Р. Д. Фархутдинов, Л. И. Хамидуллина, А. Р. Сулейманова, Р. Р. Шигабетдинов Налоговые споры: от теории к практике

Теоретические аспекты межотраслевых связей гражданского и налогового права

Конспективный поглавный указатель по тексту Налогового кодекса Российской Федерации

Новеллы налогового законодательства 2016–2017

Образцы процессуальных документов

2-е издание, переработанное


Егорова Марина Валентиновна, председатель судебного состава по рассмотрению споров, возникающих из административных и иных публичных правоотношений Арбитражного суда Поволжского округа

Левушкин Анатолий Николаевич, д.ю.н., профессор кафедры гражданского права Всероссийского государственного университета юстиции (РПА Минюста России)

R.D. Farkhutdinov, L.I. Khamidullina, A.R. SuleymanovA, R.R. Shigabetdinov


Theoretical aspects of interbranch relations of civil and tax law

Index to the text of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Developments of tax legislation 2016–2017

Samples of procedural documents

2nd edition, revised





Egorova M.V., Chairman of administrative and other public law cases section of the Arbitration Court for the Volga Region

Levushkin A.N., Professor of Civil Law Department of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), Doctor of Law, Professor

Tax disputes: from theory to practice / R. D. Farkhutdinov, L. 1. Khamidullina, A. R. Suleymanova, R. R. Shigabetdinov. – 2nt ed., revised. – M.: Yustitsinform, 2018. – 92 p.

This revised edition contains the materials of theoretical studies of civil and tax law interbranch relations, as well as judicial practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period 2016–2017, concerning tax legal relations, structured in accordance with the sections and chapters of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Judicial practice is presented in the form of brief conclusions on the most relevant judicial acts rendered in 2016–2017. The proposed format allows the reader to freely navigate the large volume of judicial decisions and promotes the formation of structured knowledge about the approaches of courts to the problematic issues of tax legal relations.

For a wide range of readers interested in the issues of tax legislation

Keywords: transaction reality, tax disputes, developments of tax legislation, sample documents, judicial practice.

© LLC «Yustitsinform», 2018
