Андрей Тихомиров The World as an Illusion. Мир как иллюзия

Arsenal of brain effects

Radio – TV – computer – hologram, here is the main arsenal of the 20th-21st centuries of forms of influence on human consciousness. The world is an illusion and the task of the oligarchy for all inhabitants of the Earth is to ultimately create their own world of illusions. And we are gradually coming to this. All earthlings have a set of desires, all of them are expressed in a condensed form in toasts when earthlings celebrate something, these are wishes for health, happiness, success, luck, wealth, security, etc. The set is approximately the same for everyone, someone, of course, wants to become a famous person, someone – rich, someone – to have many wives-mistresses, to receive pleasure and enjoyment, etc. And all this gradually becomes, as it were, feasible. The German idealist philosopher Hegel proclaimed the absolute identity of being and thinking. And his ideas are gradually being realized! Modern technologies and the latest developments make it possible to do this.

We are all subject to hypnosis every day. Yes, yes, you too. Unless you are one of those rare people who never watches television. The majority of humanity, however, falls into a habitual trance every night, staring at the flickering screen of the "box". Millions of gullible viewers are subjected to hidden hypnosis every day, imperceptibly influencing that part of their subconscious called the "collective unconscious". Every commercial influences your health and behavior. We eat, drink, dress and make love with an eye on what we see and hear. Television has the power to lull the mind into a state of heightened suggestibility, influencing our behavior. In the United States of America, billions of dollars are spent every year to sell us products that we could do without. Our lulled minds hardly protest when we obediently consume potions that even dumb animals run away from: sleeping pills, fat burners, tonics, sedatives, painkillers. Television is capable of tuning the human brain to expect pain even when the viewer seems to be feeling fine.

"Moneybags" – advertisers know the basic principles of hypnosis very well:

1. Relaxation.

2. Concentration.

3. Suggestion.

It's all very simple. Relaxed and concentrated in front of the TV screen, we absorb all the information suggested to us. At such moments, we are extremely vulnerable, since our consciousness goes into a hypnotic state. It is also called the "alpha state", since it is caused by alpha waves of the cerebral cortex.

Have you noticed how often advertising is repeated? Another principle of hypnosis is used here. Repetition enhances the effect of suggestion, eventually reducing human behavior to the level of nervous system reflexes. An action or deed repeated so often that it becomes ingrained in the human character and is reproduced almost automatically.

Day and night, newspapers, billboards, radio and television poison our consciousness with harmful habits. Weakening our inner defenses, they control our behavior. The average person spends fifteen years of his life in front of the TV screen, listening to every word with childish simplicity. And day after day, trained voices, ringing with sincerity, compete with each other to assure us that the pills and potions they present to us will cure anyone of all sorts of diseases. Statistical studies show that American pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars annually to sell their goods. The gullible consumer is forced to take medications that relieve headaches and nervousness, calm and tonic, sleeping pills and regulate weight. Pseudo-scientists, social scientists and psychological consultants conduct experiments on our psyche, and as a result, we lose control over our own desires. Everything we could perfectly well enjoy life without – alcohol, cigarettes and fatty foods – becomes simply necessary for us. The human instinct for self-preservation gradually becomes powerless against the daily attacks of commercials.

The defense of our feelings is weakened by various psychological techniques that the mind is unable to recognize; hypnotic influence on the subconscious level forms our tastes and habits, sometimes harmful, and we do not even suspect it.

Fortunately, our own brain can help us change. Habits can be controlled – after all, human behavior is quite malleable. With the help of hypnosis, people can “tune” themselves to health and success. This method is commonly called “positive programming.” Thanks to it, the mind, tired of constant fears and doubts, becomes fresh and renewed. In this way, we can get rid of acquired harmful behavioral stereotypes, stepping onto a higher level of internal development.
