Самуил Майкапар Годы учения Учебное пособие для СПО

Самуил Моисеевич Майкапар

Maikapar S. М. The Years of Study: textbook for SVE/ S. M. Maikapar. – 2nd edition, stereotyped. – Saint Petersburg: Lan: The Planet of Music, 2021. – 276 pages: ill. – Text: direct.

This book represents the memoirs of Samuil Moiseevich Maikapar (1867–1938), one of the most prominent piano professors at the St. Petersburg and later Leningrad Conservatory.

Maikapar is known nowadays mainly as the creator of a numerous pieces of a “children's” repertoire. At the same time, S. M. Maikapar was familiar with many outstanding musicians and succeded to describe his impressions in the book “The Years of Study”. Especially valuable is the fact that the book contains vivid portraits not only of such celebrities as Sophie Menter, Lyadov, Anton Rubinstein or Leshetitsky, but also, for example, Sacchetti, Sicke, Demyansky, Soloviev, and others.

The book is intended for students of colleges.

Фото на обложке: Enzo Lo Prestth на unsplash

©Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», 2021

© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», художественное оформление, 2021
