И. П. Павлов – первый Нобелевский лауреат России. Т. 3. Ученики и последователи Павлова Авторы-составители: А. Д. Ноздрачев, Е. Л. Поляков, К. Н. Зеленин, Э. А. Космачевская, Л. И. Громова


присуждения Нобелевской премии Ивану Петровичу Павлову


Серия изданий по истории Нобелевского движения как социального феномена XX века

Иван Петрович Павлов

I. Р. Pavlov Is the First Nobel Prize Winner in Russia. V. 3. Pavlov’s Pupils and Followers / Comments by A. D. Nozdrachev, E. L. Poliakov, K. N. Zelenin, E. A. Kosmachevskaya,

L. I. Gromova. St. Petersburg, Russia, “Humanistica”, 2004. – 544 pp.

I. P. Pavlov is a founder of the greatest physiological school which has no equal match all over the world. From the 1880s till the 1930s more than 250 pupils worked in the laboratories in the Military Medical Academy, the Institute of Experimental Medicine, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. The school gave to the science such outstanding physiologists as L. A. Orbeli, A. D. Speranskii, К. M. Bykov, P. K. Anokhin, E. M. Kreps, D. A. Birjukov, E. A. Asratyan and others who found their own scientific directions in physiology in our country and abroad (G. B. von Anrep in Egypt, B. P.Babkin in Canada, V. N. Boldyrev in USA). Pavlov's style of experimental work on different stages of his scientific creative work is analysed in detail, in itself the concept of the scientific school in forming scientific ideology are discussed. The comprehensive information about the school members is also listed. There are earlier unpublished reminiscences about I. P. Pavlov.

This book is designed for a wide range of readers interested in history of physiology and medicine.

При подготовке издания авторам-составителям оказали большую помощь: И. Ю. Аристова, Е. А. Луцик, В. А. Пастухов, М. Э. Рашотт (M. E. Rashotte), Н. А. Слепкова, И. В. Тункина

Издание осуществлено при финансовой поддержке Издательского Дома «Нобелевские лекции»

© Ноздрачев А. Д., Поляков Е. Л., Зеленин К. Н., Космачевская Э. А., Громова Л. И., 2004

© «Гуманистика», 2004
