I learned that in order to get love and appreciation you need to cook, clean the house, wash dishes, and not show emotions.
Passing out is the best way to escape.
Learn morse code and how to unlock locks without a key.
Go to the gym to be strong.
Upper body strength is the most important strength.
No one cares about your dignity.
Meditate, it's the least you can do for yourself.
Don’t judge people, you don’t know their story.
It’s OKAY to be alone.
You can come back from rock bottom.
Domestic violence can take many forms.
A shelter is more than just a place to stay.
Finding someone to talk to is vitally important.
You cannot change them.
Don’t talk about your feelings with them.
Have a plan. Always.
Try to get into college.
Don’t listen to them.
It’s not your fault.
You don’t have to be a good girl, but it would be helpful.