Chapter 2 – Egytian gods and goddesses

In this chapter I describe some specific characteristics that define each Egyptian god and goddess. They changed over time and sometimes they were dual and versatile. They may symbolise protection at first, but they may also be worshipped to lead the dead to the afterlife, to ask for love unions, for fertility, for abundance in crops, etc.

I briefly detail their story, the symbols that identify them, and the animals that represent them, their Greek representation, and the meaning of the crown they wear.

I also explain what you can ask for and how to work at a magic level: the use of each god and goddess, the use of their energy, their essence, their mineral, their curiosities, etc.

There were many gods and goddesses; this is just a brief guide of the most important ones.

1 – Amheh

Amheh was depicted as a man with the head of a dog who lived in a lake of fire. He was a god of the underworld whose name meant ‘devourer of eternity’.

At a magic level you can ask for and work to address your fears: i.e., fears you do not want to solve and negative attitudes you have decided to keep for the rest of your life; a burden that does not let you evolve; a burden that blocks you and prevents you from getting everything you want.

This god is used to remove all the things that are difficult for us to leave behind. Things that seem that belong to us but they do not; things that we have acquired by bad habits or have been sent to us so that we do not move forward, etc. These things block us.

Essence: Jasmine

Mineral: Amethyst, Hematite, Jasper

2 – Ammit

Ammit represented death and, unlike other gods or goddesses, she considered herself a demon. Her body was formed by three different animals: crocodile, lion and hippopotamus. These three animals were the most feared animals by the Egyptian people due to their strength, dexterity, voracity, aggressiveness, and the deaths they caused. The goddess Ammit was synonymous with evil.

At a magic level you can ask for and work to block enemies, especially when there are problems with children, such as bulling at school. People ask this goddess to remove anyone who directly or indirectly harms their children. Ask these three animals to surround the people who are trying to attack your loved ones.

Essence: Peppermint

Mineral: Bolivianite, Fluorite, Tiger’s Eye

3 – Amón – Amun – Ammon – Amon Ra

Amun was the main deity of the city of Thebes. He was the patron of its pharaohs. Thebes was the capital of the Egyptian Empire and was the territory in which the Hyksos were expelled, thus building the strongest dynasty of antiquity.

His father was Thoth (god of wisdom, time, and magic) and his mother was Maat (goddess of justice, truth, and harmony), the consort of Thoth. Amun’s consort was Mut (creator goddess) or Amonet (goddess of the wind) and their son was Khonsu (god of medicine). Amun was part of the triad of Thebes with Mut and Khonsu.

Amun had several names. His Greek name was Amon.

Amun was depicted as a man and his associated being was a ram. His large crown had two feathers, a pair of branches -a little separated- which was synonymous with consciousness and wisdom. Each branch had 7 leaves representing the levels of consciousness, since he was reincarnated in a man until the god reached the highest degree of illumination to free himself from the material limitations. He was holding the Was Sceptre (a distinctive symbol of the Egyptian culture of a god’s power or control over creation) in one hand and the Egyptian cross, the Ankh (the key to life) in the other.

At the beginning, Amun was considered the god of the wind, but was later placed next to the god Ra, the sun god, thus reaching a very high level and merging with him to give rise to the god Amon-Ra, the king of the gods; the father of all the gods; the creator of men, animals, and life; the lord of truth.

Amon-Ra was known for his omnipresence. He was the centre of the gods since he could be everywhere. He also called himself the hidden god because nobody could see or feel him, and always attended to all the pleas of his people. He was considered the god of wind and sun.

At a magic level you can ask for and work for spirituality and to find yourself, to recover one’s memory.

Essence: Rosemary

Mineral: Diamond, Topaz, Sulphur

4 – Amonet

Amonet was the wife of Amun or Amon-Ra. She was a self-created goddess. She was known as “the mother who is a father: she did not need any man because she had the power of procreation without a male. The name Amonet meant “The Hidden One”, her shadow symbolised protection and together with her partner, they symbolised the enigmatic, the chaos and the darkness. She symbolised the underworld and the West, the Earth’s cardinal point.

Amonet also symbolised the wind, since she could be felt but not touched. She was depicted as a woman with the head of a snake and with a red crown. However, in Hermopolis, she was depicted as a woman with a head of a frog or with the appearance of a cow. She was also sometimes depicted as a hawk or a woman with a head of a hawk.

She was mentioned for the first time during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. Her places of devotion were Thebes, Karnak, and Hermopolis. Over the years, she lost relevance in favour of Mut who finally became Amun's consort.

At a magic level you can ask for and work with her when you need to hide things, to help you forget the pain, to erase every trace of suffering. Learning to forget helps to live in the present, it expels the negative that has been recorded in the mind and ultimately you feel better about yourself.

Essence: Birch

Mineral: Turquoise, Opal, Pyrite

5 – Anat

Anat was a war goddess and many temples were dedicated to her. Even Ramesses named her daughter Bint-Anat (daughter of Anat in Arabic). Anat was a very widely worshipped goddess.

At a magic level you can ask for and work to overcome traumas caused by big emotional problems, accidents or mutilations. Anat will give you strength to recover, to leave your pain behind, and to overcome your fears and distress.

Essence: Cananga

Mineral: Pearl, Chalcopyrite, Amazonite

6 – Annubis – Inpu

He was believed to be the son of Set and Nephthys and was the protector of the dead. Nephthys, his mother, was the goddess of shadows and wet places.

His birth is not clear. One story says that his mother, Nephthys, took the appearance of Isis to approach Set and gave him some vintage wine to get him drunk, since Set wanted Osiris, his brother´s wife and his sister. From their union a child was born but was immediately abandoned because he was the fruit of sin. Curiously, Isis rescued the child and named him Anubis.

Other stories suggest that Anubis was born when his mother Nephthys cheated Set with Osiris after an argument.

Anubis was depicted as a jackal-headed man. He was the god of mummification, embalming and death. His animal representation was an Egyptian dog. He was personified as the summer solstice.

Anubis was also the one who took the dead to their doomsday or Duat. In the beginning, Anubis was the god of the dead, but later he moved into the background giving Osiris the cult and the main role in the afterlife (i.e., guiding the dead into the afterlife and giving them light, opening the roads and presiding their graves).

Anubis was one of the oldest gods. He was in charge of embalming the gods and helped Isis to embalm Osiris. That is why he was the protective god of the embalming priests.

At a magic level you can ask for and work to send people to the light. He helps your loved ones to find the light, to reach their destination without getting lost or trapped in this world wandering aimlessly.

Essence: Orange Blossom

Mineral: Sapphire, Onyx, Obsidian

7 – Anuket – Anukis

Anuket was the Egyptian representation of water. She was the goddess of water, a personification of the Nile, the waterfalls of Aswan, the waters of Nubia (floods and rivers overflowing were believed to be Anuket’s hug). She was also called the hugger and brought fertility to the earth. Water was life in Egypt, without water the land that provided food for livestock and people could not be fertile.

For the Greeks, Anuket was the deity Poseidon; for others, she was the deity of the narrow gorges of the Nile. She was depicted as a gazelle for her delicacy and tenderness, a very slender woman, with a very big feathered headdress as a crown, and a tight and richly ornamented dress.

Her festival was celebrated on the 7th of the month of Thoth. The ritual consisted of throwing jewels and objects of great value to the Nile thanking Anuket for the water, the fertility, and the life she brought. On this day people could eat fish, it was otherwise forbidden on any other date.

She was part of the Elephantine triad with Khnum and Satis. She was the daughter of Khnum (god of the night) and Satis, her mother and sister at the same time. She shared her gifts with Satis. In the New Kingdom of Elephantine there was the temple where she was worshipped as the "Lady of Seheil" (Nebt Satet). There was another temple in her honour in the region of File but people thought it with Isis. As well as the temple of Elephantine, which is the most important, Anuket’s origins can also be found in the temple of Deir el-Medina where the workers of the granite quarries of Assuan worshipped her.

At a magic level you can ask for and work for anything that has to do with connecting with your feminine side. You may ask her for fertility, to get pregnant easily, etc. something that we know is currently rather difficult due to the hectic pace of life and daily stress. This goddess is very important to help you recover after the removal of an ovary. You may also ask her so that abundance enters in your life.

Essence: Tart Pepper

Mineral: Emerald, Aquamarine, Lapis lazuli

8 – Apis – Hep

Apis represented the sacred bull of Memphis. He was a solar fertility god and was later considered a funerary god, part of the Court of the Sacred Gods. He was the Greek representation of Dionysus. His animal was the ox and his symbol a solar disk. He was the god of fertility and wine.

Apis or Ptah merged with Sekhmet, Ra and Maat´s daughter. Their son was named Nefertum or Atum, which meant sunrise.

Apis being a manifestation of Ptah was part of the triad of Memphis with Ra and Amun.

At a magic level you can ask for and work so that he gives you a lot of energy and strength; so that any celebration is fruitful and any negotiation comes out well, even if it is long and arduous.

Essence: Marjoram

Mineral: Amber, Jet, Blood Jasper

9 – Aton – Iten

Aten meant whole or complete and was a solar deity. He represented the solar disk originally from Heliopolis and the sky. He was a symbol of vital force and energy, key in the Egyptian mythology. At the beginning of the Egyptian creation Aten was considered the supreme creator. He was the Greek representation of Apollo and was associated with the solar disk emitting rays and the sun and was a creator god.

Akhenaten exclusively worshipped Aten during his reign thus becoming a superior deity. At first he was depicted as a falcon-headed man and was worshipped as the god of goodness and infinite justice.

At a magic level you can ask for and work for anything you have to start, so that the beginning of everything goes well. Also so that the things that have gone wrong straighten up and everything goes back to normal. You can ask for any field: emotional, health, money, love, etc.

Essence: Dill

Mineral: Topaz, Siderite, Wulfenite

10 – Atum – Atem – Itemu – Atum Ra – Tem – Nefertum

Atum was a creator god, the god from which all the other gods came from; the most important god since he created Shu (god of air) and Tefnut (goddess of moisture), and their offspring Geb and Nut (the god and goddess of the Earth and the sky). Geb and Nut gave birth to the other gods and goddesses that complete the Ennead of Heliopolis, such as Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Set, and Horus.

Atum was one of the nine main deities of the Egyptian city of Heliopolis and was one of the most important since he created the universe.

He was depicted as a solar god with the head of a ram, a phoenix or a mongoose, or also as a snake, and wearing a double crown.

He was part of the triad of solar deities. Atum represented the evening or setting sun, Ra the noon sun, and Khepri the morning or rising sun of dawn.
