
11. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.


Clothing is a distinctly human artefact. Even more than the use of tools, it distinguishes humans from the other creatures on this planet. The basic purpose of clothing was originally practical. By putting on a skin, humans were able to move into regions ___ (A). An example of this use of clothing can be seen among the Eskimos, and other people who live with extreme cold. However, clothing was not only used for protection, but has also been a means of displaying one’s status. Thus, clothing also developed in countries ___ (B).

Clothing tells us many things about the wearer. It can be used to indicate ___ (C). The most extreme example of this type of clothing is a uniform.

A dress code is very important in business. It is a rare businessman ___ (D).

Most politicians also try to be neat and well-dressed.

The significance of what we wear is becoming more important ___ (E). There have been cases on holiday islands where the locals have been outraged by foreign visitors – especially female visitors – who wear far less than the minimum that the locals consider decent. Actually, the signals given by clothing as worn by men and women have decreased ___ (F). For example, today most women are very comfortable wearing jeans. Yet the sight of a man in a dress would raise eyebrows in most western cultures.

Clothing is very important in our society. So it is highly unlikely that there will be no use for clothing in the future, unless humanity evolves into a completely new species.

1. where there is no real practical need for it

2. because more people started to follow fashion

3. who does not feel the need to wear a suit and tie

4. where they otherwise would have been unable to cope with the climate

5. because many women now wear what were once «men’s’ clothes

6. as the cultures of the world mix

7. whether a person is a member of a particular group or organisation

