moment.

a) is having

b) has

c) was having

2. Susan … her teeth checked twice a year.

a) had

b) has had

c) has

3. Amanda and her husband … their house decorated last season.

a) are having

b) had

c) will have

4. Barbara is in hospital. She … her tonsils taken out.

a) has

b) is having

c) was having

5. Mr. Poirot … his wallet stolen twice this year.

a) has had

b) had had

c) will have

6. Mrs. Thompson … her windows smashed by a falling tree.

a) will have

b) is having

c) had

7. Lucy … her house painted last week.

a) has had

b) had

c) will have had

8. Angela … her hair … every six weeks.

a) has; cut

b) will have; cutting

c) has had; cut

9. They must … their car … immediately.

a) have; repair

b) have had; repaired

c) have; repaired

d) be having; repaired

10. Samantha … a dress … for her wedding.

a) is having; made

b) had had; making

c) has; made

Тест для проверки пройденного уровня C

1. Maria wasn’t comfortable until she … .

a) had extracted the painful tooth

b) had the painful tooth extracted

c) had had the painful tooth extracted

2. Dad wasn’t comfortable until the dentist … .

a) had extracted the painful tooth

b) had the painful tooth extracted

c) had had the painful tooth extracted

3. You should understand the problem now. You … to you yesterday.

a) explained it

b) had it explained

c) had explained it

4. My younger son couldn’t understand the problem until the teacher … again.

a) explained it

b) had it explained

c) had explained it

5. Julia … when she was interrupted by her husband.

a) had scarcely begun her speech

b) had scarcely her speech begun

c) scarcely began her speech

6. As my uncle was walking to the shopping centre, two guys drove past him and he noticed with dismay that they … .

a) stole his car

b) had stolen his car

c) had his car stolen

7. My aunt recently … when she parked it in front of the library.

a) had stolen her car

b) stole her car

c) had her car stolen

8. When the minister got up to speak, he … at him.

a) threw eggs

b) had thrown eggs

c) had eggs thrown

9. Maggie couldn’t afford any luxuries, because she … .

a) had increased her rent

b) had her rent increased

c) had had her rent increased

10. Andrew couldn’t ride his bike because the police … three times.

a) endorsed his licence

b) had endorsed his licence

c) had had his licence endorsed
