Theory and Practice of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
L. N. Smirnova
Saint Petersburg
R. Aslanov Publishing House
“Yuridichesky Center Press”
Редакционная коллегия серии
«Теория и практика уголовного права и уголовного процесса»
А. И. Бойцов (отв. ред.), Н. И. Мацнев (отв. ред.), Б. В. Волженкин, Ю. Н. Волков, Ю. В. Голик, И. Э. Звечаровский, В. С. Комиссаров, В. П. Коняхин, А. И. Коробеев, Л. Л. Кругликов, С. Ф. Милюков, М. Г. Миненок, А. Н. Попов, М. Н. Становский, А. П. Стуканов, А. Н. Тарбагаев, А. В. Федоров, А. А. Эксархопуло
Ю. В. Голик, доктор юридических наук,
профессор С. В. Землюков, доктор юридических наук, профессор
Editorial Board of the Series
“Theory and Practice of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure”
A. I. Boitsov (managing editor), N. I. Matsnev (managing editor), B. V. Volzhenkin, Yu. N. Volkov, Yu. V Golik, I. E. Zvecharovsky, V S. Komissarov, V P. Konyakhin, A. I. Korobeev, L. L. Kruglikov, S. F. Milyukov, M. G. Minenok, A. N. Popov, M. N. Stanovsky, A. P. Stukanov, A. N. Tarbagaev, A. V Fedorov, A. A. Eksarkhopoulo
Doctor of Law, professor Yu. V Golik Doctor of Law,
professor S. V Zemlyukov
The present book deals with: the concept of the system of circumstances excluding criminality of an act; history of the origin, nature and essence of the institution of detention with the causing of harm to a person who committed a crime. It carries out the comparison with the institutions of necessary defense, extreme necessity and others; gives detailed concept of criminal-law detention, defines the most important elements of criminal-law and procedural regulation of the institution in question; gives description of objective and subjective indicia of lawfulness of the causing of harm to a person who committed a crime, principal features of the excess of the measures for detention; introduces the proposals to improve the norms of criminal, criminal procedural and administrative legislation, proposes the ways to improve legal evaluation of the acts of citizens and specially authorized public officers when detaining persons who committed a crime with the causing of harm to them.
The book is addressed to researchers, professors, post-graduates and students of law schools, judges, attorneys, law-enforcement officers, other persons who are interested in the problems of criminal and criminal procedure law.
© L. N. Smirnova, 2005
© R. Aslanov Publishing House “Yuridichesky Center Press”, 2005