Task 3

You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions

Give full answers to the questions (2—3 sentences).

Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Typescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss friends. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: How do you get along with your peers?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What are the benefits of friendship?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Where did you meet your best friend? How long have you known each other?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do you communicate with your friends?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do you spend time together?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
